83| Everything Has Changed.

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83 | Everything Has Changed.

| 3rd POV |

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The air carried the sweet, earthy scent of impending rain, a promise whispered on a gentle breeze. Leaves turned red and yellow, painting the trees in hues of autumn's embrace, a mosaic of nature's artistry. The sun rising cast a soft glow over the horizon, its light beginning to seep into Sage's room. She sat on her windowsill, a book cradled in her hands. Her eyes, dancing between the pages and the vibrant tapestry outside, mirrored the joy of the season.

It was finally fall again, which meant Sage was at her peak happiness. Autumn has always been something that makes her smile, and, unlike most everything else, the older she gets, the more she enjoys it.

The book she was reading was one of her favorites, The Metamorphosis by Kafka. She'd just reread her entire collection of Edgar Allen Poe's stories and poems, which was a fall tradition of hers. After The Metamorphosis, she'd probably reread 1984 by George Orwell, or The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, depending on her mood.

Ivy lay on Sage's feet, a cloud of black fur nuzzled against the white blanket below her. Willow was over on Sage's bed, her orange coat moving in every which way as she batted at a vine that hung down from the ceiling.

At the sound of Willow accidentally tumbling off the bed, landing on a small pillow that had fallen, Ivy's head poked up, looking around. Sage imagined her rolling her eyes if she was a person. She was, however, actually grateful for Willow's clumsiness when Ivy stood up and jumped down to smack her sister with her paw. Finally getting the chance to stretch her legs after hours, Sage stood up from her window, dog earring the page of her book, and went over to her closet to throw on a sweater.

"You're up already? Jeez," Sage looked over, meeting eyes with her mom. Lorelai's head peaked through the door, her eyes narrowing at the bright light from her window. Sage smiled, "morning."

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"Today, ladies and gentlemen, I finally found a dance partner," Lorelai said, a smile on her lips as she looked from her two daughters to her mother. "You did?" Rory exclaimed. She nodded, "a good one."

"Took you long enough," Sage teased. "What are you talking about a dance partner?" Emily asked, her head tilting. "A dance partner for what?"

"Our town is having a dance marathon this weekend," Lorelai explained, followed by Rory. "It last for twenty four hours and the last couple standing gets a trophy." Lorelai added on, "a big trophy." Sage's eyes rolled, yet she smiled at her mom and sister's excitement.

Emily wasn't nearly as enthusiastic "Well, that sounds very nice."

"All the proceeds go to charity," Sage said. "Which is great," Lorelai brushed off, "but did I mention the trophy?" Rory nodded, "I believe you did." Lorelai grinned, "cause it's big."

"Charitable events are wonderful things to take part in. There's nothing more rewarding than devoting yourself to making someone else's life better," Emily said, looking at Rory and Sage.

"Whose life isn't better with a truly gigantic trophy around?" Loreial pondered.

Sage looked at her mom. "Who'd you get to dance with you?" Rory nodded, "oh, yeah."

"Stanley Appleman."

"Who's Stanley Appleman?" Sage and Rory asked. "Oh, he's brand new in town. He works over at the hardware store. And, the best part is, he used to be part of the touring company of Riverdance." Responded Lorelai.

"Score!" Rory exclaimed. "Meh," Sage shrugged.

Lorelai's lips split into a smile as she laughed. "I know! I am completely jazzed."

"Who are you two attending this dance with? Rory, I assume your boyfriend?" Emily asked, her eyes shifting between the twins.

Rory nodded, her cheeks naturally turning a soft red at the mention of Dean. "Yeah, we're going together," she answered. "I'm not going," Sage said, "but I'm still donating money."

"You're not going?" Rory and Lorelai said, looking towards her. She shook her head, "I don't ever do the dance, anyway. I usually just sit and watch, but I have to think about some college stuff. I haven't even started to consider a topic for my essay, and I'm super behind on engagement stuff in school that Paris is asking me to do."

"Aw," Rory mumbled. Lorelei sighed, "can you at least just come and watch for a bit at the end? Come on! It's a tradition, and I know I'll do better with you there."

Sage shrugged, giving them a soft smile. "Maybe, we'll see."

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