Maverick's a sick, son of a bitch and Gally's gonna burn him to the ground

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I walk out of my hut about thirty minutes later and make my way towards the Builders to find Gally. I picked out a light green top, black cargos, and my black converse as my outfit for today. As usual, I made sure that everything was covered before leaving the hut. The shirt is a little tight, but it should be okay considering all my skin is completely covered.

I take a deep breath as I approach the Builders, my hands already fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.

"Lookin' for Gally?" One of the Builders asks me when I finally reach them. I've never seen him around here before. He's tall, with long blonde hair pulled back into a bun, huge arms, and a crooked nose. 

"Yeah, have you seen him anywhere?" I ask quietly, doing my best to draw the least amount of attention to myself as I can.

"No, but I'll ask someone else." He replies, never taking his eyes off the chair he's building. "Hey, Mav! Any idea where Gally went?!" He calls out while hammering a nail into the wood.

Another boy, I'm assuming Mav, walks over to us, wiping his hands on a towel.

"What's the problem?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.

"Where's Gally?" The other boy repeats, his eyebrows knit together as he wipes the sweat off his forehead using his forearm. 

"Why do you need him?" 

"Because the girl was askin' for him, ya moron." The boy with the long hair snaps. Mav looks at me before a grin spreads across his face. He sticks out a hand in my direction, waiting for me to take it and shake his hand.

"Names Maverick, but everyone 'round here calls me Mav." He introduces himself, still grinning brightly at me. I hesitate before taking his hand. 


"I know who you are." He says with a smirk. I furrow my eyebrows. 

"How do you-"

"You're the one who banged Morgan a week ago." Maverick replies, his grip on my hand tightening. My eyes go wide and I feel my face growing hot. I look to the side, but the boy with the blonde hair is nowhere to be seen. 

"I didn't-"

"It's okay, sweetheart. It's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have needs, don't we?" He asks with a wicked smirk plastered onto his face.

Maverick gently yanks me forwards by my hand, causing me to stumble into him.

"I can't wait for my turn." He whispers into my ear. I'm squeezing my eyes shut as he continues talking, trying to shut him out. I wish more than anything that I could disappear. He's whispering what he wants to do with me; to me. I've had enough. I can't take it anymore. 

My eyes snap open, rage overtaking my emotions. Using as much force as I can muster, I yank my arm away, stumbling backwards slightly. Without any warning, I sink my fist into the boy's gut. He's down in an instant, gasping and wheezing for breath.

The boy with the blonde hair rushes over to us with a concerned look on his face.

"The shuck happened?!" He shouts, running his hands across his flyaways.

"I'll tell you what fucking happened! You guys need some serious help, that's what!" I shout, my blood still boiling with anger. A crowd forms around us, every eye on me and the boy who's still clutching onto his stomach.

Four people push through the crowd, two crouching beside the boy on the ground and the other three staring at me, mouths agape.

"Wanna explain what the shuck you just did?!" Alby shouts at me, a vein in his forehead bulging out of his skull.

"I can't deal with it anymore!" I scream, running my hands through my hair.

"She's crazy!" Maverick wheezes. "First she attacks Morgan, now me! Who's next, huh?!"

"Oh, shut the fuck up, you disgusting piece of shit!"

"Someone find Gally!" Newt shouts to the crowd around us. "Venus, calm down, okay? Tell us what happened."

"Calm down?! Calm down?! After what he just said to me?!" Newt slowly walks towards me, his hands out in front of him. 

"Take a deep breath so you can tell us what he said to you." He says calmly. I look around me at the boys. All of them look utterly terrified of me. 

I see Gally pushing through the crowd, Winston following close behind.

"Are you okay, Ven?" He asks, walking directly over to me. He places his hands on my shoulders, checking for any visible injuries. "What happened?" His voice is soft and gentle as he speaks.

"Ask Maverick. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to repeat it." I reply, my voice like venom. Gally slowly turns around so that he's facing Maverick.

"What the fuck did you say to her?" He snaps, his voice dangerously quiet. Maverick's eyes are glued to the ground. He doesn't speak.

"Go ahead. Repeat it." I snap, my arms crossing across my chest.

"I don't want to." He whispers.

"I don't care what you want, you sick son of a fucking bitch! Repeat it! Tell him what you told me!" I shout, storming in front of Gally so that I'm standing directly in front of Maverick.

I see Newt's eyes narrow as he looks at the Builder, his hands tightening.

"I don't want to." He repeats, looking up at me and meeting my eyes. I clench my jaw, my hands tightening into fists once more. He seems to notice the subtle movements. His eyes immediately widen and he scrambles backwards, knocking Clint and Jeff slightly off balance.

The boy with the long blonde hair grabs onto Maverick, holding him still.

"Maverick. Talk." Alby orders.

"I told her I was gonna get her alone one of these nights and shove my di-" Alby holds up a hand, his eyes shut tight. 

"Okay, I've heard enough." He says.

"That's not fair!" I shout. "I had to hear it whispered in my fucking ear! Why can't you?!" My blood is boiling, my face red. I look around myself. Everyone except for Gally is looking at the ground in disgust, none of them meeting my eyes. Gally's glaring daggers at Maverick. I can tell it's taking everything in him to not punch the boy right here and now. "Look at me!" I scream.

They all slowly look up, pity in their eyes.

"I've been here longer than most of you, and during that time, I've put up with a shit ton of comments and sexual innuendos. I've never once said anything about it. I ignored them as best as I could. But I'm not doing that anymore, okay?! I've had it!" I shout, my voice raising as I continue.

"I don't want your fucking pity! I want you to sit here and listen to what he just fucking said to me! I want you to have no choice but listen, because that's what I've dealt with for the past three fucking years!"

The Gladers are all silent, so I continue my rant.

"How do you think it would feel to have a guy tell you how he can't wait to tie you up and fuck you until you can't take it anymore?! Until you're screaming?! Until you're crying for him to stop?! Until you're begging for mercy?! How would it feel to sit there and listen to him go into detail about what he wants you to do to him?!" I scream at an all-silent Glade. Everyone's looking at the ground again. No one can make eye contact with me.

Gally's the one to break the silence. He silently walks over to Maverick, looming over the just recovering boy. Without a word, Gally punches the boy in the jaw, earning a sickening crunch and causing him to fall to the ground once more. No one even reacts.

"You come near her again and I'll burn you to the fucking ground." His voice comes out in a deadly whisper. "That goes for all of you!" He shouts, now addressing the entire crowd. "If any of you go near her, I'll kill you with my bare fucking hands!"

And without another word, Gally gently laces our hands together and leads me away. 

A/N~ Merry Christmas, guys! I love you all so much!!

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