What can he say? Gally's a cheesy guy🤷

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"It's so fucking ridiculous." He's pacing the room and muttering the same thing under his breath when I open the door to my hut. I walk towards him, keeping a safe distance between us. 

"Gal?" I ask, his back turned to me and hands clasped tightly behind his back. I watch his whole body tense at the sound of my voice. He stops pacing almost immediately, going silent. "What's wrong?"

"You know damn well what's wrong." He replies, his voice is soft despite the anger radiating off of his body. "He breaks almost every rule we have here and immediately gets to be a Runner. No vote or anything. It's ridiculous."

"That can't be all, Gally. You wouldn't be this upset over just that." I say, taking a few steps forward until I'm standing right behind him. Gently, I place my hand on the small of his back, running it up and down the fabric of his shirt. Some of the tension in his body fades at my touch.

"I'm not good with words." He mutters, keeping his eyes trained on the wall in front of him. He's studying the sketches plastered on the wall, eyes drifting slowly from one to another. "Not like you."

"I'm not great at words either, Wonder Boy."

"You write all those amazing fucking poems."

"They're not that-"

"Yes they are, Ven. You know they are." Gally looks over his shoulder down at me, his gaze soft. My face is bright pink, but I don't think that he notices. If he does, he doesn't say anything.

"You don't have to be good at words, Gal. Just try to help me understand." He nods, looking back to the sketches on the wall. It takes him a minute to gather his thoughts and try to put them together.

"I'm losing control." He finally whispers, closing his eyes. I furrow my eyebrows.

He sighs, turning to fully face me when he sees the look of confusion on my face. His hand runs over my cheek before falling down to my hand. He clasps my hands in his, his eyes running all over my face.

"I can feel it getting worse. I'm having dreams again."

My heart thumps in my chest at his words. He told me before that he couldn't control it anymore, but I didn't know he was having dreams again.

"Like from the Changing?"

He nods, his eyes squeezing shut tightly. His hands squeeze mine so hard that I think my bones might break, but before I can do anything, his grip on me loosens, his eyes flying open.

"I can't tell you any more. They won't let me." Gally whispers, looking away from me. I place my hand on his cheek and bring his head up to meet my eyes. My eyes meet his blue ones.

"It's okay, my love." I assure him. He nods and wraps his arms around my body, pulling me close to him in a tight hug. I can hear him taking deep inhales as I wrap my arms around his neck, standing on the tips of my toes in order to hold him closer.

The feeling of Gally's nose rubbing gently side to side on my neck causes me to let out a small laugh. I can feel him smile against my skin as he presses a few kisses to my neck.

"How do you do it?" He asks me, pulling away with a grin on his face.

"Do what?" I ask, tilting my head. Gally runs his hands through my hair, brushing stray strands away from my face.

"You always seem to keep me grounded. I could be in the worst breakdown of my life and you'd still manage to make me smile."

"It's a gift." I reply, giving him a sarcastic, cocky smile. He grins back, the smile meeting his eyes and causing them to crinkle in the corners.

"So are you."

"That was so cheesy, Galpal." I say with a laugh.

"What can I say? I'm a cheesy guy." He replies with a lopsided grin. "Plus, you love it."

"I do." I reply, resting my forehead against his. "I really do." 

I press my lips against his, both of us smiling into it. He holds me gently, one hand running through my hair and the other wrapping from my waist to around my back.

My hands are still on his neck, but I let them slide down to his shoulders and eventually let them cup his face, holding it gingerly against mine.

Our lips move in sync, as if they were meant to be pressed up against each other. A world of colors is exploding before my closed eyelids and every thought in my brain is stripped away and  replaced by him.


My Gally.

The taste of his lips against mine.

The feel of his hands running through my hair and up and down my back.

The way he holds me so closely and gingerly at the same time, while also finding a way to clutch desperately at my back, refusing to let me go.

The small tugs he gives my hair.

The fact that this kiss is so much more than just a kiss.

I finally have to force myself to pull away, breathing heavily so that I can tell him all the things I've been so sure of for so long.

But as I'm looking at him and he's looking down at me, my brain fails to string any words together. Every thought unravels, creating a mess of my mind. So instead, I do the only thing I can think to do.

I press my lips to his again in a more passionate kiss this time. We cling desperately to each other, deepening the kiss.

Our bodies are on fire, the heat radiating around us and warming the air in the small hut. My skin is tingling. The whole world and all of our worries melt away around us. 

This kiss is so much more than just a kiss.

I hope so desperately as I deepen the kiss and pull him as close to my body as possible that this kiss will show him those three words that I'm so terrified to say.

A knock at the door causes our kiss to be cut short. Gally groans as he reluctantly pulls away from me, but still holds my body close to his.

"What?" He snaps.

"You have to come outside right now. It's important." The voice on the other side replies. I recognize it as Frypan's.

"Why?" Gally snaps again.

"It's the girl." He replies, his voice muffled by the closed door. Gally and I make eye contact before I break free of his loose grip and run towards the door. I rip it open and see Frypan panting heavily in front of me. He must've ran over here.

"Is she awake?" I ask hopefully.

"You could say that." The Cook responds. I look over my shoulder at Gally, earning a small nod from him. I immediately sprint past Frypan towards a group of Gladers huddled underneath the Watchtower. 

I'm guessing that's where the girl is.

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