Gally's the only smart Builder in the entire Glade🧠

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3 weeks later~

"So, Logan. How do you feel about not being the Greenie anymore?" Newt asks early in the afternoon. Logan furrows his eyebrows, looking from Newt to me to Chuck.

"It's Greenie day." Chuck says with a smile, nudging the boy.

"Really?! I didn't even know!"

"I told you yesterday." I say, raising an eyebrow.

"I wasn't listening." He replies with a grin. I shake my head, trying to fight back the smile on my face.

"Maybe you should start."

"No, I think I'll stick to pulling pranks with Chuck." He replies, nudging Chuck. Both of the young Gladers grin at each other, snickering softly.

"You're gonna get in trouble one of these days." Newt warns, waving his fork at the two kids.

"Thanks for the warning, mom." Chuck says, rolling his eyes at the blonde.

"I'm just saying, you guys should really bloody stop."

"You should really shut up." Logan snaps.

"Logan!" I shout, elbowing him in the side.

"Ow! What the shuck was that for?!"

"First of all, watch your language! Second, you need to apologize to Newt. He's just looking out for you." I reply in a stern voice. 

"Fine. Sorry." He mutters, crossing his arms. Newt grins at me as I stand up from the table.

"Apology accepted." The blonde says with a chuckle.

"I'll see you all later, okay? I've got to go see Gally before the Greenie comes up." I ruffle Logan's and Chuck's hair before walking towards the Builder's station.

As I approach him, I study his body language. I can tell he's frustrated. The way he's standing, his tense body hunched over one of the tables. I watch him run his hands through his grown out buzz cut.

"I wouldn't go over there." One of the Builder's says, stopping me in my path. I recognize him as the boy with the long blonde hair the day that Maverick said all those horrible things to me.

"Why? What happened?" I ask.

"He's being an asshole, that's what. He just started yelling at us for no reason. Told us to all get the hell away from him before he loses control." He replies, running a hand through his long hair. "The best thing to do right now is just leave him alone. He'll figure it out eventually. His moods are dramatic and dangerous. You've been here long enough to know that."

"Yeah, well I'm gonna go talk to him, okay?" I snap, angry at the boy for speaking so negatively about Gally. Sure, he gets extremely angry sometimes, but he's never been that way with me. He seems to calm down when he's with me.

"Look, I-" 

"What's your name?" I ask suddenly, angry with the boy for trying to keep me away from Gally.

"Louis, why?"

"Listen, Louis, cause I'm only gonna say this once. I know Gally better than any of you, okay? If he's upset, I'm gonna go talk to him and there's nothing you can say or do that will make me stop trying. So I suggest you just move out of my way and let me go see my boyfriend." I snap. The blonde crosses his muscular arms across his chest, but steps aside, giving me a clear path to Gally. "Thank you." I say before pushing past him and making my way to Gally once more.

I start approaching him again, making sure to take quiet steps so as to not alert him of my presence just yet. He begins pacing for a few seconds before turning back to his table, fingers gripping the edges so hard that his knuckles are white. I can see the redness from his irritation creeping up his neck to his ears and cheeks, watching as he clenches his jaw and closes his eyes in an attempt to slow his breathing.

"Gally?" I ask softly, taking slow steps closer to him. I realize that he's not just angry, but extremely frustrated, the heat radiating off of him and warming the air around us. "Are you okay?"

"Fine." He snaps, teeth gritted and eyes still closed. "Everything's perfect."

I look down at the table, taking in the mess on the wooden surface. Sheets of paper covered in ink and scratch marks, rusted, broken nails, various tools, pieces of broken wood, and different colored pens are scattered across the table.

"That's clearly not the case." I reply, placing a hand on his lower back. Gally's body goes rigid at my touch at first before relaxing.

"Yeah, well that's what I get for hiring a ton of morons who can't do shit to save their lives." He mutters, stealing a quick glance my way before turning back to the many papers he has scattered around the table.

"You missed breakfast, Gal. You need to stop working and get something to eat."

 "I can't just stop working."

"Why not?"

"Because somebody has to." He replies, teeth gritted once more.

"Where are the rest of the Builders?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"They all fucking left." He snaps. "They were pissing me off so I got frustrated and they all ran away like the fucking cowards that they are."

"Please, Gal. Tell me what you really think of them." I say with a small smile. To my surprise, Gally steals another quick glance at me, a small smile on his face.

"They're all fucking idiots. Every one of them."

"Including you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not me. I'm the only one in the this entire fucking place who can build a proper chair. I'm the only one who can apparently take the right measurements and build the right things. I'm the only one who can fix the broken things in the Glade."

"I'm getting the sense that this has something to do with the Builders not taking the right measurements and building the wrong things." I say, rubbing Gally's back lightly.

"I told them the exact measurements that they'd need, and they came back with this!" Gally shouts, jabbing a finger at one of the papers. "It's all wrong! I told them exactly what to do and they couldn't do it right! Not only that, but Alby asked us for a few new chairs, and the morons built benches! They can't even follow simple instructions! I mean, what good are the Builders for if they can't Build anything?!" Gally's back to clenching his jaw and closing his eyes in order to calm himself down. "And now I have to fix it. Fix the mess everyone else made. Just as usual." He mutters that last part under his breath.

I take a deep breath and study the papers, trying to make sense of the different, colorful markings. I gently reach up and take Gally's face in my hands, forcing him to look at me.

"It's okay, Galpal, alright?" I say, looking up at him. He nods, his breathing returning back to normal and his face returning to its normal color. "What can I do to help?"

He looks absolutely stunned. Gally stands still for a minute, staring at me.

"W-what?" He asks.

"What can I do to help? I'm sure there's something I can do that I won't screw up. Just tell me what it is and I'll do it."

"Are you serious?" I nod, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Gally's face burns from the sudden show of affection, shaking his head in order to calm himself down. "Thank you, Ven. Seriously. Thank you."

"Any time, Gal. Now tell me what I can do. The Greenie should be here soon."

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