Gally's down BAD for Venus

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Gally's POV~

"Stop." Venus snaps, causing me to look up. She's not even looking at me. I don't even understand why she's so upset. What I said wasn't even half bad compared to things I've told other people here before. 

"Stop what?" I tilt my head in confusion. "I didn't do anything."

"Stop tapping your fucking foot on the fucking ground. It's annoying." I grin slightly at her. I didn't even realize I was doing it until she mentioned it. 

"Oh, you mean this?" My grin only grows as I tap my foot harder and faster on the stone. She looks like she wants to punch the shit out of me.

"I will punch the shit out of you." She growls. Guess my assumptions were correct. I can't help but notice how funny she looks when she's mad like this. She's the least threatening person ever.

"You couldn't hit me if you tried." I lean forward, my forearms resting on my kneecaps.

"Wanna bet, dickhead?" Her eyes narrow and her hands ball into fists. I have to hold back a snicker at how ridiculous she looks. She could never beat me. Not in a million years. 

I'm about to tell her that when a series of clicks come from above, followed by the creaking of the door.

"Time's up."Newt says from above, one hand on his hip and the other outstretched to Venus. When he tries to help me however, I brush him away. I don't need help; especially not his.

When I finally stand up, I'm met face to face with Venus. Her expression is cold, but her eyes are lit up like fire. She's glaring at me. I glare back. The silence between us is too loud.

Newt moves so that he stands between us, looking down at Venus, then up at me, then back again.

"So, are we just gonna stand here like idiots or are we gonna go eat some bloody food?" He asks, trying desperately to break the awkward silence.

I roll my eyes. I don't have time for this shit. I ignore him and start walking forward, accidentally knocking my arm into Venus's shoulder.

"Pathetic." I mutter before I can stop myself.

"You bitch!" She screams loudly, desperately trying to get out of Newt's arms, which are now firmly around her waist.

I roll my eyes, walking away from them and towards the Builders. I'm not really great friends with them, but at least they're somewhat entertaining. They're even bearable to be around sometimes.

"Hey, Gal!" A few of them shout as I approach. I glare at them, shoving my hands in my pockets. They know not to call me that. Only she can call me that.

"What happened earlier?" One of my builders, Stephen, asks.

"Yeah. We heard lots of shouting." Joe adds from beside him. 

"Nothing that concerns you. Just Venus being overly opinionated." I reply as we walk towards the picnic tables, food in hand.

"She's always overly opinionated." Rick mutters, rolling his eyes. "She annoys the shit outta me sometimes."

I see Stephen elbow him in the ribs, causing Rick to inhale a sharp breath.

"The hell was that for?!" He shouts, rubbing his ribcage.

"He's friends with her." Joe says, eyeing me from the other side of the table. "Right, Gally? You're friends with her?"

"I wouldn't say friends." I reply, picking around at my food. "More like acquaintances. We're just two people who get along on rare occasions and talk sometimes."

"Good. I don't know how anyone could be friends with her." Morgan says. The Builders all laugh, so I join in. I want to yell at them and tell them to shut the fuck up, but they already kinda hate me as is. I don't need any more reasons for my own workers to hate me.

I look behind me, making eye contact with her. God, those eyes. My smile falters as I take in the expression on her face. She looks hurt. She looks so fucking hurt that it makes me physically hurt for her.

I look away quickly and back to reality.

"They all probably just wanna get in her pants." Morgan adds, his gaze flicking to Venus for a few seconds.

I can feel my fists curling into balls and my cheeks reddening. They keep making comments. They won't stop. They go on and on about which of them would be able to get with her, who they think she's slept with, how badly every guy here just wants to get in her pants, and how the only reason why she has friends is so that they can get her to trust them before they take advantage of her.

My chest hurts. My face is red. My knuckles are white. I want so badly to hurt each and every one of them right here, right now, but I know I can't. Alby wouldn't appreciate it if I was sent to the Slammer twice in a day. I've been in there enough.

So instead, I listen. I listen to the awful comments. I listen as they talk about her body. I want to punish them for this. I want them to feel the weight of their words.

I look behind me at Venus, realizing what she meant earlier before she stopped talking to me. She trusted me. She trusted me and I let her down.

I see her ruffle Chuck's curls and can't help but smile. She's so good to him; so kind and caring. She's like a mother to him.

I see her talking to the Greenie; watch as she does her signature awkward smile.

It makes me grin. I can't help it. He smile is contagious.

She looks behind her shoulder, meeting eyes with me again. Just like before, I snap my head back quickly so that she can't see the grin I'm hiding.

I risk taking a few more glances at her before dinner is over. I can't help it. How could you just ignore someone like Venus?

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