The more you know💫

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"C'mon, Ven! One poem! That's all I'm asking for!" Gally begs for the hundredth time.

"No, Galpal."

"Whyyyy?" He whines, folding his arms across his chest from his seat across from me.

"Because..." I start, trailing off as I second guess what I was saying.

"Because why?" He asks, raising a sharp eyebrow. I sigh, looking down at the notebook.

"Because these poems are my way of... letting out my emotions. They help me stay sane in a way, I guess. I can write exactly what I'm thinking in my poems. Thoughts, feelings, etc. I don't like sharing my feelings with anyone else."


"The only person who's ever heard them is Newt and that's because he's like, my best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend!" Gally shouts, throwing his hands in the air, causing me to laugh a little.

"Don't get your hopes up, Galpal."

"C'mon, Ven! It's me! You can trust me!" 

I sigh, contemplating what to do. Do I share one of my poems with him, or live with the constant begging? I eventually decide on the former, opening the notebook and flipping through the pages.

"Don't feel special." I mutter, deciding which one to read. "No, I can't do this."

"Just one." He says, looking straight into my eyes. 

"She looks like- no, forget it. This is stupid." I start before cutting myself off, closing the book. Gally reaches out, grabbing hold of my hand. I meet his eyes once more, the familiar sea of blue looking calmly into my stormy eyes.

"It's not stupid. None of them are stupid. She looks like..." He says. I open the notebook again, letting go of his hand.

"She looks like art
In the form of a poem
She was beautifully unique
Even from the start." 

I start slowly, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"She never seemed to fit
In the eyes of the world
She found comfort in the chaos
That the others would never get." 

I bite my lip, regretting ever starting to read the poem out loud.

"Who could..." I trail off,  biting back the tears that are threatening to prick my eyes. "Enough."

"No, Ven. Please continue." 

I sigh again, sniffling before continuing.

"Who could ever love a girl like that
A masterpiece of tragedy
But in everyone's hearts
She left a lasting impact

She would never fit in the eye
Of those who did not understand
Her perfect imperfections
And all that will apply

She was a beautiful mess
Made in the dead of night
An angel made from scars
But perfect, nonetheless

There, happy?" I ask, closing the book immediately when I finish the poem. Gally just sits there, stunned, with his jaw dropped.

I look at the grass, fiddling with my fingers. Reading it out loud made it feel real in a way that it didn't when I wrote it. 

"Ven..." He starts, trailing off.

"I know. It was bad. I'm sorry-"

Gally shuts me up by lifting my chin in his hand, forcing me to meet his eyes. 

"It was really good, Venus. You're really fucking talented." He says with a smile. I grin back, forcing back the tears. For a split second, I think I see Gally's eyes flick down to my lips, but it's over as soon as it started. I must just be hallucinating or something.

Gally lets go of my face, drumming his fingers on his kneecap instead.

"Do you have any more?" He asks, his eyes never looking up from his knee.

"I mean, I have a whole journal full. Just none I'm sharing with you."

The Builder looks up at me in disbelief and shock. 

"What do you mean none you're sharing with me?!"

"Well, Newt's already heard all of them and that was the only one you get to hear, so no more for you."

"That's unfair! I wanna hear more!"

"Well, sometimes we don't get what we want in life, Galpal. We just gotta learn to accept that and move on."

"Life lessons with Venus 101." He grumbles, looking back and the grass.

"The more you know." I mutter, grinning to myself. Gally just looks at me in confusion, causing me to shake my head as I stand up.

"Where're you going?" He asks, standing up as well.

"Infinity and beyond." I reply, walking towards my hut.

"Original." Me mutters, walking side by side with me.

"I know right. I'm just an original person." I open the door to my hut, walking in with Gally on my heels. I sit down on the bed, setting my notebook down and looking at the Builder. "Welcome to casa de Venus."

He looks like he's studying the room, taking in every square inch of it. 

"You built it. You should know what it looks like." 

"Yeah, but I haven't seen it since you redecorated. It looks really nice." He replies, still looking around.

There's nothing major for decorations, so I did the best I could. I have a few books that I found in the storage closet in the Homestead on some shelves above my bed, a couple of plants here and there, and a few sketches that I did taped to one wall. Other than that, there's no major changes to the hut.

"You're a good artist." He says, walking towards the wall with all the sketches. 

"Those aren't really that good. I was kinda rushing. I wasn't really-"

"Would you just shut up and take the compliment?" He asks, meeting my eyes, a glint in his. I sigh. It's difficult for me to take compliments. It always has been.

"Thank you, Gal." I say with a little difficulty.

"I like this one." He says, pointing to a detailed sketch of the night sky.

"Oh, uh, thanks. That one took a while, but I think it came out okay."

"You like the stars?" He asks, looking over his shoulder at me.

"Yeah. There's something so... magical about them. The way they shine in the darkest nights. It's beautiful."

Gally nods, looking back at the sketches. 

"I can draw you one if you'd like." I offer, causing him to look at me again.

"You'd do that for me?" He asks, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, of course, Wonder Boy. Just tell me what you want and I'll draw it. Anything."

He smiles at me, causing me to smile back. He's been smiling a lot recently; one that reaches his eyes and brightens his features. It's nice to see him like this. To see him happy.

A/N~ The poem above is one of mine, so I'd really appreciate it if no one steals it. It takes time and effort to write poetry, so please don't steal any of the ones I write into this book

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