Edgar Allan Poe type shit

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Chuck's holding tightly to my hand as we file into the Meeting hut behind the other Gladers. We find a spot on a wooden bench next to a Jeff. He sends me an encouraging smile before turning back to face where the Keepers are all standing.

I look around the hut, chatter and laughter filling the small room. My eyes fall on Thomas, who's sitting on the old, rickety wooden chair in the center of the room.

He meets my gaze and I send him an small smile, putting my thumb in the air to let him know that I'm rooting for him. He sends me a tight-lipped smile back before running a hand over his hair, his gaze falling on Gally.

I notice then that Newt isn't standing in the center of the circle of Gladers, ready to tell us what to do next. He's the second in command. He should be.

But it's Gally standing in his place, his sharp eyebrows raised in annoyance as he glares at the Gladers before him. He meets my eyes. I furrow my eyebrows at him in a look of confusion, but he just shakes his head, an angry look passing over his face when his eyes drift over to Thomas.

"Things are changing." Gally states loudly. At the sound of his voice, the Gladers fall silent. "There's no denying that."

He looks around the room, glaring at each and every Glader his gaze lands on. Except for me. His gaze softens when his eyes meet mine, but his expression turns back quickly after as he continues looking at every Glader.

Everyone's silent. No one dares to make a single sound for fear that Gally'll start yelling at them. I don't blame them. The look in his eyes is anything but friendly at the moment.

However, it's so quiet in the hut that it's eerie. The shadows being casted on everyone's faces due to the little light in the room doesn't help the eerie feeling I'm getting. This feels like some Edgar Allan Poe type shit or something.

I don't understand the point of the meeting either. It's ridiculous. Minho and Thomas survived and brought us back our leader. Shouldn't we be celebrating their return instead of turning it into some kind of depressing meeting?

"First Ben gets stung in broad daylight," Gally starts again, cutting my thoughts short. At the mention of Ben's name, my stomach twists. "And then Alby."

Gally  pauses for dramatic effect once more. 

"And now our Greenie here has taken it upon himself to go into the Maze." I look over at Thomas at the mention of him, noticing him glance up at Gally. He looks guilty; like a child being chastised by his parents for doing something he knew he wasn't supposed to.

"Which is a clear violation of our rules here." I mentally roll my eyes at his statement. I've never fully understood Gally's obsession with the rules. I guess he's never given me a reason for the obsession.

"Yeah, but he saved Alby's life." Frypan pipes up from behind Newt.

"Did he?"Gally questions, eyebrows raised. He looks over at Thomas, then back at Frypan. I can understand Gally's point, though. Alby's been stung, which means he'll just have to banished the same as Ben was. What was the point of Thomas and Minho risking their lives to save one that's already been lost?

Newt's eyes drift over to me, furrowing his eyebrows. I just shrug in response, turning my attention back to Gally. I don't understand why Newt doesn't just jump in and stop Gally from talking more than he already has. He's the second in command. With Alby gone, Newt's our leader. 

"For three years, we have coexisted with these things. And now..." Gally turns, pointing an accusatory finger at Thomas, who's sitting in his chair as quiet as a mouse staring at his hands. He looks up at Gally, eyebrows raised. "You've killed one of 'em."

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