Gally looks mighty fine in blue🥵🥵

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Venus's POV~

I roll out of bed the next morning exhausted. That's new for me. I'm usually wide awake and happy when I wake up, but today I'm more tired than I was when I went to sleep.

I had stayed with Gally longer than expected last night. By that, I mean the sun was about to come up by the time I left the Slammer. I don't really regret it. He asked me to stay, so I did. He wanted company. I don't blame him. The Slammer can get pretty boring when you have no one to talk to.

I trudge my way across the Glade for breakfast, my eyes half closed and my hair thrown into a messy bun on top of my head.

"Hey, Venus!" Ben shouts, beckoning me over to our usual picnic table. I make my way over slowly, barely even aware of where I'm going. "You alright?" He asks when I reach the table.

"Just great," I mumble, resting my head on the table and closing my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Minho asks as he sits down across from me.

I let out a yawn, covering my mouth as I do so. Once I lower my hand, I reply, "just didn't sleep great." I pick my head up, looking around. Nearly every Glader around us is staring at me, mumbling to each other about something. "The hell are they talking about?" 

"I think Gally punching JJ for you," Ben mutters softly, suddenly interested in his empty plate. I snap my head up, wide awake now.

"How'd you know about that?" My eyes are wide, my heart thumping as my face heats up. The embarrassment of yesterday washes over me like a tidal wave and, suddenly, I can feel everyone's eyes burning into me. They're watching my every move, waiting to see how I'll react to their words, as if I'm an animal in a cage. But, looking around again, I notice hardly anyone even looking at me, their eyes fixed on each other as they talk quietly. 

"Because everyone's talking about it," Minho replies with a shrug.

"That was yesterday! Can't they just let it go?" I shout, throwing my hands in the air. Newt walks over to us, setting two trays of food down. "What's this?"

"Breakfast," he says, placing one tray in front of me. "You never got any."

"Oh, thanks Newton," I reply with a tight-lipped smile.

He furrows his eyebrows, his eyes darting all over my face as he studies me. I wish he wouldn't. "Everything okay?" He asks, tilting his head.

I don't respond. A silence falls across the group. I can feel the boys' eyes on me, but I ignore them. I look around again, noticing Gally sitting with his friends at a table a little ways away. 

I feel my face heat up when he turns to look at me, meeting my eyes. I quickly snap my head away, waiting a few seconds before looking back. 

He's still looking.

I offer him a small smile which he returns before he gets nudged by one of his friends and breaks the eye contact.

Newt nudges me, causing me to snap out of my daze. "Don't you think so, Venny?" He asks.

"What?" I ask, blinking in confusion as the heat in my cheeks fades.

"Doesn't it feel hotter today than normal?" Minho replies, wiping his forehead.

"Now that you mention it, it does. I wonder why." I shrug. I stand up, pushing my full tray of food away. "I'm not hungry."

"V, you have to-" Ben starts before I cut him off.

"I'll eat later. I need to go get dressed." With that, I walk away, leaving the group of boys all staring at each other in confusion. 

I change quickly, lacing up my combat boots. I tie my hair into a ponytail before walking out of my hut only to feel a wave of heat hit me. It somehow got ten times hotter than it was before in the short period of time I was in my hut.

I run over to Newt, a concerned look on my face. "Why's it so fucking hot?" I gasp, wiping my forehead for what feels like the millionth time.

"I'm not sure, but we're gonna have to be careful out in the sun today. Make sure you're drinking lots of water."

"Okay, mom," I say with a grin. Newt just looks at me, a disappointed look on his face. "What, gonna pull the disappointment card on me? Send me to my room?"

Minho and Ben run over to us, grins on their faces. Newt gives them a confused look. "What in the bloody hell are you two doing here?"

"Day off," Minho replies, tossing an apple into the air. He sends me a wink, a grin on his face. I roll my eyes, looking away from him, allowing my gaze to wander.

"Alby said he didn't want us out there because of the heat," Ben adds. "Clint said something about heat-stroke or whatever. Point is, the Runners don't have to work and the rest of you do." He lets out a small laugh, punching Newt's shoulder lightly. However, I barely hear him because, just as he's saying that, I see Gally. 

"Holy fuck..." I whisper. Ben, Newt, and Minho all follow my gaze, looking at the Builder.

"What? He looks the same," Ben says. But he's wrong. Gally, in fact, does not look the same.

I can't seem to tear my eyes away. It's such a minor change, yet it makes all the difference."See the shirt?" I ask in disbelief.

"It's blue. It's plain blue, V," Minho replies, sounding bored of this conversation.

"Exactly. It's blue," I mutter, a small smile on my face. Gally's replaced his usual, worn and faded brown tee for a blue one. It hugs his body, maybe even a little tight in the arms due to the fabric hugging his muscles and causing his biceps to stand out more than usual. 

I can't believe how fucking attractive he looks.

"There's a reason I'm gay," Newt says, causing me to snap my head over to him. "Not for him, of course. He's not my type." He pauses, looking back over at Gally. 

"Quit starin', you two," Minho says in an annoyed voice, nudging me with his elbow.

"I'm not staring," I reply, forcing myself to tear my eyes away from Gally.

"Yes, you are. You're practically eye-shucking him right now." Ben grumbles. Newt agrees with him, but I elbow him in the ribs, shooting the blonde a glare. Newt clutches the area with his hand, his eyebrows screwed together in pain.

"You have no right to agree! You check out every Greenie that comes up in the Box!" I shout, throwing my hands in the air.

"I do not!" He shouts back.

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do-" I start before Minho cuts me off.

"God, shut up! Don't you guys have anything better to do?!"

"Nope," I reply, crossing my arms.

"Unless you count staring at Gally," Newt grumbles under his breath. That makes Ben laugh loudly, a couple of the Gladers around us shooting us a glance. Minho lets out a snort. I, on the other hand, punch Newt on the arm. 

The Trackhoe grabs his arm tightly, his face contorting in pain. "What the shuck was that for?!" He shouts, his voice five octaves higher than normal. Minho and Ben both crack up even more. I just smirk, crossing my arms once more.

"Learn when to shut up next time." I snap, grinning up at him.

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