It's another girl... DUH DUH! ⛈⛈

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The familiar feeling of fear courses through my veins as I near the Box. It flows through my body like a current, growing stronger and stronger as I get closer and closer to the already forming crowd. I know that all the Gladers are feeling the same thing as me. 

I push my way to the front of the group of boys until I'm standing right in front of the metal cage. Thomas pushes his way beside me, followed closely by Chuck.

Newt and Gally exchange a glance, confusion mixed with fear etched on their faces before each taking a side of the metal, cage-like doors and lifting them.

"Be careful, Newt." I call out. The blonde looks back at me and nods silently before carefully hopping down into the Box to greet our newest arrival.

"Newt, what do you see?" Frypan calls down. The entire Glade goes completely silent. I take a step forward, meeting Gally's eyes before peering down into the Box. 

"Oh my God..." I whisper, my hand covering my mouth as my eyes widen at the wonderful sight in the Box. I can feel Chuck and Thomas both look up at me, giving me questioning looks, but my eyes are too focused on the girl in the Box to give a shit.

It's a girl. 

Another real life, fucking girl!

"Oh my God!" I shout before scrambling down into the Box despite the many calls and shouts I hear from boys telling me to get back to safety. As if the girl would hurt anyone. I mentally scoff and roll my eyes as I stand beside Newt, circling her body that lies sleeping peacefully on the cold metal ground of the Box.

"It's another girl." Newt says, looking up at the rest of the Gladers. Immediately, boys begin calling out disgusting things such as,

"Shuck yeah! Two girls!"

"I got dibs!"

"No, you got dibs last time! I get dibs this time!"

"I bet she's hot!"

"Lemme see!"

"Bring her up so we can see her!"

"Shut the fuck up! All of you!" I shout, my head snapping up to glare at each and every one of the Gladers. "God, she isn't even awake! Have some fucking respect and decency for once in your fucking lives!"

The ones who were shouting out look down at the ground, shameful of what they said. I take the moment of silence to study the girl.

She's absolutely stunning, even in her sleep. Her lips, which are the color of pale rose, are parted slightly, allowing small breaths to escape her mouth. Her eyes are closed, but her eyelashes are thick and full. Her pale skin is smooth and flawless, a light, natural blush tinting her freckled cheeks. Her dark, chocolate colored hair is fanned out around her porcelain face in perfect waves. 

She looks like a corpse, peaceful despite its eternal slumber. The only indicator that she's alive is the faint rise and fall of her chest as she inhales and exhales small breaths.

I kneel down beside her, putting two fingers on her neck. I look up at Newt and nod, just to let him know that she's alive.

"What's that in her hand?" Gally asks from above, meeting my eyes. I exchange a glance with Newt before gently prying a slip of paper that looks as if its been placed ever so carefully in her loose grasp. I hand the paper to Newt.

He unrolls the paper before unfolding it, his lips moving slightly as he processes the words written on the paper.

"What does it say, Newt?" I ask, my anxiety and impatience taking over.

"She's the last one... ever." He reads aloud, looking up at the sea of Gladers above him. Once again, the Glade is silent. No one wants to speak first. 

"What the hell does that mean?" I ask, unable to contain my outburst. "What kind of fucking message is that? Who would-" 

I'm cut off by an enormous gasp of air from beside me. I jump, stumbling backwards from my already unstable place in the Box. I fall back and hit the Box, scrambling away from the girl. After all, it was her who decided to wake up without any warning.

The rest of the Gladers above us all scramble back, Frypan going as far as to spread out his arms like wings, pushing back all the Gladers he can fit behind him.

I look over at the girl, but her icy blue eyes are focused on someone above us. She raises her head slightly, still panting and out of breath.

"Thomas..." She whispers. WIthout looking at anyone else or saying another word, her eyes roll into the back of her head. Her head rests back on the cold metal as her breathing slows, returning back to normal once more. 

Everyone turns to Thomas. They all look from the girl in the Box to the Greenie, all sending him questioning or accusatory looks, trying to figure out the relationship between the two.

Thomas looks from side to side before averting his eyes back down to the girl. He meets my gaze, to which I just shrug and stand up. I'm not quite sure what to say.

"Medjacks, get her to the Medhut now!" Newt orders, standing up and casting a wary glance back down at the girl.

Clint and Jeff hop down into the Box with me, helping me lift her limp body out of the box and onto the lush green grass of the Glade. We stand up, ready to carry her to the Medhut, but I'm stopped in my tracks by Gally's cold gaze. He refuses to look away.

"Still think I'm overreacting?" He snaps before turning his back on me and walking into the woods. I want so badly to follow him and fix the problems we're facing, but I can't. There's a much bigger problem at hand and this time, I can actually help.

Clint, Jeff, and I all work together to carry the new girl to the Medhut in silence. I already know that it's going to be a long, boring day of sitting.

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