overnight - six

678 45 7

a/n - please vottteeeee

olivia places her head on my bicep, leg over my waist and facing inward. "are you comfortable?" i ask her. "really comfy," she says, "and you?" "me too," i smile, pressing a kiss to olivia's head. "i love when you do that," she tells me. "on the head?" i ask, placing my hand on her stomach. "forehead, cheeks, lips, head," she whispers tiredly, "everywhere. i'm grateful you're my girlfriend."

i massage my fingers on olivia's bare stomach as she sleeps, before falling asleep shortly after. 

i wake up, feeling my hand still on olivia's warm stomach, but. more importantly, feeling connor climbing on me. i look down, chuckling and whispering, "don't wake olivia up, connie." he stops on my stomach, looking at olivia. "sleeping?" he whispers. "sleeping," i say, taking my hand off olivia's stomach as connor lays on my chest. 

i feel olivia's lips on mine, and i smile, kissing her back. "just remembered that i'm dating you. that was the first sleep as a girlfriend. specifically a girlfriend of y/n garcia," olivia grins. "a girlfriend?" i smile, "the girlfriend." olivia laughs, pressing her lips on mine. "kiss!" connor laughs. olivia and i laugh, looking at connor. "you want some?" olivia grins, holding his cheeks as she kisses all over his face. "awww," connor pulls out, laughing as he scrunches his face up. "mwah," olivia makes the sound as she presses a long one on connor's forehead. connor looks at olivia, laughing. i smile, watching them as connor squishes olivia's cheeks, kissing her face as olivia laughs.

olivia places connor in the high chair at the kitchen island. "so, you know the school musical?" olivia asks. "the mean girls one?" i ask. "yeah," she smiles, "tickets go out on monday, there's a show on friday, saturday and sunday." "are you in it?" i ask. "y/n, i'm regina." "no fu- flipping way," i laugh, "are you serious? why have i never heard anything on this?!" olivia bursts out laughing, "oh my god, i'm offended! they say it on the morning announcements." "wait, so you're playing regina? the... mean one?" i ask, smiling. "yeah," olivia smiles, "are you gonna come watch?" "of course i will if you're in it," i say, "god, i can't believe it! i'm so excited!" olivia laughs, "me too! we've been working our asses off." "what day are your parents coming?" i ask. "friday, hopefully," olivia says, "opening night." "i'll get tickets then!"

i sit next to olivia, picking up the chicken wrap, "i can't believe you're playing regina. out of all of them?" "i know, right?" olivia laughs, "i'm really excited for everyone to watch."

"alright," i pull connor out of the car, placing him on my hip as i close the door, being careful of the bouquet of flowers i was holding. i start to walk to the school, and connor looks up at the building. "i hope you'll never come to this school," i say, "not that it's bad. i just don't want you to grow up."

i walk into the theater, looking around. it was three-quarters filled, and the show started in fifteen minutes. i smile as i see olivia's parents waving me over. "thank you for saving us a seat," i say, briefly hugging them without squishing connor.

i sit down, looking at the clear view. "i miss having a baby," jennifer sighs as she holds connor. "that's what they say," i chuckle, placing the flowers carefully on the floor.

i've never really been to a lot of musicals. now i know that olivia really likes them, i should take her on a musical date. 

connor sits on my lap, and we watch the musical as i wonder when olivia was coming on.

i look up at the backboard as it starts to open in half, the lights projecting pink. my eyes widen, and i smile widely, seeing people push the cafeteria table that had wheels on them, with olivia standing on it. she wore a white top and white skirt with matching boots on. "go olivia!" i yell, and the crowd starts to cheer. "that's liv, connie!" i exclaim to connor, chuckling.

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