Gotta make sure to get that beauty sleep!😴

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"Lights out, everyone! We got work tomorrow!" Alby shouts to the Gladers, making sure that everyone can hear him. There are quite a few boos and complaints, but for the most part, people are either too tired or too drunk to care.

"But Alby!" Minho shouts, his voice ringing out louder than everyone else's. "We're having fun!"

"No, Minho! Did you forget that you have to run tomorrow?!" Alby shouts back, frustrated that Minho is this drunk. "You shouldn't be getting wasted like this!"

Minho doesn't respond as he and Ben stumble their ways towards their hammocks.I drag my feet across the Glade, making my way to my hut. It's a little difficult when your eyes are half closed, but I make it work.

I reach the door and open it, walking into my beautiful little hut. I change into my pajamas which consists of an oversized, off the shoulder tee-shirt and a pair of bike shorts and climb under the blankets, making myself nice and comfortable. My eyes grow heavy, but they snap awake when I hear a knock at my door.

"Helloooo?" I hear someone shout from the other side. "Anyone home?"

"Go away!" I mumble, covering my ears with my pillow.

"Greenieee!" He shouts. There's only one person in the world who calls me that still. I groan as I stand up, stumbling towards my door. I open it slowly, glaring up at Gally.

"What?" I snap, annoyed that he ruined my sleep schedule for this.

"Hi Greenie." He slurs, his eyes slowly trailing up and down my body. I suddenly grow very self conscious about how short these shorts are, doing my best to tug down my shirt over my thighs.

"What do you want?" I ask, crossing my arms across my stomach.

"I just missed you." He says, his eyes lighting up. God, how much has he had to drink tonight? Certainly more than normal. "I don't feel so good." He mutters, his face contorting in a pained expression.

"Oh, shit. C'mon." I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the Deadheads. We can barely even make it into the outskirts of the woods before Gally doubles over, vomiting onto the grass. 

My stomach twists at the grotesque sounds, but I stay by his side, my eyes closed as my hand rubs his back. 

Gally collapses to the ground, me following suit. I continue rubbing his back, my hand creating small circles on the shirt as Gally vomits again and again.

I can't leave him no matter how much I want to. I need to stay by his side no matter how sick it makes me feel. He needs my help.

"It's okay. I'm here." I whisper continuously as he continues vomiting all over the grass in front of him.

It takes about ten minutes of off and on throwing up, but Gally eventually empties his stomach. Sweat beads his forehead, barely visible in the moonlight.

"Thanks." He mutters, rubbing the sweat off his face.

"No problem, Galpal." I reply, still rubbing his back. "Oh, you uh, you got something..." 

My voice trails off as I point at Gally's shirt, vomit staining the material. Gally doesn't even hesitate to rip it off, tossing the fabric to the side. He leans back, his hands supporting his weight as he stares up at the sky.

My face is bright red. I just hope he can't see it in the dark.

"You shouldn't have to take care of me." He mutters after a few minutes of silence. I shake out of my trance, staring up at his face.

"It's no big deal. It's not like I'm missing my beauty sleep or anything." I reply, grinning when I see the corners of his lips curve into a smile. "So, why'd you wake me up? I mean, out of everyone else, why me?"

"I don't know. I was drunk."

"You said it's because you missed me." I mutter, rubbing my forearm with one hand. I watch as his face turns bright pink, but it's barely even noticeable in the moonlight. It's there though.

We look at the moon and stars for a little while, pointing out constellations we remember and arguing about whether or not the moon is full tonight or not.

After a little while, Gally walks with me back to my hut. I'm about to walk in the door when he stops me.

"Sorry for waking you up. I don't know-" 

"It's alright, Gally. I'm glad you did." He turns to look at me, his eyes lighting up.

"What?" I ask, my eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Nothing." He replies, shaking his head. But he has a smile plastered on his face.

Gally's pov-

My name. She just said my name. My real name. No nicknames. No cuss words. My name. Gally.

I've never heard her say my name before. She's never said it. She's always called me some stupid nickname like Wonder Boy or Captain or Galpal. She's never called me Gally before.

It's nice to hear her say it. It shouldn't be, but it sounds really pretty when she says it. Like music.

Why does she make me think like this? I should never think like this? This isn't me. This is some guy that met a girl and now he's gone soft. I can't go soft.

But Venus. 

She said my name.

She vowed she would never say my name before and now she has.

And it sounded perfect when she said it.

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