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"And over there is the big dipper. It always points to the North star, so if you're ever lost and need to know which way is north, just find the big dipper." I say, pointing up at the sky as he follows my finger, squinting his eyes so he can see.

"I still don't get how you remember shit like this."

"Language! There's a dog." I say, hitting Gally's arm lightly.

"He doesn't even understand what I'm saying."

"Sure about that?" I ask, tilting my head. I look over at Bark, who's laying right next to me, fast asleep. "Bark." I say in a singsong voice. The dog's head immediately snaps up to meet my eyes.

Gally scoffs, shaking his head.

"That was purely a coincidence."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Galpal."

"Do you remember any other constellations?" He asks, laying back down so he's facing the sky.

"Oh yeah, tons." I lay back down as well, patting Bark's head as he closes his eyes. "I can't show them all to you. It'd take all night."

"I have time." He replies with a wide grin, looking over at me. "All night if you want."

"That's what she said."

"Really?!"  Gally shouts, shooting back up to a sitting position.

"I'm sorry! Blame the weather!" I say loudly, sitting back up after him.

"What the hell does the weather have to do with your dirty mind?!"

"Just shut up and look at the stars." I say, laying down once more. Gally sighs, but after a few seconds lays down.

"Show me some more constellations." 


"I'm starving." I say after I show him a couple more constellations.

"Guess you shouldn't have fed your burger to the dog." Gally replies, sitting up and leaning his back against a tree.

"That has nothing to do with my hunger." I snap.

"It has everything to do with your hunger." He says, his eyes following me as I sit up.

"It was like, two bites! Bark needs extra food!"

"The dog can eat the gross food like peanuts or pretzels."

"First of all, that's not good for dogs. Second of all, what?! You don't like peanuts and pretzels?!"

"Nope." He replies, popping the 'p'. "They're gross."

"So you're a sweet guy? You only like sweet foods and not salty stuff?"

"Not necessarily, but for the most part, I guess. Why? Are you a salty girl?"

"No. I'm a swalty girl."

"What the hell is a swalty girl?" He asks, wrinkling his nose when he says it.

"It's a mix between sweet and salty, dumbass. I like sweet foods and salty foods. Swalty."

"That's stupid."

"It's genius." I reply with a grin.

"You sound stupid saying it."

"I sound like a genius saying it."

Gally doesn't respond, but I can see him roll his eyes in the moonlight.

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