Chuck won! Gold star for him!⭐🏅

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Venus's POV~

"God, my head is pounding." Minho groans at breakfast.

"That's what she said." I mumble, my eyes still half closed from exhaustion.

"That makes no sense."

"You make no sense." I snap. "Why didn't you cut us off, Amphibiboy?" I groan, turning towards the blonde beside me.

"I tried to tell you three, but you wouldn't bloody listen." He replies, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Look, I know I'm hungover, but last time I checked, there were only two of us." I say, gesturing between Minho and I.

"I mean Ben, you bloody idiot. Speaking of, where is he? Don't you two have to run today?" 

"I don't know and I don't care." Minho snaps.

"Jeez, he's moody when he's hungover." I mutter to Newt, elbowing him in the ribs.

"And you aren't?"

"Shut up, Newton." He holds his arms up in surrender as the Greenie and Chuck make their way over to join us. Newt and I scoot over a little so that the new kid can sit next to me, Chuck sitting beside Minho. "How did you enjoy the bonfire last night, kid?" 

"It was so fun! Chuck was the best! He introduced me to everyone and I even got to watch him try to fight-"

Chuck shuts him up by throwing a piece of scrambled egg across the table. The kid immediately shuts up, but it's too late. I turn to Chuck, watching his face redden as he meets my eyes.

"You fought?" I ask, my voice low. He frantically shakes his head, his curls bouncing up and down at the rapid movement. "Who?"

"No one." He replies, his voice quiet.


"Cole." He mutters softly, lowering his head so that his eyes are trained on the grass.

"Why? I told you no fighting."

"I just wanted to see if I could win." 

"And did you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. I see a grin form slowly on Chuck's face as he lifts his head to look at me. He nods once, his eyes brightening. I shake my head, but can't help the smile on my face.

"Good job, Chuckie." I say, raising a hand for him to high five. He excitedly slaps my hand with his own. "And you didn't get hurt, right?"

"Nope!" He says, his voice loud once more. I smile as I look at Chuck, his brown eyes bright with joy. The kid beside me nudges me, causing me to break my gaze and look down. 

"Why's he staring?" He asks quietly, pointing over to the Builders table. I follow his finger to find Gally. The Builder is staring at us, a small smile on his face. When he meets my gaze, his grin only grows. "He's looking at you."

"I know, kid." I reply, ruffling his black hair. I can't help the grin that forms on my face as I look at Gally, his blue eyes bright even from far away. 

The boy nudges me again, snapping me out of my daze. I break my gaze away from Gally, focusing it on the Greenie.

"Why's he looking at you like that?"

"Like what, bud?"

"Like he's in love or something?"

"Do you even know what that is, kid?" I ask with a small laugh, trying to deflect the face that my face has turned a light pink.

"She's blushing!" Minho shouts. I jump, hitting my knee on the table and toppling backwards onto the grass. My head hits the ground pretty hard, causing a groan to escape my lips. The entire table erupts into laughter along with a few other tables nearby. 

I stand up, glaring at Minho, my hands curled into fists. His smile immediately dies when he sees the look on my face. 

The Runner quickly stands up, grabbing Ben who's just now joining us and sprinting away. I follow them all the way into the Map room with my eyes before sitting down again.

"Bloody hell, you can be scary sometimes, Venny." Newt mutters beside me.

"It's a blessing and a curse." I reply with a smile.


"Nail" Gally mutters beside me, holding out his hand. I pass him the nail, watching him put it in place before holding out his hand again. "Hammer."

Clint and Jeff gave me an extra break today, telling me to rest so that my head would feel better after I fell earlier at breakfast. I decided to bother Gally instead. It's less boring than sleeping. So here I am, sitting with my legs crossed on the grass with a bowl of apples in my lap, watching Gally repair the pig pen.

I pass him the tool and watch him hammer the nail into the wood. He leans back, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of one hand before taking an apple slice out of the bowl next to him and popping it into his mouth, returning his attention back on his work.

"Hey Gallyyy?" I ask in a sing-song voice.

"What?" He mutters.

"Can I have one of your apples?" He looks over at me, one eyebrow raised.

"You have a bowl of apples right in front of you." He replies, nodding towards the bowl in my lap.

"Yes, but your bowl is bigger, meaning you have more apples."

"Why didn't you get a big bowl?" He asks, hammering another nail into place.

"Because I didn't want a big bowl. The smaller bowls are cuter." I reply, holding up the bowl of apples with a grin on my face. "Plus, I didn't wanna make Frypan cut up any more apples than he already had to."

"It's his job."

"And it's difficult enough without me making him do more work than he needs to." I say, fiddling with my fingers. 

"I need another nail." I pass another nail over and watch him hammer it into the wood.

"So, where are we on that whole apple thing?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows at him. Gally sighs before leaning over and looking into the bowl. He then leans back, both eyebrows raised.

"You didn't even finish the ones you have." He says, but then continues to switch our bowls, giving me the one with more apples. I grin, eating a couple out of the bowl before taking a few pieces of fruit out of mine and placing them into Gally's now smaller one.

I see him smile out of the corner of my eye.

"You're so-"

"Shut the fuck up and eat the apples I gave you." I snap, popping one into my mouth. He grins, leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. I can't help but smile against his lips. He pulls away, a grin on his face. "You're ridiculous." I mutter, shaking my head.

"You love it." He replies, that stupid smile still plastered on his face. Instead of saying anything back, I lean forward, wrapping my arms around one of his. Gally looks down as I rest my chin on his arm, pressing a light kiss to the exposed skin.

"You're pretty, Wonder Boy." I gently nuzzle my cheek against his arm. He leans down, pressing a kiss to my cheek. I smile, leaning back. He goes back to hammering nails into the wood, but I can see the faint pink tinting his face.

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