Someone's moody and someone needs to shut the fuck up

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"I can't believe that it's almost Greenie day." Newt grumbles from across me, his eyes still half closed.

"Isn't it wonderful? The bonfire's gonna be amazing. I can't wait." I say excitedly, nudging the half-asleep Minho who's sitting beside me. I let my eyes wander to Gally for a moment, his back turned to me. He decided to sit with the Builders today in order to not make anyone suspicious of us. We decided to wait until it felt right to tell everyone. 

Well... everyone except for Ben.

He's been suspiciously quiet and avoidant all morning. I don't blame him. He walked in on Gally and I mid-kiss. 

He's picking at the leftover fruit on his plate avoiding eye contact. Every time our eyes meet, he quickly looks away, his face becoming a bright shade of pink. I honestly feel bad for him. He didn't mean to see that. It's not his fault.

"Earth to Venus. Anyone home?" Newt asks, waving a hand in front of my face. I snap out of my trance, ripping my eyes from Gally's back and forcing myself to look over at Newt.

"Yeah?" I ask as innocently as I can, but Newt doesn't buy it. He looks at Minho, a smirk on his face. Minho grins back. "What?" 

I don't get a response. 

"What the fuck are you two smiling about?" I snap impatiently.

"You like him." Minho says, still grinning. I swear my face becomes fifty shades of red.

"I do not." I reply, crossing my arms and forcing myself to keep eye contact with him.

"Do too." Newt intervenes. I snap my head towards the blonde, glaring at him.

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."


"Okay! We get it!" Ben shouts in order to be heard over mine and Newts bickering. "Just shut up already, will ya?" He snaps.

"Jesus, Ben. I didn't know it was your time of the month too." I say with a smile, earning a laugh from Minho. Ben doesn't respond.

"It's not funny to joke about your pain, Venny." Newt mutters, crossing his arms.

"No one asked you, Newton." I snap.

"Someone's moody." Minho grumbles.

"Someone needs to shut the fuck up." I fire back.

"Someone needs to take a chill pill." The Runner replies with a smirk.

"Someone's aboutta get hit where the sun don't shine." I snap, causing MInho to put his arms up in surrender and look away from me.

"He's looking over here." Newt mutters.


"Who the hell do you think, Venny? Gally, for God's sake. He can barely keep his eyes away for two seconds." He snaps, glaring at me.

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm so gorgeous." I reply with a shrug, flipping my hair over my shoulder. Newt just rolls his eyes. I look behind me only to meet eyes with Gally. He quickly looks away, but I could've sworn i saw the smile on his face before.

"You're staring again." Minho murmurs, elbowing me. 

"I was doing nothing of the sort!" I gasp, placing a hand on my chest. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing?!"

"Seriously, V. You can barely keep your eyes off of him." 

"I can too! I simply just gazed over in that direction and he was there! It's not my fault that he practically appeared out of thin air!"

Newt and Minho both give me looks of annoyance.

"What's with the look on your face then?" Newt asks, crossing his arms.

"What look?" I snap.

"You get this look on your face when you see him." He replies. "It's like you see him, and you're staring at a sky full of stars."

"And?" I ask.

"You love the stars, V." Minho adds, furrowing his eyebrows together. "You love them more than anything."

The whole table goes quiet. I look at the ground, my fingers tangling and untangling themselves.

"I don't love Gally, if that's what you're implying." I finally say, although my voice is unsure.

"We have to go, Minho." Ben finally says, quickly standing up. I can feel the awkwardness radiating off of him.

"Shit. See ya later!" Minho shouts, already on his feet and running towards the entrance to the Maze. Ben follows closely behind.

"So, you love Gally?" Newt asks, crossing his arms on the table and leaning forward.

"I don't love him! Key word, don't!"

"Really, because the way you look at each other says differently." He replies, that stupid smirk on his face once more.

"I don't look at him any different than I do you, Minho, or Ben." I say, my fingers fiddling with each other under the table.

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm gay. We wouldn't stand a chance. Minho's too, well... Minho. I'm pretty sure that Ben's gay, but he hasn't told us anything about it, so I can't be positive."

"What does any of that information have to do with me and Gally?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows and suppressing a laugh.

"The point is that you look at Gally in a completely different way than you do the rest of us. You don't have feelings for me, Minho, or Ben, but there's definitely something going on between you and Gally. I see the way you look at him."

"A look doesn't mean anything."

"Yes it does, Venny. It means everything." 

A/N~ Hey guys! I just wanted to ask for any suggestions you may have for adding some more action scenes into this book. There's been quite a bit of drama as well as more to come, but there hasn't been a whole lot of action. Any ideas? I'm open to any suggestions.

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