⚠Gally's a kidnapper, everyone! Stay away!!⚠

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Gally's POV~  

I want to talk to her. I have to talk to her. I force myself to look away, ripping my eyes off of her and focusing them back on the Builders.

They're talking, but their voices are muffled due to thoughts of Venus swirling around in my brain. I hate this. I hate this feeling that I'm beginning to get around her; that I've had for a while. It's only growing stronger.

I've tried to stop feeling like this about her, but it's nearly impossible. No matter what I do, she's almost always on my mind. I need to stop it. She's starting to consume my thoughts.

I stand up abruptly, gaining the attention from the people around me. I can't stand this. I hate the feeling of her hating me. I have to make things right.

"Where're you going, Gally?" Joe asks, the Builders all snapping their heads towards me in unison.

"No where." I reply bluntly. I earn a few eye rolls and mutters from around my table, but I don't plan on sticking around to find out what they really think about this. I have a mission and I intend to follow through with it.

I turn my back on them and instead, face Venus's table. I hold my head high and walk quickly over to her table.

All eyes immediately fall on me.

"What do you want?" Chuck snaps, crossing his arms and glaring up at me. Ben and Minho both stay silent, but if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under in less than a minute. Newt's trying his best to be calm, but the vein in his forehead is bulging with anger.

And Venus. My heart breaks at the expression on her face. She looks so hurt and angry and distant. She's avoiding eye contact, but I can practically see the hatred on her face.

"Mind if I borrow Venus? No? Great, thanks." I say, lifting her off the bench

"H-hey!" She shouts, stumbling over her words as I pull her towards her hut. "I could charge you for kidnapping!"

"You won't." I reply shortly, closing the door behind me as I walk past the threshold of her hut.

"I will." She snaps, crossing her arms and sitting on her bed, still avoiding eye contact. "Now why the hell did you kidnap me?"

"I wanted to talk."

"You couldn't have talked back there?"

"Not with them around." I say, leaning on the wall and crossing my arms across my chest.

"Coward." She mutters, looking at the wooden floor. I ignore the comment, searching my brain for all the words I want to say.

"I'm sorry." I finally say. God, that was hard to say. "I said some really fuckin' messed up shit earlier. I don't actually think that of you. I'm sorry."

The look on her face falters for a moment before returning to stone cold. "No you're not." She finally says.

"Yes, I am."

"You wouldn't have said them in the first place if a part of you didn't believe that it was true." Her eyes are still searching the ground, but now her hands are outside of her pockets and she's fiddling with her fingers. "It's like the saying, drunk words are sober thoughts."

"But I wasn't drunk." I reply, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You were angry. You said some shit, and you meant it. I can see it in your eyes."

"I say shit all the time when I'm angry. It doesn't mean that I mean it."

She looks up at that. I can't bear to look in her eyes for more than a second. The amount of hurt that flashes across her face is too much to bear. I look away.

"You're right." Her voice is soft, nearly to the point where I can't hear it. I almost wish I couldn't. "But it was the fact that it was you who said it. It wouldn't have been that bad coming from someone I wouldn't consider a friend, but the fact that one of the only people I actually trust said that to me..." Venus's voice trails off. She looks back at the ground. "It hurts."

"I didn't know you considered me a friend..." I look back up, pushing off the wall and moving to sit beside her. "I'm sorry."

She looks up, her gray eyes meeting my blue eyes. She searches my face for something, an indication of something, but I can't place what exactly she was searching for.

"Well I do." She whispers, running a hand through her long hair. I impulsively reach up, touching my hand to her cheek. Venus's mouth gapes open, but not a single sound comes out. She's completely silent.

I skim my thumb across the smooth skin of her cheek, fighting the urge to let my eyes flick down to her lips. Instead, I stare into her eyes, getting lost in their stormy sea.

I finally snap out of my trance, forcing myself to let go of her cheek and stand up.

"So," I clear my throat, standing awkwardly in front of her, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. "I'm really sorry about what I said, Ven."

She gives me a silent nod, absentmindedly skimming the skin on her cheek with her fingers.

"We good?" I ask, fiddling with my fingers. I hate this silence. Another silent nod. "Cool. See you later, then?"

"Yup." She says, barely above a whisper. She's staring at something to the left of me, her mind somewhere else. I give her a curt nod and leave the hut, glad to be away from the awkward silence.

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