intentions - two

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olivia looks up as the new girl walks into her ap physics class. she reminds herself to stop calling her the new girl since she knew her name. she watches as y/n politely interchange greets with mr duke, before finding a spot in the middle of the classroom. it didn't look like she had any friends in this class. makes the two of them.

as the lesson goes on with duke teaching and (almost) everyone being quiet as he talks, olivia finds herself looking at y/n every now and then. it wasn't anything, she thought. though she wouldn't mind hooking up with her. in the future, obviously. the girl had barely spent four hours at the school.

olivia, as well as majority of the class, starts to get annoyed at the group of boys who continue to talk over duke, having their own little conversations. they were in olivia's row, but on the other end. duke was now getting angry, after having to repeatedly tell them to stop talking. 

duke stops himself from teaching, looking at the boys. he starts to tell them off for talking, which causes y/n to turn her torso for a few seconds to glance at the boys. olivia keeps her eyes on the girl, and they make eye contact for the first time in their lives as y/n goes to turn back to the front.

olivia holds her breath for the second that y/n keeps eye contact with her, before y/n looks away, facing the front. olivia lets out the breath, looking down at her book.

"daydreaming over there, olivia?" duke asks, causing olivia to snap out of it. she looks up at him with a quick inhale, "i... guess so." once again, y/n turns for a second. olivia looks at her, making it their second time they've made eye contact. not sure why olivia was suddenly counting. olivia looks away first, looking back at duke as he talks. "what about? getting an a?" he asks, clearly teasing olivia. he was always like this with his students. that's what made his classes fun, other than him being a good teacher.

olivia bubbles out a giggle, "yeah, just manifesting it. you know me." sir chuckles at her, "in your little manifestation book?" this causes olivia to laugh again. ever since she told him she had a little book where she wrote lines over and over again as part of her manifestation, he hasn't stopped making little jokes about it. "it works!" she tells him, "you're just jealous." "yeah, whatever floats your boat," sir smiles, before continuing to teach the class.

y/n opens the back door to her dad's car, having yet to buy a car. she had to sell her old car back in la, so she had to buy a new one in new york. she's greeted with an excited smile from dad, glancing in the back. 

"hey, guys," y/n smiles, placing her bag by her feet as she closes the door, looking at connor with a smile. "hey y/n," dad says, starting to drive. "hi," connor smiles at y/n. "hi, baby," y/n grins back, placing her hand on his stomach for him to quickly hold, "i missed you!" "how was the first day of school?" her dad asks, glancing at her in the mirror. "really good, actually," y/n's proud to admit. "tell me all about it," dad insists genuinely.

y/n explains her day at school for a few minutes, then proceeds with, "how about you? excited for your first day at work tomorrow?" "something like that," dad chuckles as y/n looks at connor. "what have you been doing all day, connie?" y/n asks, with the sweet nickname. "park," connor responds. y/n looks up at dad, "did he go to the park?" "yeah, the one, like, right down the road," dad answers, "he loves it there." "that's good," y/n smiles at connor, letting her fingers naturally spread as connor spreads them with his two hands.

"so, what do you think of the new girl?" conan asks olivia on facetime. olivia looks at her blanket as she thinks, "she's alright. kind of just there at the moment. she's quiet in physics." "does she have any friends in that class?" he asks. "no," olivia simply shakes her head, "that's why she's quiet, i think. but then again, she didn't talk too much at the lunch table with her new friends." "you seem to observe her a lot," conan points out with a chuckle. "no- not like that," olivia says, starting to panic, "i'm just observing. seeing what she's like." "what, you think she's gonna be quiet in bed, too?" he asks, letting himself laugh again.

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