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Gally's POV~

"Gal!" She shouts, trying to catch up to me. "Gally, wait up!"

Her voice is drowned out by my thoughts. I'm still fuming from earlier, trying my best to calm myself. First the Builders, now this? It's all too much for one day.

Plus, another thing has been weighing down on me. Ever since I saw the Greenie, I can't stop remembering the Changing. The horrible things I saw. My dad, the world, the zombie-people. 

The Greenie.

"Gally, I swear to God, if you don't stop fucking walking right now, I'm gonna-"

"What?!" I shout, my anger getting the best of me. My hands are balled into fists at my sides, my face turning red from anger. "What are you gonna do to me?!"

She stops, her voice seeming caught in her throat. Neither of us say anything for about a minute until Venus snaps,

"Why the hell are you so fucking angry with me?" 

"Because you went after him!" I shout, letting all my pent-up frustration get the better of me. "If he had run into that Maze, you would've gone after him, wouldn't you?!" I take a few steps forward so that I'm now looming over her. She stands her ground, however, planting her feet and glaring up at me.

"I'm not an idiot, Gally. You know that." She says, her glare more intense than I've ever seen it. "The reason that he didn't go into that Maze is because I stopped him. If I had let him keep walking-"

"No! The reason he didn't go into that Maze is because I pushed him away!" I shout, my knuckles turning white. "He could've easily pushed you away! He didn't have the chance to because I shoved him! You know that it's true!"

Both of us go silent, just glaring at each other, neither one of us wanting to be the one who blinks first. We both know we're too stubborn to be the one to back down first from a challenge.

"Why are you being like this?!" She finally snaps, crossing her arms across her chest. 

"Like what?!"

"Like an asshole! You've been a total bitch to everyone all day!" My voice is caught in my throat as I stare at Venus. "What?! Why are you staring at me like that?!"

"Because-" I cut myself off, running a hand through my hair. "Nothing. Never mind." I mutter, letting out a long sigh.

"Gal, I just want you to talk to me." She says softly, taking a step forward and placing her hand on my cheek. "You're always so frustrated and I hate that I never know why. I need you to talk to me, okay? That's what I'm here for."

I place my hand on hers, leaning my head into her touch. I nod, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths.

"What's wrong, Gally?" Venus asks. I open my eyes and see her staring up at me, her eyebrows knit together in a look of worry.

"I think... I think I've seen the Greenie before." I finally say after a long struggle. I'm not very good at talking about my feelings yet. I've been working on it, but it's still a work in progress. "He looks so fucking familiar. It's just been bugging me."

"Well, you've been through a lot, and after the Changing, I'm not surprised if you've seen him before. But that doesn't mean that you can just go pushing him around all the time. He's one of us now, regardless of his past life. He lost his memories just like us. He's scared and confused and curious. Hell, the kid can't remember his own name."

Venus rubs small circles on my cheek as she talks, her voice soothing. It seems to calm me down just enough for my heart rate to slow and my anger and frustration to slowly fade into darkness.

"Just give him a chance, okay?" I nod. "Promise me?"

"As you wish, Ven." I reply, opening my eyes once more and stepping forward, pressing my lips to hers softly. I place a gentle kiss on her lips and offer her a small smile once we pull away. She returns it, her eyes shining in the sunlight.

My smile grows as I stare at her, all the negative thoughts I'd had just a few seconds ago suddenly forgotten the moment our eyes met. She lets out a soft laugh, making me smile harder. I didn't even know it was possible to feel this way around a person.

"What?" She asks, laughing slightly.

"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head, my gaze still on Venus.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking." I reply.

"Well stop it, freak." She replies, running a hand through her hair. I don't. For some reason, I can't seem to tear my eyes away from her. It's like I'm seeing Venus for the first time all over again. 

I'm looking at her and suddenly re-living the moment I realized how kind she is and how brave she is. How gorgeous she is and how loyal she is. I'm re-living the moment I looked at her; really looked at her, and realized for the first time that I had feelings for her.

Except this time, the feelings are stronger. 

I can't stop thinking about her or looking at her. I see her when I close my eyes all the time. I see the stars or a sunset or a sunrise and I'm reminded of her. I look for her immediately when I walk in a room. She's on my mind 24/7 and I can't stop thinking about her. 

A funny feeling fills my body as I stare at her, a feeling stronger than anything I've ever felt for anyone. 

The feeling known as love.

Holy fuck.

I love her.

The realization suddenly hits me, snaping me out of my thoughts and forcing me to look away from Venus. I look at the ground, running my hands through my hair.

"Gal? You okay?" She asks, her voice laced with worry.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I say with a shaky breath. "I just remembered that I have a shit ton of work to do, that's all." 

Venus nods, her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"I'm fine. Really." I try to reassure her. I place my hand on her cheek and pull her in for another kiss. "I promise." I say when we pull away. She nods, but there's still a hint of concern on her face.

I offer her a smile, which she returns, but it's half-hearted. I can tell that she's worried about me.

I watch her walk away towards the Gardens before turning around, running my hands through my hair and over my face once again before making my way to the Builder's station.

The feeling I had earlier is back as I steal occasional glances back at Venus throughout the day. I can't help it.

I fucking love her.

I love Venus.

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