Newt's got a crush and the Greenie won't shut up

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Venus's POV~

"How's he fitting in?" I ask, joining Newt at one of the picnic tables before nodding my head towards the Greenie. The new kid is currently sitting with Chuck and Logan on a log, watching a few of the other Keepers help collect wood for the Bonfire. Newt looks over at him for a long moment before turning back to me.

"He seems to be doing alright." He replies with a shrug. "He's definitely curious though."

I nod, eyeing Newt, who's gaze has fallen back over to the Greenie.

"You like him?" I ask, nudging Newt's shoulder with mine.

"I hardly know the bloody kid, Venny."

"You like him." I say again, this time more as a statement than a question. Newt's face flushes red and he tries to hide it by messing with his hair. "Aw, is Newtie the Cutie blushing?" I tease, poking his bicep.

"Shut the bloody hell up and don't ever call me that again." He replies. I smile, watching the blonde unintentionally steal another glance at the Greenie.

"Newt's got a crushhh." I say in a sing-song voice, nudging his shoulder with mine. Newt doesn't respond. Instead, he shoves me off the bench, causing me to fall backwards and hit my head on the ground. I groan at the impact, sitting up and rubbing the back of my head with my hand. "If I get a concussion because of this, I'm gonna kill you."

"You'll be okay. Quit shucking overreacting." He mutters, covering his face with his hands. I stand up and sit back down next to Newt. I place a hand on his back in an attempt to calm him down a little. "This is so bloody stupid. I mean, he's hardly been here for six shucking hours! He doesn't even remember his name! I shouldn't feel like this! What if-"

"Stop it, Newt." I say sternly, interrupting him mid-rant. "Don't say things like that, okay? You can't help that you're attracted to him. You've waited years for this. What if he turns out to be the guy?"

Newt sighs, running his hands over his face and through his hair, pushing it out of his eyes.

"What if he doesn't like me?" He asks, his voice just barely above a whisper.

"What do you mean, of course he would! Look at you! I mean, you're a catch!"

"No, I mean, what if he isn't gay?" He mutters. Both of us go quiet. I see Newt looking at the Greenie. I look over just in time to see the Greenie sneak a glance at Newt before they both turn around, faces red.

"You'll never know until you try, Newt." I reply, looking over at the red-faced blonde. "Just be nice to him for now, okay? All the kid needs for now is a friend. Preferably ones that aren't eleven and twelve." I add, nodding towards the Greenie, still sandwiched between the younger Gladers.

"Yeah, yeah." Newt mutters, pushing his hair out of his eyes again.

"Newt!" Someone shouts from across the Glade. We both snap our heads towards the boy. It's Alby. "Get your ass over here and help with the bonfire!" The leader snaps, dropping an armful of wood into the fire pit.

Newt's face flushes red from embarrassment as he stands up, waving goodbye and jogging over to Alby, his steps uneven due to his limp.

I watch Alby chastise Newt for not helping the other Keepers. I chuckle softly before walking over to Logan, Chuck, and the Greenie.

"Hey, klutz!" Logan says happily as I sit across from the three boys. I smile at the nickname. 

"What's going on, kid?" I ask.

"Nothin'. Chuck was just telling the Greenie and I about the time that you punched Maverick!" He replies, a wide grin plastered on his face. The Greenie nods silently beside him.

"He was being a Slinthead! What else was I supposed to do?!" I say, throwing my hands into the air, a smile on my face when Chuck and Logan burst out into laughter. "I doubt anyone will say anything now due to Gally's threat, though." I add, wiggling my eyebrows. 

"He's an asshole." The Greenie mumbles. I snap my head over to him, the smile fading from my face immediately. 

"What was that, Greenie?" I snap, raising my eyebrows.

"I just said that he's an asshole." He replies, sitting up straighter. 

"Watch your mouth, Greenie. You don't know klunk about anything." I reply, my hands curling into tight fists.

"Have you met the guy? He's a jerk to everyone! He shoved me earlier for no reason!"

"I've known him for three shucking years, so I'd say I've gotten to know him pretty well." I snap. "And he didn't shove you for no reason. He was protecting you."

"He didn't have to hurt me like that."

"I don't see a scratch on you. I'm sure you're just fine. Grow up." I mutter that last part, rolling my eyes.

"Why are you protecting him?"

"I strongly advise that you shut up before I throw you off the Cliff."

"What's the Cliff?" He questions

"Didn't I just tell you to shut up?" I snap.

"Jeez, you and Gally are made for each other." He mutters, running a hand through his brown hair.

"Excuse me?"

"Just sayin'." He shrugs.

"Well don't. Just take my advice and shut up."

"I'm okay."

"You won't be if I throw you off the Cliff tomorrow." I snap, raising an eyebrow.

Chuck nudges the Greenie, taking his attention off of me.

"I'd be seriously careful of what you're gonna say next, Greenie." He warns. The Greenie furrows his eyebrows in confusion before turning to face me.

"Why?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"You really like asking questions, huh, Greenie?"

"And you really don't like answering them." He fires back, cocking an eyebrow. I stand up from my spot on the grass.

"I'll see you guys at the Bonfire, yeah?" I ask Logan and Chuck. The two boys nod, their faces bright pink. "Don't get into any trouble until then, okay?" Again, the boys nod. I say my goodbyes before making my way towards my hut, my fists and jaw clenched tightly as I storm away from the Greenie.

A/N~ Hey, guys! I'm sorry I've been kinda MIA lately, but school has just been extremely stressful, especially since I have to take my second ACT next month. Luckily, my Spring break started, so I should be able to get a couple chapters out before school starts back up again. However, I've been reading a shit ton and started sketching again, so I make no promises. 

I love writing so much, but I've hit a huge writer's block. Hopefully now that Thomas is here and the action can start picking up, it'll be easier to have motivation to write, but again, I make no promises. 

I'm really gonna try to get a few new chapters out this week though because I honestly just wanna get to the good stuff, so if you're an avid reader of this book, be checking for updates throughout the week because chances are, there'll be a few more chapters!

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