Final goodbyes are always the most heartbreaking 💔

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"You're all just full of surprises, aren't you?" Gally questions, raising his arms slightly in defeat. His voice is bitter and full of poison, like a snake ready to lash out and bite us with his words. His face is set in a scowl, but I can see right through it. I notice the way his eyebrows furrow slightly, the way his Adam's apple moves up and down at the slight crack in his voice. The way his eyes brim with tears, but he swallows them back quickly so as to not look weak to everyone else. He's just as hopeless and scared as us. He just doesn't want to show it. 

"Gally..." I start, but I can't seem to form any words beyond that. All I can focus on is his wounded expression when he looks at me, quickly masked however with bitterness and hatred for Thomas. His cold eyes bore into mine, but I know he's not angry with me. Only hurt. I force myself to look away, swallowing back my emotions thickly. I feel Newt squeeze my hand gently, but his comfort doesn't help the betrayal I feel when I look at Gally.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving." Thomas says to the group of boys in front of him. I can hear a small quiver in his voice, but it's masked by the hope and determination on his face. His spear is raised in defense, ready to take on anyone who dares to try and stop him. "Anyone else who wants to come, now's your last chance!" He calls out, making sure to be loud enough that his plan is clear to everyone.

"Don't listen to him," Gally warns, holding out one arm. "he's just trying to scare you."

"No, I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared." Thomas interrupts, causing Gally to snap his head from the group behind him back to Thomas. "Alright, I'm scared. But I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here."

A silence falls over the Glade, broken only by the sounds of birds chirping merrily in the distance. I see some of the boys behind Gally glancing at each other, struggling with what decision they should make. 

"We don't belong here, Gally." I say, looking up at him and meeting his eyes. "This place isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here. At least out there we can choose how we want to live our lives. We get to choose what they look like. We can be free out there."

"She's right." Thomas adds, shifting his grip on the spear. "We can make it out of here. I know that."

He's met with more silence as the remaining Gladers make their choices. And slowly, one by one, the boys from Gally's side slowly and silently cross the invisible barrier separating us and join our group. Jeff and Winston, along with a few of the others until, besides Gally's most loyal Builders and comrades, he stands alone.

"It's over, Gally." I say softly, watching him look around at the remaining Gladers behind him with more hopelessness than ever before. He meets my gaze, his blue eyes filled with tears. 

Slowly, I make my way over to him, ignoring every soft mutter of protests behind me. I reach up and hold Gally's face, brushing my thumbs over his freckled cheeks. I stare into the sapphire blue eyes at the boy whose face used to light up when he saw me instead of fall with a look full of betrayal.

"It's over, Gally." I whisper, letting my thumbs draw small circles on his cheeks. He grasps my forearms lightly with his hands, leaning slightly into my touch. "Just come with us. With me. We can start a life out there. Please."

"I can't." He replies softly, his eyes closed. Tears fall down his cheeks, but my thumbs catch them and brush them away as quickly as they fall. His gaze softens when he opens his eyes and looks down at me.

It feels like it's been so long since I've seen him like this. He just looks like Gally. He's not trying to one-up anyone or impress anyone. He's not shouting out orders or taking control. He's not yelling at anybody. He's not the Gally who's usually angry and frustrated with the world. He's just Gally.

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