photographer - four

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a/n - please vote!

"hey! are you coming to the party later tonight?" olivia asks. i look at her as she walks beside me, walking to our hotel room. "oh, i don't know," i tell her. "come on, y/n," olivia convinces. "fine," i say, "where at?" "just a bar literally, like, a five minute walk," olivia tells me. "planning to get drunk tonight, olivia rodrigo?" i ask, smiling at her as i open our room door. "well... i turned 21 three days ago, so yes," olivia grins, "but i can't drink too much, since i've got a show tomorrow."

i chuckle as olivia stumbles into me, looking at me with drunken eyes as her hands wrap around the back of my neck. "hey, my photographer," olivia whispers over the music. "hey, my singer," i laugh again, "you're a lightweight." "you haven't even carried me, silly!" olivia laughs, making me smell her breath full of alcohol. "with alcohol," i tell her, placing my hands on her waist as she starts to rock us side to side. "oh," she nods, "gotcha!"

i look up at the clock above the alcoholic drinks on display. "we should go home, olivia," i tell her, "well- back to the hotel." "already?" she squeaks, turning her head and looking at the time, "it's only three in the morn- it's three in the morning, whaaat?" i laugh as olivia pulls out her word. "three in the morning, y/n! that's the scary hour," olivia whispers, looking around. "well, it will be if we don't get you back to the hotel," i tell her. her management will thank me later.

she gasps, pulling away from me and holding my hand as she pulls me, "okay, okay. let's go, y/n. hurry!" we rush out of the bar, music fading out as we start to walk back. 

"i'm scared, y/n," olivia whispers, hugging my arm as she keeps close to me. i smile, "it's okay, olivia." "why do you always call me that?" she asks, looking at me as she scrunches her nose. "olivia? your name?" i ask. "yes," she says, "you can call me liv... or... you know, call me yours."

i laugh, looking away. drunk olivia is flirty olivia. "what?" she asks, "i'm being so serious. dead serious. six feet under serious." "no, you're not," i smile. "i am! you're hot! everyone's blushing all over you. let me join them. let me join you. in bed," she whispers the last part, "i'm really good at flirting. i've just realized. does it work?" "your flirting?" i ask, chuckling. "yes!" olivia asks, nodding as she smiles. 

i sigh as i look around, smiling, "if you think it works, then it works." "that is such a shitty answer," she groans, "it doesn't work, does it?" before i can respond, olivia disconnects her arms around me, crossing her arms as she keeps a distance from me.

i look at her, and she keeps her eyes straight with a sad expression. i move closer, glancing in front before looking at her again.we turn into the hotel building. "don't lie," she says. "i didn't say anything," i chuckle. "don't laugh!" she tells me, "it's three am... and this is my nightmare. being bad at flirting. it really is scary hour."

we walk into the elevator, and i press our floor, looking at olivia. "liv," i say. olivia shakes her head, looking in the mirror at herself. drunk olivia is also sensitive olivia. i walk towards her, standing beside her. she goes to move away, but i put an arm around her, pulling her towards me to stop her from moving. "i think you're a good flirter," i tell her, looking at each other through the mirror. "i don't think so," she shakes her head. "i think so," i say, "you were flirting with me. i have a better say." "what if i'm just flirting with the wrong person?" she turns her head and looks at me, "like... what if you think i'm a bad flirter because you aren't attracted to me?"

"don't think that," i shake my head. "have you ever dated anyone?" olivia asks. "um... no," i say, "i've just been, you know, really busy with work." "see?" olivia proves her point, "you... why would you go for me, anyways? there's so many people out there, who'd probably make you really happy. i'm sorry for flirting with you. i don't know why i did." "because you're drunk," i tell her, "it's okay, liv. maybe... you won't even remember tonight." maybe i did want her to remember, though.

the elevator door opens, and i look at olivia. "come on," i smile softly.

i look behind me as olivia walks slowly behind. she looked genuinely upset. there was no way she actually likes me, right? she was drunk. but then again... most people are more likely to tell the truth while they're drunk.

i walk out of the bathroom, seeing olivia laying on the bed. i walk over to her, pulling off the blanket. she looks at me, and i look at the dress she was in all night. "are you able to change out of that dress?" i ask. "i'm already in bed," she frowns.

i get a pyjama set from my suitcase, walking over to olivia. "here," i say, "you should change. i'm sure your dress reeks of alcohol." "too tired," she closes her eyes.

i get into bed, putting the blanket over olivia. "can i undress you?" i ask. "what?" olivia looks at me weirdly. "i just wanna get you out of the dress, not fully naked," i tell her. "oh, um, sure," she turns her back to me, "kinda thought you wanted to sleep with me." she dismisses with a soft chuckle, almost as if she thought it was stupid to think.

"maybe one day," i tell her, unzipping her dress. i didn't even know if i actually liked olivia. maybe we were just becoming good friends. but i just didn't wanna make her upset. "what?" olivia looks over shoulder, voice a little more eager, still tired. "i said 'maybe one day'," i repeat, getting to the bottom on the zipper, "don't get ahead of yourself, though, olivia." "okay," she smiles, looking forward.

i smile too, "can you lay on your back, please?" olivia does as i say, and i slide the dress off her as she shuffles. i place it on the floor, picking up the pyjama shorts. "alright, shorts," i tell her. olivia lifts her hips up, and i slide the shorts up. "y/n, i can't sleep with a bra on," she tells me.

i look at olivia, "um... what do you want me to do?" she reaches over and turning off the light. i couldn't see anything. "okay, you can take it off now."

"okay," i breathe out, feeling for olivia. i put my hands behind her back as she arches it. i unclip it, and i hear olivia breathe out. almost nervously.

she lays down as i take the bra off, placing it on the floor. i feel around for the shirt, picking it up. "arm out, liv," i say. we both laugh as olivia hits me lightly in the face. "sorry," she whispers. "it's okay," i whisper back. i slide an arm through, and i freeze as a light passes our window, from a car driving in a distance, headlights shining in our room.

olivia and i stare at each other, i don't even dare to look further than her lips. she doesn't even think to cover her breasts.

the light passes, and i let go of the breath i was holding. i ignore it and place my hand on olivia's back, lifting her up gently with olivia's arm wrapping around my neck to hold herself up, being so tired, she couldn't even sit up.

i put the other arm through, and i lay olivia down. i start to button up the top, getting to one of the top ones. i hold the shirt up a little as i get to the area with her breasts, then letting go once i finish buttoning her up. 

olivia keeps her hand on the back of my neck, and i look at her, trying to make out her face in the darkness. i reach behind my neck, taking her hand off and placing it on her stomach.

i lay down, closing my eyes. "thank you," olivia whispers. "don't worry about it," i tell her. i hear her shuffle closer, then feeling her head on my chest. "let me sleep here," she whispers, "please."

i smile softly, staring at the ceiling i could barely see. "of course," i whisper, feeling her hand rest on my chest. i slide a hand under her, wrapping my arm around her. "goodnight, y/n," she whispers. "goodnight, olivia."

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