When will I find my Gally?😭😭

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"Ven?" A voice calls out from the other side of my door. His voice. He knocks a few times before asking, "Are you alright?" 

"Just dandy." I call back, but my voice betrays me by cracking slightly. 

"No you're not." Gally says. I can hear the concern in his voice. "Are you decent? I'm coming in." As soon as I say yes and start to protest, the door opens and Gally rushes inside my hut. "What's wrong, Ven?"

"Nunya." I reply, smiling slightly. I know my eyes are red from tears. I know my throat is sore from all the yelling. Gally seems to notice as well.

"I heard shouting earlier. Was everything okay?" His eyebrows knit together in concern and I smile, scrunching my nose at how adorable he looks. 

"Everything's fine now. Just Newt being a bitch, but what's new?" I reply with a shrug.

"Are you sure that's all?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Positive, Galpal. Thanks for checking up on me." I say with a small laugh. He looks down, trying to hide the tiny grin on his face. "You don't have to stay, y'know."

"I know." He says, lifting his head once more.

"Does that mean you're gonna?"

"As long as you're fine with it."

"You do you, I guess." I shrug. "I'm gonna sleep though. I love sleep. It's so comforting. Do you like sleep?" I yawn, my eyelids growing heavy as I realize just how tired I truly am.

"I don't get much. I'm not a heavy enough sleeper, so I'm up and down all night." 

"That sounds awful. Sleep is amazing." Another yawn. I fluff my pillow up behind me and lay down, throwing the blankets over my body. "There's a chair over there if you want. You could always do something else though. I'm not sure what, but you're smart. You'll figure something out. You don't have to stay though if you don't want to. I'm too tired to be upset with Newt right now, so you do whatever you want." I ramble, my eyes closing and my words slurring together.

I don't hear what he says after that. I'm already asleep.


"Subject A3 is ready for sedation, doctor." The man in front of me says. I try to break free of the chains which shackle my hands together, but the guard behind me grips my shoulder tightly, digging his nails into the skin. I wince in pain, but refuse to cry out. I won't give him the satisfaction.

"Thank you, Janson. Leave her to me." The doctor says. The man nods once, motioning for his guard to follow him out of the room. The doctor waits until they're gone before kneeling beside me and reaching her hand out, stroking my cheek gently. "My beautiful girl." She whispers.

I jerk my face away from her, spitting on the ground by her feet. "I hate you." I snap, my voice cracking. I'm just now realizing how dry my throat is.

"This is for the best, Venus. You know that. I know you do." The doctor's voice is barely above a whisper.

"No parent should ever treat their child like this! It's bullshit!" I scream, tugging at the chains once again. 

The doctor shushes me, clamping her hand over my mouth. 

"Don't cause a scene." She scolds, uncovering my mouth. "Don't be stubborn."

"I hate you." My voice cracks again, more violently this time as more tears come to my eyes. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

"You won't when this is all over."  Suddenly, her hand is back on my mouth as a new guard enters the room, wasting no time to jam a needle into my neck. I feel nothing as the doctor uncovers my mouth. "This is for the best."

"I hate yo..." I can't finish my sentence. My blood runs hot, then cold, then back again. I feel like I'm losing the ability to speak and move. My limbs start to tingle and I drop to the marble floor, my body convulsing slightly.

I try to look around, but there seems to be three of every object in the room until they all begin blurring together. I can't make out lines or shapes anymore. Everything is one big blur.

"Goodbye, Venus." The doctor whispers as I feel myself being picked up and carried out of the room.


"Ven." His voice pulls me out of my dream. His soft, calm voice. I jerk awake, sitting straight up in my bed, sweat dripping down my forehead. "Hey, look at me. Breathe." Gally whispers, his voice soothing and warm. 

It's then that I realize that I'm breathing so heavily, yet I'm not breathing at all. I'm just inhaling air, but I'm not really internalizing any of it. It's heavy breaths and shaking. I force myself to calm down, closing my eyes and holding my breath for a few seconds before exhaling. I do that a couple more times until my breathing returns to normal.

"What happened?" He asks, gripping my hand in his. I rip my hand away from Gally's, clinging onto the bed sheets instead.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I say, forcing myself to stay calm.

"Don't do this, Ven. Not now." He whispers, his eyebrows knitted together in concern once again.

"It's nothing, Wonder Boy. I'm being over dramatic anyway." I have to force myself to keep my voice steady.

"You're not being dramatic. What's wrong?"

"You stayed?" I ask, ignoring his question and instead, gluing my eyes to the chair pulled up beside my bed. There's a blanket strewn across the chair and a pillow thrown across the floor.

"Of course I stayed." Gally mutters, looking at the ground instead of me.

"Well, thank you Gal. For everything."

"I guess I'll go then if you're sure you're alright." Gally stand up, ready to walk out the door. 

"Stay." The word leaves my mouth before I even knew what I wanted to say. Gally turns around, a small glint in his eyes.

"You want me to stay?"

"I mean, if you're comfortable with it."

"I, uh- in the chair, or..." He stutters. I grin slightly.

"I mean, it would be more comfortable over here, but whatever you're- oh!" I shout, caught off guard by Gally laying down next to me, curling himself into a ball.

"Ven, You're pratically being crushed between me and the wall.

"It's fine, Gal. I'm alright." I reply, his scent filling the air around us. He smells earthy, like wood and dirt. He smells familiar and comforting.

I shiver despite the amount of blankets and the newfound body heat beside me.

"You're cold?" He asks, his voice closer to me than I expected.

"Just a little, but it'll be fine." I reply, my teeth chattering. He goes silent for a second before asking,

"Are you ready?" He sounds unsure, but before I can ask what he's gonna do, one of Gally's large hands snakes around my hips, pulling me into his side. Immediately, a rush of warmth fills my body. "Better?"

"Much." I reply with a smile. "Thanks for staying, Wonder Boy."

"Anytime, Ven. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?" He asks. I nod despite the fact that he can't see me, but I'm too tired to care. My eyelids are growing heavy again and soon enough, I've fallen into a deep sleep once again.

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