Newt's gay, Gally's moody, and Minho likes getting naked?!

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My head is pounding when I open my eyes. I groan, doing my best to rub the sleep from my eyes as I sit up slowly.

I didn't have much to drink last night, but god, do I have a pounding headache. I get out of bed and change into a black top that hugs my body, green cargo pants, and lace up my combat boots. I quickly brush and loosely braid my hair before hurrying out of my hut.

I love food and if I want any breakfast today, I have to be in line. 

I'm not even standing in line for a minute before I feel something hit my back, bouncing off of it and onto the grass. I turn around, picking up the object. It's a pair of socks.

"What the fuck?!" I shout as Minho approaches me, a wide grin on his face. 

"Aw, you found my socks! Thanks!" He says, taking the socks from me.

"Why the hell do you have socks?!"

"Cause I didn't have time to put them on before I left. I gotta run in like, ten minutes."

"It only takes about two seconds to put them on." I snap, rolling my eyes. "It's disgusting."

"That's two seconds that you wouldn't get to spend with me and that, my dear friend, would be absolutely tragic."

"Shut up." I groan, rubbing my eyes as a couple of loose pieces of hair fall in front of my face.

"But then I wouldn't get to hear myself talk! That's the best part!"

"Next!" Frypan shouts from in front of us, beckoning Minho and I forward.

"Hey Fry! How's it going?" I ask, grabbing the bowl of oatmeal that he hands me.

"It's goin' alright. Morning rush, so there's not a whole lotta time to chat. See ya later though?"

"Sounds good! See ya!" I walk towards my usual table, joined by Minho, Newt, and Chuck. Sometimes a few other kids join us, but it's usually just the four of us.

"You guys are lucky I chose to sit with you guys and not the other Runners. I make you cool by association." Minho says, immediately taking a bite of his oatmeal.

"What makes you think that you're so cool?" Chuck asks, raising an eyebrow at the Runner.

"Ouch, man. That hurt." Minho replies, placing his hand over his heart.

I feel a sudden weight beside me and look over, meeting eyes with Gally.

"Hey, can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." He says, only looking at me.

"Uh, sure, Wonder Boy. Why not?" I shrug, taking a bite of the oatmeal.

"Hey Wonder Boy!" Minho says, meeting eyes with Gally. All the Builder does is glare at him, making Minho look down at the table. "Wow, moody much?"

"I'm not moody!" Gally says quickly.

"Are too! Remember when we had to stay together in the Homestead because we had no hammocks or extra rooms or anything? You were always so moody! It was always, 'shut up, Minho.' 'Go to sleep, Minho.' 'No one wants to see you naked, Minho.'" Minho grumbles, crossing his arms. "There are plenty of people who'd love to see me naked!" 

"Name one." Newt says, adding himself to the conversation.

"Uh, duh Newt. You."

Newt wrinkles his nose, but there's no mistaking the red tint on his cheeks as he looks down at his oatmeal.

"Can we talk about something else? Some of us are trying to eat!" I shout, disgusted at the topic being discussed. "We get it. Newt's gay, Gally's moody, and you like being naked. Now change the subject."

"Damn, way to call me out like that, Venus." Newt mutters.

"It's no big surprise, Newt. You've already told all of us." I reply.

"Not him." The blonde boy responds, nodding towards Gally.

"Well, it's not that difficult to see." The Builder says. 

"Shit, I'm late! Gotta go!" Minho shouts, bolting to his feet and joining the other Runners.

"Me too. Alby wanted to have  a meeting this morning to discuss the Greenie." Newt says, standing up and hugging me before walking away.

"Me three! I've got early shower duty today!" Chuck shouts, jogging towards the showers.

"And then there were two." I mutter, looking up at Gally. He smiles, meeting my eyes.

"Sorry about last night. I didn't mean for any of that to happen." He says.

"It's alright, Galpal. It didn't turn out to be a bad night." I reply, my grin matching the one plastered on his face. He looks over at my braid, studying the intricate hairdo.

"That won't stay." He mutters, his eyes still examining my braid. "You want me to redo it before work?" 

"Uh, sure." I reply, rubbing my forearm with my other hand.

I turn around, allowing Gally to take out my braid and comb through my hair lightly with his fingers. It only takes him a few minutes until he finishes the braid, tying it off.

"There. That should stay now." He studies it with a proud look on his face. "Want me to walk you to work?"

"I'm perfectly capable of walking myself, thanks." I reply, standing up. Gally nods, but there's a hint of sadness on his face. 

I don't know why. There shouldn't be. I annoy the shit out of him.

"I mean, you can walk me if you want. It's the same way." I mutter, Gally's eyes snapping up to meet mine. The joy is back on his face as he stands up, walking with me to the Medjack hut.

"Here's your stop. I'm sure I'll see you later." He says, opening the door for me.

"Thank you, good sir. See ya later, Alligator!" I say, grinning to myself as I watch him leave.

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