underlying love - four

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a/n - please vote!

i let go of the web, landing on a high building. my legs hang off the edge as i pull the mask off. i shouldn't have said anything. but i had to. olivia was being stupid. there was no way she was considering actually staying with him when he cheated on her. who cares if he was drunk? he still knew what he was doing. i shouldn't have gotten involved. but there's no way olivia's that stubborn.

i walk into music, taking off my headphones. i look at everyone spread around the room, playing different instruments.

i see olivia sitting by herself, leaning her chin on the guitar as she lazily plays chords, strumming with the downstroke of her thumb. i glance at louis and his friends laughing on the other side of the room.

i swallow, walking over to her. i place my bag beside the chair, sitting beside her. she keeps her eyes on the guitar. "i'm really sorry, olivia," i tell her, "i don't mean to be so involved." 

olivia's pov
if there was one thing y/n was good at that no one else knew, it was how good she was at communicating- in a serious manner. obviously she could've messaged me, but we both knew we'd prefer to talk in person.

i look at her, "it's okay." "no, i'm really sorry," she repeats, "i didn't mean to make you angry, or hurt you." "i know you didn't," i say. "i shouldn't have gotten involved, either. i do really just want best for you," she says. "i know you do." y/n furrows her eyebrows.

"are you okay?" she asks. i nod, staring at the desk. "i know you're not alright. do you wanna talk about it?" i didn't wanna talk to anyone else but y/n about everything. she asks. "at lunch," i say.

y/n smiles faintly as i look at her. "okay," she says, "what do you have before lunch?" "statistics," i answer. "i'll meet you at your class, then," she decides. i nod, strumming the guitar. 

i walk out of class, seeing y/n waiting for me. she leans off the wall, "hey." "hi," i respond. it was nice to see y/n not so bitchy to me. "where do you wanna go?" she asks.

y/n groans dramatically as she falls onto the field. "you laid in shit," i joke. "yeah, it's alright if it's yours, though," y/n says. i smile, laying beside her.

"so... i texted him the day after i left yours," i say, "and i said that i didn't deserve to be cheated on, and that we were over. i said more, obviously. like, a massive paragraph." "you did?" she asks. "yeah," i say, "i know that i still had respect for myself. i was just... scared of losing someone else again. he didn't mean that much compared to you. we didn't date for long, but i guess he was kind of a rebound. i miss what we have. i figured maybe i could get something like that again, but now i know that it's not possible."

"how flattering," y/n says. i smile, looking at her, "come on. i'm being serious." "sorry," she smiles at me, "i'm glad that you know you don't deserve him." "thank you for telling me," i say, "like, genuinely. i could tell you really meant it." "i do mean it," she says. "do you think you were good enough for me?" i ask her, smiling as she chuckles. "i mean... i did try really hard to give you what you deserve." "so what's your answer? you're good at avoiding questions," i say. "my answer is... yeah. i do think i'm good enough for you," y/n says, "we were happy together." "you think so?" i ask, turning to my side and looking at her. "you don't think?" she looks at me. "i think so, too," i say, "you were too good for me." y/n chuckles, "don't say that." "already said it," i say, laying on my stomach so i can look at y/n.

she gives me a smile, "how are you?" "just... taking it all in," i say. "sorry," she says, "and i'm actually still sorry about the night at my house." "no, i'm sorry i got so defensive," i admit, "you were right, so i got defensive. thank you for standing up for me... to me." y/n chuckles, "no problem." "do you wanna hang out after school?" i ask her. "yeah, sure," y/n says, "what do you wanna do?" "i have no idea," i sigh, "just... anything."

"liv!" connor exclaims, smiling widely as i walk into the house. "hi, connie!" i exclaim, bending down and picking him up. connor laughs, hugging me tight as i hug him, pecking his cheek multiple times.

"excited to see you too, connor," y/n smiles, and i smile as she leans forward, kissing his forehead.

