''Sad boy, what's wrong?''

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I'm sitting on the benches in the Meeting Hut in between Winston and Ben. Alby called a meeting as soon as Minho and Ben told him what they found in the Maze. My stomach is filled with nervous butterflies, my heart pounding in my chest as I anxiously wait for the meeting to start. 

Ben takes one of my hands, clutching it tightly in his.

"I call this meeting to order!" Alby shouts. Immediately, all the chatter dies down and all the Keepers fall silent. "I was informed tonight that the Runners found something new in the Maze."

"Why's she here? She's not a Keeper!" A boy with greasy, long blonde hair sneers from the other side of the room. It's Kamdon, aka, the Keeper of the Baggers. Disgusting. 

Alby snaps his head towards the boy, glaring at him.

"She's here because I said she could be. Shut up or I'll put you in the Slammer." He snaps. The blonde glares at our leader before shooting daggers at me. I flip him off quickly, a smirk on my face before Alby continues.

"Now, I don't want any of this information getting out to the others. This could be nothing, but if it is, it could be our way out."

My heart thumps against my chest as I give Ben's hand a squeeze, my free hand fiddling with my hair.

"Minho?" Alby says, nodding towards the Keeper. Minho stands up, making his way to the center of the room before speaking.

"Ben and I found a cave about a week ago. We explored it and were chased by a Griever before we could finish looking. Today, however, we decided to check it out one more time."

"Get on with it!" Kamdon shouts. Minho glares at him before continuing.

"Long story short, we found a series of tunnels inside the cave. Like Alby said, it could be nothing. However, we're planning on checking it out tomorrow morning just to be sure."

Ben and Minho make eye contact, a small smile across each of their faces. 

"Guys, this could be our way out." The Keeper says with a grin.

I look over at Gally as murmurs break out across the room. He meets my eyes, a stone cold expression on his face. I offer him a smile, but he doesn't return it. Instead, he looks away, his jaw clenched tightly shut. I furrow my eyebrows slightly at his reaction. Why isn't he happy about this?

"Calm down!" Alby shouts. The Keepers fall silent once more. "Not a word about this to anyone, got it? I don't need them being disappointed if this turns out to be false." 

Everyone nods.

"Meeting dismissed." The Keepers begin shuffling out of the room, still muttering about the information Alby just shared. 

"I'll catch up with you, okay?" I say to Ben. He nods, jogging to catch up with Newt and Minho. I see Gally still sitting on the bench across from me, elbows resting on his kneecaps and his head in his hands. 

I look around to make sure that everyone's out of the room before making my way over to Gally. I kneel down in front of him, placing my hand on one of his arms. 

He flinches slightly, his head shooting up, eyes sharp and cold. His gaze softens when he meets mine.

"Sorry." He mutters, running a hand over his slightly overgrown buzz cut.

"Sad boy, what's wrong?" I ask, moving my hand to his cheek. Gally leans into my touch, his eyes closing. He shakes his head slightly, staying completely silent. "You were okay earlier. Did something happen?"

"Nothing." He replies shortly, eyes still closed. 

"Gal, something must've happened. You can tell me." I let my hand fall from his cheek and rest on his thigh. 

"Just tired." He replies. His eyes open and he leans in, pressing a kiss to my lips. My eyebrows furrow again when we pull away.

"You're not tired of me, are you?" I ask. He places a hand on the back of my neck, pressing another longer kiss to my lips. "That's a pretty good answer." I whisper, resting my forehead against his. "You're sure nothing's wrong?"

"Yup." He mutters. I place my hand on his cheek again and he leans into it once more, this time pressing a kiss to my palm. I smile as I look at him, his eyes closed once more.

"Okay. You can talk to me though, Gal. I'm here for you."

"Nothing to talk about." He whispers.

"Okay." I nod, standing up, but before I can walk away, Gally wraps his arms around my waist from behind, pulling me into him. I inhale sharply, my body tensing as he places a soft kiss to my shoulder. "Gal?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. "What are you-"

He cuts me off by standing up and turning my body gently so I'm facing him. He leans down, pressing his lips against mine. 

My hands travel to his waist as I gently wrap my arms around his torso, pressing myself closer. 

The kiss deepens when he wraps one of his hands in my hair, the other trailing up and down my lower back.

I break away to breathe, but Gally moves to my jaw and neck, kissing up and down the skin. My mouth opens slightly, a smile growing on my face as he kisses me. 

He slowly pulls away, a small smile forming on his lips.

"What was all that for?" I ask, raising my eyebrows, a grin on my face. Gally shrugs in response.

"Just a thank you." He replies.

"For what, exactly?"

"I dunno. Being you." 

"That was cheesy, but I'll take it. I should be me more often if that's the thanks I get." I joke, taking his hands in mine. Gally smiles, shaking his head softly with a small laugh. A silence passes between us before I say, "I guess I should go."

"Don't go." He says softly, resting his forehead against mine.

"I promised Ben I'd catch up with him after the meeting."

"Tell him something came up."

"He won't believe that." I reply, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"Who cares? Don't go."

"I can't stay, Gal. I'll see you in a bit though, okay?" He sighs, pulling away from me. 

"Okay." He says, his voice barely above a whisper. I take a step forward and press a long kiss to his lips.

"I promise I'll make this up to you."

"Alright. See you later?" Gally asks. I smile before saluting him.

"Aye aye, Captain." He smiles, shaking his head with a soft laugh as I walk out of the Meeting hut to find Ben, butterflies still swarming my stomach from our kisses.

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