new faces - five

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a/n - please vote!!

olivia's pov , monday
i haven't seen y/n since saturday morning. we had sent, like, two messages after that, but i've been left on delivered. 

"was she really gonna ghost me?" i ask conan, iris and madison as we sit at the cafeteria at lunch. "i mean, she didn't seem like the type to ghost me," i tell her, "she was really sweet after. she cleaned me up, got me under the blankets and we fell asleep cuddling." "that's cute," iris grins. "well, not so cute anymore," i sigh. it was obviously still cute.

"have you even seen her today?" madison asks. "yeah, but she didn't see me- unless she purposely looked in another direction," i say an option, "but... i guess we'll see how she acts. i have physics then english after."

i sit down in physics, y/n not to be seen yet. i look up at the door five minutes into the lesson as i hear thumps coming closer. "sorry, had training," y/n says, looking at duke. "take a seat. try to be a little earlier next time, yeah?" "yeah, sorry," y/n nods, making her way to the back as she glances at her phone. i look away as she was out of my vision.

"so i'm walking beside my friend- well jess, right?" y/n tells sir something that happened to her. "yeah..." sir nods. "and this little bitch in, like, grade 9 runs into me!" y/n exclaims, making the class chuckle. "okay, language, but continue," sir chuckles. "like- i'm 99 percent sure she knew that she was gonna run into me because she looked at me as she did it, but i was looking at jess!" y/n says, "like, move out of the fucking way- flipping way. i'm not gonna move, you move out of the way for senior! fucking piece of shit. sorry for my language, i just need to get it out. who does she think she is? where is the respect for your elders?! i moved out of the way when i was a freshman, i served my time." sir chuckles, "is that all, y/n?" "'is that all?' that is everything," y/n chuckles, "can you search her up for me? maybe you'll know her. blue eyes, freckles, about 5'2, blonde-" "y/n, i'm not gonna search her up for you," duke smiles. "i'll find her myself," y/n says, "maybe put up a bounty." "please don't do that. you've got enough detentions as is," duke says. "no- well yes, but i've barely been getting in trouble lately," y/n says, "i should get a medal for that." "a medal for doing the bare minimum?" "sure," y/n accepts, "a medal's a medal."

i turn around, looking at y/n, "y/n?" she looks up from her book. "can we talk after school?" i whisper. "oh, yeah," y/n nods, "i've been meaning to talk to you, too." that's not a bad sign or anything.

i nod, "yeah, okay." y/n gives me a small smile, and i turn back around.

the bell rings, and i pack up, walking with y/n as we walk out the classroom. "thanks, duke," y/n says to duke. "thank you, sir," i follow. "no problem, have a good afternoon!" sir says.

"so, i know it seems like i've been a dick," y/n says as we walk, me following beside her. "a little," i admit. not like i stayed up all last night thinking about her. 

y/n sighs, "i'm sorry. i really am. i just... i get nervous." "nervous?" i ask, "was it not good?" "no, it was," she says, "so good. but that's why i'm nervous." "elaborate," i say. "i don't wanna ruin this," she says, "whatever we have. i promise i don't regret doing it with you, i just... i'm nervous to talk to you because i don't wanna slip up." she didn't wanna lose me.

"and i know it seems stupid," y/n says. "it doesn't seem stupid," i say, "it's... really sweet, actually. you actually care about me." "you don't think i didn't before?" y/n asks. "o- no, i did," i say, "oh my god, i'm the one messing up now." y/n smiles, "you're okay." "i didn't know how much you cared about me before that night. but that night was really special to me. especially when we fell asleep, too," i tell her. 

y/n smiles, and i see her car. "i care about you," she tells me, "so much. thank you for understanding. i know i handled it pretty badly." "it's okay," i smile, "thanks for talking with me." "thanks for talking with me," y/n chuckles. "i should go home, though," i sigh. "how're you getting home?" she asks. "walking," i say, "i'm getting a new car, and my parents are still in la."

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