Newt is not a fan of 'that's what she said' jokes

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"Hey Newt!" I say happily, bounding up to the blonde boy early in the morning. He groans, turning around and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"A little quieter please? It's so early."

"I know! Isn't it beautiful?" I ask, bouncing on the balls of my feet.

"It's bright." He says sleepily, running a hand through his messy hair.

"It's perfect." I breathe, taking a deep breath of the fresh, morning air. I'm a morning person most of the time, which might be weird to the rest of the guys, but I'm a deep sleeper, so I don't wake up fifty times in the middle of the night.

"Next!" Frypan calls out. I bound up to him with Newt dragging his feet beside me.

"Hey Fry!" I say loudly.

"Hey Venus! You're happy."

"Great observation! It's such a pretty day. It always puts me in a good mood."

"You're almost always in a good mood." Newt grumbles. "Got any coffee?"

"Not today. I'll send a note down next Box day though. I also need more pretzels and a new thing of those pop tart things. I'm missing two packages."

"You're missing them?" Newt asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah. I woke up today and the pantry door was open. Someone must've gotten hungry last night." Frypan explains, handing us our eggs and toast.

"Hm, that's weird." I say quietly, looking at my eggs.

"Good to see you guys though. I'll talk to you later."

"Definitely. See ya, Fry!" I shout, grabbing Newt's hand and pulling him over to our usual table. Minho and Ben are the only ones at the table, so Newt sits beside me instead of one of the Runners.

"Hey Venny! Hey Newt!" Ben says happily through a mouthful of eggs.

"Gross, Ben. Swallow before you talk." Newt grumbles, his head resting on one hand.

"That's what she said." I say with a snort, earning a glare from the Trackhoe. "What? You said it."

"And you had to make it dirty?"

"Always, Newton. Always. Hey, Gal! Come sit!" I shout, waving the Builder over. He snaps his head towards me, glancing at the group before making his way over to us. "You can sit by me. Newt, scoot over a bit."

Gally squeezes himself on the end of the bench without a word.

"Jeez, no one but Ben is a morning person, huh?" I ask after a long silence.

"I'm just saving my energy for Running." Minho mutters, his eyes half closed. "Besides, it's too early to talk."

"And yet you are. Odd." Ben says, nudging the Asian boy next to him. Minho shoots him a glare, pushing his food aside and laying his head down on the table.

"Why're you so tired?" I ask.

"Didn't sleep." Minho grumbles.

"Why not? You need your beauty sleep." 

"I was in the map room all night. Those maps won't study themselves." He says, his voice muffled from the table.

"Hey, we gotta go." Ben interjects, nudging Minho. The Runner's head shoots up, his eyes suddenly wide open and awake. 

"See ya guys later!" Minho shouts, running with Ben towards the doors.

"So Gal, I was thinking of something last night before I fell asleep." I say, nudging the Builder beside me.

"What's up?" He asks, his voice slightly raspy. 

"How would you feel about painting my hut-"

"No." He interjects.

"Sage green?"


"Oh, c'mon! It'd be so pretty!"

"I thought blue was your favorite color."

"It is, but sage green just has a better feel to it, y'know? It'd look better than light blue for the insides of my hut."

"No." He grunts.

"Please?! Newt, what do you think? Should Gally paint the inside of my hut?"

"Depends on the color." He mumbles, opening his brown eyes slightly.

"Sage green."

"White's better." He replies, folding his arms on the table so that he can look at me better.

"But white's not even a color."

"Yeah, but it's calm. If you paint the insides white-" He starts before I can cut him off.

"That's what she said."

Newt throws his hands in the air, glaring down at me.

"Stop. Just stop. It's not even funny." He snaps.

"It's a little funny."

"It's not! It's immature and childish!"

"That means the same thing."

"What's it even worth making those jokes?"

"It's funny." I reply.

"You don't sound smart."

"I wasn't trying to, Newton."

"Stop making everything I say dirty."

"Stop saying things that I can make dirty."

Newt gives me a light shove, causing me to shove him back. He stands up, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I can't with this right now. It's too early for this klunk."

"Woah, watch your language there, buster."

"Slim it." He snaps, walking away, leaving me cracking up behind him. I turn to Gally, watching him pick at his food.

"Hey, Breakfast Buddy!" I say loudly, nudging his shoulder with mine lightly.

"How can you be so...happy this early in the morning?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm always this happy early in the morning!"

"But it's so early!" He whines, running a hand through his short hair.

"And it's beautiful! I got up to see the sunrise. Oh my god, Galpal. You've gotta see it sometime. It's unreal."

"There's no way in hell that I'm waking up that early."

"Oh, pleaseee? It's so pretty!"

"Just cause you say please doesn't mean I'm gonna give in and say yes." He grumbles.

"Rude." I scoff, standing up. "Well, Cap, it's been fun, but I've got work. See ya later?"

"You know it." He mumbles as I walk away towards the Medjack hut.

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