Winston and Frypan= besties ♥

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"What's going on?" I ask Newt as rain begins falling slowly from the sky. I join Newt, Thomas, Chuck, Logan. Frypan, Winston, the two other Medjacks, and a few other Gladers under a makeshift tent the boys must have made earlier.

"We're not sure." Winston says after Newt fails to hear me, his attention focused solely on the doors of the Maze. 

"Everything's changing. I can feel it." Frypan mutters beside me.

"No shit." I say, locking my gaze on the doors. I think back to the dream I had the other night. The woman in the lab coat had told me that everything was going to change. Maybe this is what she meant. I take a deep breath before walking out from under the safety of the canopy and into the cold rain.

I hear the boys shouting at me to come back, but I ignore them. I walk right up to the stone walls, standing in front of the entrance to the Maze.

I don't go in. Deep down, I'm too afraid to. I don't show that, however.

I stand outside the Maze, the rain and wind biting my skin as lightning flashes across the sky, splitting the clouds apart, followed by the loud, echoing roll of thunder.

I stare into the Maze, studying the little bit of it I can see. As I study it, I can't help but feel like a prisoner. The Maze is beginning to appear less like a protective barrier and more like a cage, sure to hold us hostage rather than protect us. The ivy is no longer beautiful as it sways in the wind and rain. It's eerie, mocking the fact that it can climb the walls and we can't.

We're nothing more than lab rats put here for the mere entertainment of the Creators, just waiting to be picked off whenever they get bored.

My damp hair sticks to my forehead and back as the rain picks up, now pouring down on me in a torrential downpour. I can barely see into the Maze through the heavy rain.

I look over my shoulder at all the Gladers hiding under canopies and tents, all staring at me as the rain drenches my skin. All we do is hide. When something remotely difficult or different comes our way, we hide. It's human nature. It's a learned behavior we develop when we're kids. Hiding keeps us safe. It's what we're programmed to do.

I don't want to hide any more. I'm sick of it. I don't want to not take risks. Not taking risks means not living life to its full potential, and I've done that enough already. I'm ready to start living. It's all I want.

I slowly walk back to the makeshift tent, my human nature getting the better of me. Once I'm under the safety of the tent, Clint puts a towel he found around my body.

"That was so stupid. You know better than anyone that being out in the rain like that could give you a cold." He mutters as I wrap the towel closer to me, trying to find warmth. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to find it. I nod absentmindedly, looking around the tent. 

"Hey, where's Gally?" I ask, looking over mainly at Frypan and Winston. Being his best friends, I figure they'd know.

Winston nods over at the Builders station. I follow his gaze and meet Gally's eyes. He's taken refuge under the covered portion of the station with the other Builders. We hold eye contact briefly before Gally breaks it, shaking his head and looking away.

I can feel Winston and Frypan both looking at me. I turn to them, forcing a smile onto my face.

"Hey, is everything okay with you two?" Frypan asks, grabbing my arm lightly and leading me a few feet away from the rest of the group. Winston follows.

"Mhm. Everything's perfect." I reply with a smile I know they can tell is fake. 

"You know you can talk to us, right? I mean, I know that we're his best friends, but whatever you tell us, you can do in full confidence. We won't tell him anything." Winston says, putting a comforting hand on my arm

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