"what have you been doing all day?" i ask connor as i sit on the couch, connor sitting on my lap. "playing," he smiles. "playing? i wish i could play all day," i tell him. "play?" he asks, leaning back slowly. "don't fall," i giggle, holding his back as he leans back. 

i laugh as connor leans his head back, "i hate when you do that! i feel like your neck is gonna snap off." connor giggles, and i hold his head, pulling him up. "hey, liv? want any matcha? i'm gonna make some," i hear y/n say. i turn my torso around, looking at y/n. "i would love some," i smile, "thank you, y/n." "no problem," she says. i turn back around, looking at connor with a smile.

"thank you," i say as y/n hands me a cup of a matcha latte. "no problem," she says, and connor looks at my cup as i take a sip. "want some, connor?" i ask. he smiles, shaking his head. "he hates it," y/n chuckles, "he tries it almost every time, and is so disappointed. he learnt his lesson, though."

y/n places our cups on the coffee table, and i smile as y/n leans her head on my chest, yawning. connor smiles, and i chuckle as he leans forward, placing his head on my other shoulder.

i lay in y/n's bed after we decide that i should sleep over, even though we had school the next day. y/n looks at me as i pull the blanket up to my chin. "are you cold? i can turn the air on," she asks. "no, i'm just comfortable," i tell her, "thanks, though." "alright," y/n smiles as she shuffles down, laying next to me. she keeps her smile as we stare at each other. "do you still hate me?" i ask.

she smiles, "i didn't hate you. i just liked to act like i hated you." "shut up," i smile, "are you serious?" "yes..." she furrows her eyebrows, "do you hate me?" "no," i smile, "i just... nothing. it's funny. i like pissing you off." "i can tell," y/n chuckles.

i open my eyes, smiling as i see y/n looking at my lips. "hey, can i ask you something?" she asks, looking into my eyes. i nod. "you can't take it the wrong way, though," she adds. "i'm scared now," i say. "do you think that you fought hard enough for us?" she asks.

i swallow, shaking my head, "no." 

y/n nods understandingly, "neither." i sigh, my heart dropping, "i regret it." "me too," y/n whispers. i look down at her hand, and she i pick it up. i lean my head up, and y/n smiles as i move closer, laying on her bicep. 

i feel y/n's hand go onto my shoulder, rubbing it with her fingers. "i'm sorry," i tell her, "for not trying harder." "me too," she whispers. i hum, "it's okay. cancels out." y/n chuckles, "i wish." "yeah," i whisper. i hear the door lightly knock, and i look over the blanket, at the door. "come in," y/n whispers.

the door opens, and i smile tiredly at y/n's mom. she smiles at me, "just wanted to say goodnight, guys." "oh, goodnight, mom," y/n says, "love you." "goodnight, mrs garcia," i smile. "goodnight, girls," mom smiles, "love you both." i lightly giggle, "love you too!"

the door closes, and i look at y/n. she smiles at me. "i love your mom," i sigh, moving closer so my view was just y/n's shirt unless i looked up at you. "she loves you, too," y/n says, and i smile, closing my eyes as her other arm goes around me. 

her hand goes to my back, running her fingers on it. y/n laughs as i move even closer. my nose touches y/n's shirt, my leg over her waist. "are you sleeping?" y/n asks. "yeah," i whisper, "we have school tomorrow." y/n groans, "fine." "well, i'll see you in the morning," i say. "isn't it weird how we can just fall asleep beside each other?" y/n asks, "like, i could just kill you in your sleep and you wouldn't even know you're dead." "y/n, why would you say that?" i ask, laughing and looking up at her. "it was just a thought that came to my head! you haven't slept in my bed in a while." "that you wanna kill me?" i ask, smiling. "well, not when you put it like that. i was just wondering!" y/n smiles. "actually... can you take me home?" i joke, making y/n laugh. "alright, i'm sorry. i won't kill you, i promise," she says. "okay," i smile, "please don't." "i won't," y/n says, "or... will i?" 

i laugh, looking at y/n again, "y/n! please, you're gonna actually scare me." "alright, i'm sorry," y/n chuckles, and i smile as her lips go to my head for a few long seconds, closing my eyes. "goodnight, olivia," she says, against my head. "goodnight, y/n," i whisper, falling asleep quickly.

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