''Maybe in another life...''

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Thomas is the first to speak. The rest of us all stand in utter shock. How did he make it through the Maze? 

I begin to take a step forward, but Newt and Minho both grab my upper arms lightly, holding me back. 

"No, Venus. He's been stung." Newt whispers, unable to tear his eyes away from the boy in front of him. Taking a closer look at him, I notice the dark veins creeping up his neck. The way his hands tremble uncontrollably. The way his once bright blue eyes have now been glazed over and darkened.

There he stands, just a few feet in front of me, all six foot two of him. Just a few steps forward and I can touch him once again. I can hold him. I can kiss him. 

I watch as the Key drops from his hand, landing with a loud thump on the concrete floor and echoing around the room. My eyes shift to his other hand. My breath hitches in my throat. Clutched tightly in his right hand is a shiny metal gun, shaking slightly despite his tight grip.

Tears streak his grimy face as he stares at us, shaking his head over and over again.

"We can't leave." He says with a shaky voice, the muscles in his neck tightening.

"We did, Gally." Thomas says, eyes shifting warily from his face to the gun and back again. "We're out." His hands are held out in front of him, voice soft and slow as if he's speaking to a scared puppy. "We're free."

"Free?" Gally questions, tilting his head. He narrows his eyes, letting out a choked scoff as he looks around the room. More tears form in his eyes before dropping down his cheeks. "You think we're free out there?" He asks, gesturing towards the open door behind us. 

His eyes scan the crowd before him before landing on me. A fire lights in his eyes as he looks at me.

"There's no escape from this place." He says, eyes trained on me. "Come back to the Glade with me, Venus. Come back home."

I swallow the lump in my throat despite the difficulty and begin walking towards him. Minho and Newt's hands fall from my arms. They begin to protest, but there's no use in them trying to stop me. I'm already standing in front of Gally.

"Gally..." I finally choke out, looking up at him. I want to reach up and touch his face. I want to hold him. I want to run my thumbs over his cheeks and wipe away his tears. But I don't. I hold myself back. "What did they do to you...?"

"There's no freedom for you out there, Venus. I've seen it." He whispers.

"We can get you help, Gal. I'm sure we have another serum somewhere. Just let me check the bags. Let me help you."

"I don't need your fucking help." He snaps, anger flooding his eyes. I take a step back, fear coursing through my veins. 

"Gally, listen to me." I say cautiously, making sure to keep my voice soft so that I don't risk alarming him. "You're not thinking straight. You're hurt. We can help you. I can help you."

"Venus-" Newt starts. I can hear him start to step forward, but I snap my head around and meet his eyes shaking my head.

"Don't." I say, my eyes shifting to each person in the group, their eyes all full of fear as they watch Gally and I. I turn back around to face Gally.

"Just put down the gun, Gally." Thomas adds from behind me. Gally's gaze snaps over to Thomas, anger and hatred burning in his eyes.

Gally raises the gun towards Thomas, but with one swift movement, I've stepped in front of it. Ignoring the cries of protests behind me, I grab the barrel and press the cool metal against my forehead. Tears flood my eyes.

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