Stargazing, deep conversations, and dirty minds

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I'm currently sitting with Newt that night on a log by the empty fire pit in silence. He had come to get me only a few minutes ago, saying that we needed to talk, so here we are doing the exact opposite.

"So..." I say after a few more seconds of uncomfortable silence. "You wanted to talk?"

"Right. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions about Gally and his intentions, but just take a second to see it from my perspective, okay?" Newt asks, looking over at me. "You're my best friend. You're basically my sister, Venny. I'm just being protective. I don't want to see you get hurt because of him."

Newt pauses, looking down at his hands.

"Not only that, but he's a lot bloody stronger than you. He could do anything if he wanted to and you wouldn't be able to protect yourself. I just want you to be careful."

"I know that, Newton, but he isn't like that with me, okay? He's really kind and gentle with me. He has a soft side to him that you guys haven't seen yet. Gally would never hurt me."

"It just makes no sense to me. Almost every guy here would kill for the chance to be with you, and yet you chose him?"

"What are you talking about, Newt?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Don't act stupid when you know that you aren't."

"I'm not acting stupid. I don't understand-"

He cuts me off. "Yes you bloody do, Venus. 

"Look, I really don't wanna have this conversation right now with you."

"I don't care if you don't want to.  You have to, okay? You can't just go around falling for a guy like Gally without telling me why. I need to make sure he didn't put some sort of love potion shit in one of your drinks or something like that."

"Love potion shit?" I ask with a grin. Newt rolls his eyes, shaking his head slightly.

"Why are you falling for Gally?" He asks, meeting my eyes.

"I'm not falling for him." I mutter, looking down at my hands.

"And I won't have this bloody limp for the rest of my life. C'mon, Venus. Don't lie."

I pause, searching my mind for the right words to say. Seconds turn to minutes as I think, but Newt doesn't seem to mind. He just lets me think.

"I just- I don't know what's happening to me." I whisper, pulling up blades of grass before letting them slip through my fingers.

"They're called hormones, Venny." My head snaps up to meet Newt's, a confused look on my face.

"No, that's not what I-"

"It's simple biology or anatomy or whatever that shit is called. Either that or you're getting your period soon."

"I'm not getting my period soon!" I say loudly, smacking his arm lightly. "It's just... Gally's different. He's not what you guys think. He's kind. He's funny. He's gentle with me and he treats me right."

"Sounds like the classic 'the guy hates everyone but her' trope to me."

"I will kick you in the crotch so hard that you won't be able to have kids." I threaten.

"I wouldn't be able to anyway, so it wouldn't matter." He fires back. I snort out a laugh, throwing my head back and looking at the stars. "Do you love him?" Newt asks after a minute or so of silence.

"Maybe. I guess I don't know yet." I reply, tearing my eyes away from the stars above to instead look at my hands. "Have you ever been in love?"

"Nope." Newt replies.

"Not even before the Maze?" I ask, looking over at him. A few stray bits of hair fall into his eyes, causing him to run a hand through his hair to get the hair away.

"Not even before the Maze." He answers, leaning back so that he can look up.


"This is so depressing." Newt scoffs.


"We suck."

"That's what she said." Newt shoots me a glare at my comment, causing me to grin slightly.

"So, tell me exactly why you like Gally again. Did he take all his clothes off or something?"

I smack Newt's arm again, only harder this time. "No, he didn't take off his fucking clothes! That's disgusting!"

"Be gentle with me! I'm not as strong as Gally and Minho!"

"You're fucking nasty!" I shout in between smacks.

"I'm just sayin'! He had to have done something for you to be this obsessed with him!"

"I'm not obsessed with him!"

"Uh, a little bit! You write poems about him, like, all the time!" Newt shouts back, rubbing his arm. "Why did you hit me so hard?!"

"How do you know what I write?!"

"Because you read me almost all of your poems! I'm not dumb to the point where I can't put two and two together!"

"Oh..." I trail off. "I forgot I do that."

"I'm not as dumb as I look, Venus. I'm actually really smart."

"Humble too." I mutter.

"And insanely attractive."

"Also insanely gay." Newt snorts, shaking his head slightly.

"You never answered my question from before." He says, his eyes focused on the stars above us. I sigh, looking up with him.

"I like the way I feel when I'm around him. He makes me feel happy and good about myself. It's like when I'm with him, I can be myself. He doesn't ignore me or make comments about me. He listens and laughs at my dumb jokes. He makes me feel normal. He makes all of this," I wave my hands in the air before continuing, "disappear. Every fear or worry I had disappears when I'm with him. I'm happy with him."

"So you like his personality?" Newt asks, looking over at me again. I furrow my eyebrows at him, confused by his question. "I just mean that all of this and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Gally is sexy?"

I grin, holding back a laugh. 

"You think that Gally's sexy?" 

"That's not what I said." Newt responds. I can see the slight pink of his cheeks in the moonlight.

"Yes it is. You said that Gally's sexy. I mean, I knew you were gay, but I never thought that Gally was your type." I say with a laugh.

"He's not."

"Then why is he so incredibly sexy to you?"

"Can we drop this please?" He asks, his cheeks even brighter now. I laugh, nodding my head.

"It doesn't hurt that he's attractive." I mutter, running a hand through my hair, my cheeks turning red this time.

"So you admit that you think he's sexy!"

"No, I'm pretty sure that you admitted that." I snort. Newt throws his hands in the air, clearly agitated with me.

"Fine! I think that Gally is attractive! Sue me!"

I can't help but crack up laughing at that, Newt joining in shortly after. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, so I lean my head on his chest.

"I just want you to know that whatever decision you make about Gally, I support you. I might not be crazy about the guy, but you like him, and that's good enough for me."

"Really?" I ask, my eyes lighting up.

"Hell yeah."

"Thanks, Amphibiboy." I whisper, looking up so that I can see the stars again. Newt does the same. 

Newt tightens his grip around my shoulders, hugging me to his side."That's what best friends are for."

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