''Anything you want, and it's yours.''

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Gally's POV~

"What do you think of Venus?" I ask Frypan and Winston later that night from my hammock. All three of our hammocks are right next to each other, so we usually stay up and talk for a bit at night. Both boys look over at me in confusion. "I just mean what are your thoughts on her? Do you guys like her?"

"Not as much as you, I think." Winston replies with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I mean, we all think that she's great, but you think she's the best shucking thing to ever happen to this world." Frypan adds, snickering at his comment. I glare at both of the boys.

"I was just curious." I grumble, running a hand through my hair. Frypan shoots me a smile.

"Aw, c'mon, man. We were just joking." He says.

"Yeah! I mean, not really, but it's nothing to be ashamed about!" Winston adds.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I snap, turning my head towards Winston.

"Have you seen the way you look at her? The way you act with her?" He asks me, grinning a lopsided smile at me.

"Seriously, dude. It's so obvious." Frypan says. 

"What is?!" I shout, frustrated with them by now. 

"You're in love with her." Fry says quietly, looking up at the sky from his hammock.

"I'm not-" I pause, trying to find the right words. "Why the hell would you think that I'm in love with her?"

"Maybe because you're literally always around her." Winston suggests.

"You're mainly only nice to her."

"You talk about her all the time."

"You smile every time you see even the slightest glimpse of her." Frypan says, he and Winston listing off all these random things that they claim I do when I'm with Venus.

"I don't do any of that shit." I say, cutting them both off. "I treat her just like how I treat everyone else."

"Like shit?" The Slicer asks, looking over at me with a grin. I glare at him.

"Just admit that you have a crush on her." Fry says.

"I don't have a fucking crush on her." I snap, flipping off Frypan.

"I don't ever see you flipping off Venus." Winston says with a laugh, Frypan joining in.

"Shut up." I mutter. A peaceful silence passes between us before Winston speaks up.

"Just be careful, okay?"

"What the hell does that mean?" I snap. 

"Venus is a... dangerous girl." He says with a pause.

"She's not fucking dangerous. She wouldn't hurt a fly." I can feel my hands tightening into fists before loosening again. I think it's a nervous habit.

"That's not what I meant by dangerous. What I meant was that she looks delicate and sweet, but if you look closely, there's this fire burning behind her eyes. Her emotions spike in a second. She could be sweet to you one minute and then start screaming at you the next. She has the heart of an angel, but the mind of a devil. That girl could make hell feel like home."

"You guys just misunderstand her. She's the sweetest person to walk this earth." I reply at Winston.

"I love her as much as the next person, but that girl brings chaos with her everywhere she goes, Gally." Frypan adds.

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