Gally's too hot for his own good!😍

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My eyes flutter open slowly. It takes me a minute to remember what happened. I look around slowly, taking in my surroundings. I'm in the Medhut, but when I look beside me, I notice Gally sitting in a chair by my bed.

I groan, sitting up slowly.

"What happened?" I ask, rubbing the back of my head. My brain feels foggy. It's like I can't remember anything that happened in the last thirty minutes.

"Low blood pressure, I think. You almost passed out a couple of times, so I brought you here. Clint said to just spend the night here just in case, but he thinks you're alright. There's nothing much he can do, to be honest."

"You forget that I'm a Medjack, Gally. I know what's wrong with me." I snap, running a hand through my hair. Gally sighs loudly. I turn to look at him, but notice something clutched in his hand. Something familiar. "Why the hell do you have my notebook?"

"It fell earlier when you passed out. Figured I'd grab it for you." He replies, a small smile forming at the corners of his lips.

"You didn't read anything, right?" My voice is shaking slightly. I try to control it, but I can't. I really hope that he didn't read it.

"I wasn't trying to." He replies, rubbing the back of his neck. "It fell open though."

"Which poem?" I snap, fiddling with my hands to keep the restlessness to a minimum. Gally opens the book to the very last poem that I wrote, reading,

"I like having late night conversations
With the moon
Where she tells me about the sun
And I tell her about you"

Shit. Why this poem?! Any but this one!

"Conversations full of detail
To infinity and beyond
Ones where I talk and she listens
She doesn't even need to respond"

It couldn't have been any of the others?! It just had to be the one specifically about him?!

"The moon tells me about the stars
But all I can think about is your eyes
The way they shine like tiny diamonds
They're little stars in disguise
The moon tells me about the sun
But all I can think about is the warm feeling you give me
My skin is set on fire any time you touch it
And all I can feel is absolute glee
"I never thought I could feel this"
Is what I tell the moon
"But this boy has me feeling so incredibly happy
I know I'll be falling for him pretty soon"
I smile as I talk
And the moon just sits and listens
Because the look in my eyes is hard to deny
When I talk about you, they sparkle and glisten
I hope you talk about me
The way I talk about you
Because the moon knows how deep my feelings for you go
Even from her point of view
I can't deny my feelings for you
The moon knows that to be true
But I just wish you could fall for me
The way I fell for you

-Poem by Venus"

He finishes reading the poem, closing my journal and handing it to me. Gally crosses his arms loosely across his chest, a small smirk on his face.

"Who's it about?" He asks, his smile only growing. My face is red. I can feel my cheeks burning as he grins at me.

"Nunya." I mutter, looking down to avoid his gaze. I hear Gally shift in his chair and look up to see him mere centimeters from my face. My breath hitches in my throat as I look at him, my eyes wide and my face only growing more hot.

"Who's it about, Ven?" He asks again, only much quieter this time. I gulp. I literally gulp.

"Nunya business." I whisper back. Gally stares at me for a few seconds longer before leaning back in his chair, once again crossing his arms.

"Bullshit." He says. "Why won't you tell me who it's about?"

I snap out of my daze, looking at him once again. "Because it's none of your business."

"I think it is. It's all of my business."

"Why, because you think it's about you? Oh, please, Gally. You need to lower your ego if that's what you thought."

Gally grins, running a hand through his short hair before crossing his arms again, this time flexing his arms ever so slightly so that his muscles and veins pop out.

I have to force myself not to look. He's too goddamn attractive for his own good.

"Why's your face so red then?" He asks, his eyes twinkling.

"Sunburn." I reply shortly. Gally raises a sharp eyebrow. "I was out in the sun for a long time today. It's just sunburn."

"Right. Just sunburn." He says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"It is!" I defend. "God, you're acting like Minho right now."

"Oh please." He scoffs. "Minho's way more self-centered than me. He's the king of the high egos."

"Real original, Galpal. You should be a comedian." I roll my eyes, crossing my arms.

"I know right? I'm a funny guy."

"You're hilarious. So funny, in fact, that I almost forgot to laugh." I mutter. Gally snorts out a laugh. "Now go away so that I can sleep." 

Gally grins before leaning forward once again so that we're face to face. Despite him having done this just a few moments ago, my breath hitches again. 

"You got it, Ven." He whispers, tilting my chin upwards with one of his large hands, forcing me to look him in the eyes. 

The feeling in my stomach is absolutely insane. Butterflies explode into more, a swarm flying around my rib cage, causing me to feel nervous.

My face heats up again as he leans back, letting go of my chin and standing up. Gally walks all the way to the door before turning around, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

"You might wanna use some extra sunscreen, by the way. The one you use right now sucks. Your face is as bright as a tomato."

And with that, Gally's gone, leaving me to stare at the ceiling, replaying what just happened in my head.

A/N~ That is my poem!! Please do not steal i!!!

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