overnight - four

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a/n - please voteee

i swipe out of instagram, going to tap onto tiktok. "cute wallpaper," y/n whispers. i look away from my phone, smiling at y/n. "yeah, it was only fair i had a picture of connor as mine," i tell her. i look at my phone as y/n points at my phone. i smile as she points to my lips on her cheek. "and what's that?" she asks. "my lips accidentally fell onto your cheek," i chuckle. "ah, right. looks like it," y/n says, "it's cute. can you send the photo to me?" "sure," i say, and y/n picks up her phone. 

after i send both photos, i turn my phone off, facing inwards. i smile at connor sleeping, mouth slightly open as his hand was in a fist, on y/n's chest. "isn't he the cutest?" i whisper. i hear y/n shuffle, and she looks down at connor. "i tell myself that every day," y/n says, "gotta take it all in before he turns into a teenage boy when i blink." i smile, "you still got a while." i place my hand on his cheek. "why'd your parents have him so late after you? like, nothing wrong with that. just wondering," i say. "because they missed having a baby after i grew up," y/n chuckles. "really?" i smile. "yeah. my parents said that he's basically the exact replica of me behaviour wise," y/n says. "you must've been really cute when you were younger, then," i tell her. "you can't the resemblance now?" she asks. i chuckle, looking up at her. she gives me a smile. "i do see it now," i answer, "do you have any baby pictures of you?" "so many," y/n chuckles, "do you not see them around the house? there's a few photographs." "oh my god, i haven't," i say, "you'll have to show me later."

i smile as i watch connor walk slowly around the kitchen, smiling wider as connor walks up to me. he puts his arms out, and i bend down and pick him up. 

i place connor on my hip as we look at y/n making french toast. "how yummy, right?" i ask him. "yummy," he smiles. "yummy," i smile, hugging him tight. "awww," connor says, and i burst out laughing as he hugs me back, arms around my neck and head on my shoulder. "that's how i feel when you hug me," y/n says. "are you serious?" i ask y/n, smiling as i rock connor and i side to side. "yeah, your hugs are really good," y/n chuckles. "remind me to hug you when i'm not holding connor." "i'll be waiting," y/n says. 

i subconsciously bounce connor as i pat his back soothingly, watching y/n as she mixes the ingredients to make custard. "do you make this often?" i ask. "sometimes," she tells me, "do you have french toast often?" "no, not often. i wish i had it more often," i tell her. "i'll personally bring some over for you every morning," she says. "aw, how sweet." 

"is connor sleeping?" y/n asks. "i'm not sure. he hasn't moved in a while, actually," i say, turning my back to y/n for her to look. y/n chuckles, "he's sleeping." "that's so cute," i whisper, turning back. "you can put him on the couch if you're tired of holding him," she smiles at me. "i would never get tired of him," i tell her, "but... i guess i'll put him on the couch when i eat. are you sure he'll be okay on the couch? is it comfortable?" "oh, he falls asleep on the couch more frequently than his own bed," y/n chuckles, "he loves the couch."

i continue to pat connor's back as i watch y/n put powdered sugar over the toast after brulee-ing normal sugar and putting sliced strawberries, bananas and some blueberries on there. "wanna put some maple syrup on?" y/n asks, flipping the lid open. "of course," i say, taking my hand off connor's back.

i carefully place connor on the couch, head on the pillow. i watch him for a few seconds to see if he wakes up. "he's a deep sleeper," y/n says. "seems so," i say, putting the couch blanket on him. "luckily he ate before he fell asleep," y/n says as i stand up, walking over to her. "luckily," i say, smiling as i wrap my arms around y/n's neck as i hug her, "i haven't forgotten about your hug." y/n laughs, and her arms wrap around my waist, hugging me tight, "i'm glad you didn't." "thank you for making breakfast," i say, feeling her rub my back. "thanks for getting connor to sleep," she responds. 

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