Forever and Always

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"You're saying that you wanna inject some random blue shit into Alby's body?" I ask, turning the vile of blue liquid around in my hand. "That's the stupidest fuckin' shit I've heard all day."

"Language." Newt scolds from beside me.

"Sorry, mom." I reply, rolling my eyes. Newt shoots me a glare before turning back to Thomas and the new girl, who informed us minutes earlier that her name is Teresa.

"We can't just inject this stuff into his body. We don't even know what this stuff is. We don't know who sent it or why it came up here with you." He says, gesturing towards Teresa. "I mean, for all we know, this thing could kill him."

Thomas gestures towards Alby, who's still restrained to the cot in the Medhut. "He's already dying. Look at him."

Newt and I both do, taking in the boy we used to look up to. His old, tough guy exterior has vanished. The boy who once took on the responsibility of leading us is gone, replaced by what can only be described as a few morsels of a human. Nasty, purple veins are creeping all up and down his body and face. His arms and legs struggle to break free from the restraints tying him to the cot he's laying on. Gasps and groans escape his lips as he tries desperately to break free, his entire body tense. Time isn't helping him the way it did for Gally. If anything, it's only making Alby worse. I force myself to look away, closing my eyes as I do so.

"How could this possibly make it any worse? C'mon, it's worth a try." Thomas says, trying to convince Newt. 

I can practically see Newt weighing the options over in his mind, the gears turning rapidly in circles in his skull. His jaw clenches as he looks at Alby for a few more seconds.

"Alright." The blonde says, tearing his eyes away from the boy he once called his friend. "Do it."

"What if it kills him, Newt?" I ask, the blonde meeting my eyes. There's an agony in them that I can't quite place as he looks at me, his deep brown eyes intense and full of pain.

"We have to try." He replies, his voice quiet. "He'd never bloody forgive me if I didn't try."

I nod, watching tears prick his eyes. I reach out and hold onto his hand, giving it a light squeeze before letting go and making my way over to Alby's cot.

Thomas, Teresa, Clint, Jeff, Newt, and I all make a sort of semi-circle around Alby's bed. Thomas hovers over Alby, the injection needle held tightly in his hand.

The Runner looks over his shoulder at Newt, who runs his hands over his mouth before crossing them over his chest, giving Thomas a small nod.

"Okay." He whispers, probably more for his own reassurance than ours. He turns back to Alby, hovering the needle over his muscled chest once again. Just before he can inject it however, Alby's eyes open, suddenly wide and alert.

He grabs onto to Thomas's shirt, bringing the brunettes face close to his.

"You shouldn't be here!" He snarls, spit flying from his mouth. Thomas struggles to get out of Alby's grip as Newt and I run over to try to help. Our attempts are useless. Jeff and Clint try to calm him down and press his body down towards the bed, but Alby's too strong.

"Calm the fuck down, Alby!" I scream as I try desperately to wrestle Thomas out of his grip. Alby just lets out a throat-ripping scream in response.

"Calm down!" Newt shouts.

"Get the syringe!" Thomas shouts over Alby's screams and grunts, trying to wiggle his way out of Alby's grip.

Finally, in one swift and somehow graceful movement, Teresa grabs the syringe and jams the needle into Alby's chest, injecting the blue liquid into his veins.

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