Pinky promises are serious business, guys

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Venus's POV~

My cheek is tingling as Gally walks out of the hut. The feeling in my stomach is far from normal. I hate it. It makes me feel weak. I never want to feel weak.

But I can't ignore the way I felt when his skin made contact with mine. I can't ignore how right it felt for him to touch my cheek like that. I can't ignore the look in his eyes as he stared at me; how obvious it was that he was desperately trying to not look down to my lips. And I can't ignore how much I wanted to kiss him.

No. I can't think like this. Not here, not now, not ever. Not while we're trapped here. It'd be a distraction.

I push the funny thoughts out of my head, standing up. I grab my journal and pen before leaving my hut and heading towards the Deadheads instead.

As soon as I find my tree, I scale the trunk and sit in the fork of two branches high in the air. I lean back and begin jotting down a new poem. 

It's only been a few minutes before I feel the tree shaking. I look down and see somebody else climbing it. I recognize the frequent curses and grunts from below as the newcomer gets closer to my spot.

I lean back and open back up the book, finishing the poem while I wait for Gally to reach the top. 

When he does, I close my book and watch as he hauls himself up and over one of the branches, gasping desperately for breath.

"It only took you about five minutes." I say, leaning forward and crossing my legs underneath each other. "Congrats. That's a new record." Gally flips me off, leaning back and panting for breath.

"I just- don't understand how- you d- do that so often." He says between gasps for air.

"It's a habit, Galpal. I climb trees all the time. I always have." I reply, ignoring how attractive he looks right now. 

"You're writing again?" He asks, his gasps slowing down now. 

"I never stopped."

"Can I hear it?"

"Nope." I reply, popping the 'p'. Gally rolls his eyes.

"Why?" He asks, tilting his head slightly.

"Because last time I read you one of my poems, another one got leaked to the entire Glade. I'm not doing that again."

"But that wasn't my fault!" He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.

"But it happened after I read one to you."

"Please, Ven?" He begs, clasping his hands together in front of him and poking out his bottom lip.

"You're absolutely ridiculous, Wonder Boy." I say, failing to hold back my laughter. I sigh, opening the journal. "You can't make fun of it or tell anyone about it."

"I would never make fun of it or tell anyone about it, Ven. I promise." I glance up from my page, holding out my pinky finger. Gally looks at it, clearly confused.

"It's called a pinky promise, dumbass. You can't break it. They're really serious. Possibly the most serious form of sealing a deal, if you ask me." Gally meets my eyes, giving me a look I can so clearly tell says, 'this is fucking stupid. I'm not doing it'.

I sigh, keeping my hand out. "I'm not reading until you shake on it, Cap." Gally sighs loudly, but links his large finger with my smaller one. I smile, satisfied with my victory, before letting go of his hand and turning a few pages in my book.

"She's caught between two worlds
One called hell
And one called heaven
And which one she belongs in
Is impossible to tell
She's as sweet as a lamb
Her heart is made of solid gold
But she's tough as a warrior
With flaming fires in her soul
Her words are deadly
But her eyes are so kind
She's the most rare form of a person
You'll have the pleasure to find
She has the smile of an angel
But be careful what you wish for
Because hers is the mind of the devil
And you'll be begging to know more"

I look up, meeting his eyes. Gally's mouth is slightly agape, his eyes wide. He's just staring at me.

"Well...?" I ask, trailing off. I shift around awkwardly under his gaze. I hate when people just stare at me for no reason.

"It was good, Ven. Really good." He replies after a few seconds longer of staring. 

"You say that all the time. I want an honest opinion."

"I say that because it's true. It's really, really good. You're incredibly talented at writing." His voice is soft, his eyes scanning my entire face. I can feel my cheeks heating up. I can't contain the smile on my face at his words.

"Thanks, Gal. I appreciate it..." I pause before adding, "a lot."

He nods with a smile, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket. Gally hesitates before handing it to me.

"I drew it for you. Figured you could add it to the wall as a new edition of sorts." I smile at him, thanking his as I take the drawing from him and open it.

It's a dog. 

A very realistic, very familiar dog.

He drew Bark.

I stare at the sketch, drinking in every detail and feature in the dog's face. My mouth is open, my eyes are wide, and my mind has gone completely blank of any words.

I look up, staring at Gally.

"You drew Bark?" I ask, disbelief lacing my voice. He hates dogs. Why the hell would Gally ever feel the need to draw a dog? "You drew Bark." This time, it's more of a statement than a question.

My eyes flick from the sketch to Gally and back again. I can't believe he drew this. I can't believe he drew Bark.

"I figured that it would make you happy." He replies with a shrug. 

I ignore everything; the fact that we're in a tree, the fact that we could fall, the fact that there's hardly any room for the both of us up here. Every single one of those thoughts is pushed from my mind as I leap forward, throwing my arms around Gally's neck.

He hesitates for a moment before wrapping his arms around me, holding me against his body.

"Thank you." I whisper into his shirt.

A/N~ Another poem by me! Like I've said before, please don't steal it. Thank you all for reading!!

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