intentions - nine

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y/n looks up from her friends as someone places her hands on her shoulders. she looks at olivia, smiling at her.

y/n dropped olivia home that night and talked a little before y/n slept. olivia didn't mention what was wrong, neither did y/n. olivia wanted to do it in person. 

"hey," olivia smiles at her. "hey," y/n smiles, shuffling over and taking her bag off the bench, "come sit."

olivia sits beside y/n, and before either can speak, they both look up at the commotion of girls laughing. y/n sees leah and her friends walking into the cafeteria. "is that your friend?" olivia asks her. "well, she's not really my friend," y/n reminds her, "i swear she was coming next week." "plan's probably changed," jess says.

olivia keeps glancing at leah as her and her friends sat a table away from them. y/n and her friends didn't really pay attention to her. olivia wasn't looking at her because she was attracted to her like she did with y/n. it was kind of the opposite.

she felt a little jealous at the way she made it seem like y/n and her were so close at the football game. y/n's told liv that they weren't even friends. maybe it was just because the chances were so low of them moving to the same city and now going to the same school.

"try some, liv," y/n says, making olivia avert her attention to y/n. olivia looks at y/n's sandwich, smiling at her, "that looks really good." olivia opens her mouth, taking a bite. she groans in delight, and y/n smiles as she swallows, glancing at her lips.

olivia compliments, "god, that's so good. you always make good sandwiches, it's not fair." "i'll make you one tomorrow," y/n smiles. "will you really?" olivia grins. "yeah, sure," y/n says.

the bell goes, and y/n stands up, looking down at olivia. olivia takes y/n's hand, and y/n pulls her up. olivia intertwines her hand with y/n's as they say bye to y/n's friends. they stat to walk to physics class, and olivia notices leah in front of them, talking to her friends.

y/n takes out her phone, chuckling. "what's so funny, y/n?" olivia asks, smiling at y/n's smile. "look what mom sent me," y/n shows her phone. olivia smiles as she sees the picture of connor, holding up a piece of paper with a wide grin. she then laughs as she looks at the paper, which were a few scribbles.

olivia reads the text under it out loud, "connor said that he drew you. he can't wait to show you when you're home!" y/n chuckles, nodding as she quickly responds back and turns her phone off. "he's so cute, oh my god," olivia laughs, "why can't you be as cute as connor?" y/n gasps, looking at her as she smiles, "i see how it is." "i'm kidding," olivia grins.

y/n and olivia sit in physics, olivia glancing at leah who sat in front of them. guess she was in their physics class now. olivia keeps her eyes on leah as she looks around the classroom. leah turns around, looking at olivia. she gives a smile, looking at y/n and giving a bigger one. "y/n!" leah exclaims. y/n looks up from her phone, smiling at leah, "oh, hey leah! how's it going?" "it's going really well. this school's so much better than my old one. they talked so much shit about your team after you guys won," leah says. "well, they're just sore losers," y/n says, glancing at olivia before looking at leah, "this is olivia. olivia, leah." olivia smiles politely, "nice to meet you." "nice to meet you, too," she says, "are you and y/n a thing?"

olivia looks at y/n, and y/n waits patiently for an answer. "we're taking it slow. still talking," olivia answers. y/n was alright with that answer, that was what they were. "right," leah nods, before facing the front.

y/n laughs as connor runs up to her, holding his drawing. "oh my god, i love it!" y/n exclaims, smiling widely as connor shows her proudly. "y/n!" he exclaims, pointing to y/n on the drawing. "i love it!" y/n says, taking it, "you drew this all by yourself?!" connor smiles, and y/n picks him up. "i'm gonna put this into my room!"

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