changes - eleven

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a/n - please vote!

olivia's pov , 2 weeks later
i walk with louis as we walk out of the music class. "so, any plans later today?" he asks. "uh... i don't think so," i answer. i kinda noticed that y/n isn't putting the amount of effort she used to put in, so i doubt that she would ask me to hang out. 

i look at y/n as she walks the opposite way from us. i stop paying attention to louis talking for a second as y/n looks up from her phone. she looks at me for a second, then louis, then back at me. no smile, no wave, no sound coming from her. she looks back at her phone, and i turn my head as she walks past us. "do you not hang out with her at lunch?" louis notices. i look forward again, "sometimes."

1 week later
i walk up to y/n as she walks ahead of me. i walk beside her, and she looks at me. "can we talk?" i ask. "um, yeah," she says. 

we sit on the bleachers, looking at the empty field. "we've barely been hanging out," i tell her straight up. all y/n does is nod. "you won't even talk to me," i scoff lightly. "i don't know what to say to that," she tells me. "well... what's going on? you barely ask to hang out with me, you barely talk to me in class or after school," i tell her. "oh, this is on me?" she asks, looking at me. 

"no, it's- it's not on you," i say, "i'm just explaining." "well maybe i don't ask you to hang out because you're always with louis," she says. right. "i'm not always hanging out with him," i tell her. "but you are," y/n says, "you're always at his, or he's always at yours. you guys go and hang out with each other, and you wonder why i don't ask you to hang out with me, because i know that you would rather hang out with him than me."

i couldn't believe what she was saying. "are you serious?" i ask. "obviously i'm serious," she sighs, "i see how happy you are with him. i hear how happy you are. i thought that i was being stupid at first but i can tell that he likes you, and i'm sure that he would probably treat you well, and it sucks because i know you would've loved how i used to be a thousand times more if you had met me a year ago. i just sometimes get the feeling i need you more than you need me." "y/n, i-" "liv, i don't want you to settle for me just because you feel bad, because i do try to do my best with you, but it really sucks when i see you wanting to hang out with louis more," she continues, "and i want you to be happy, i do. i promise that's what i want. i just want you to be happy, and it's okay if it's not with me."

my heart breaks a little.

"so... i don't want you to be upset. i want you to focus on yourself, and what makes you happy," she says, "it's okay if you pick him, or you don't pick anyone. i gave you space because i want you to know who you want. i feel like i'm not giving you enough. i just want you to be happy, and you sound really happy with him." "but i'm happy with you," i say, looking at y/n as everything started to go blurry through my tears. she looks at me, "as happy as you could be?" she asks. i couldn't even respond, because if i did, i know i would burst into tears. 

i close my eyes, sighing as i feel y/n's thumb wipe the tear that fell from my eye. "it's okay," i hear her say, "i'll be here if you want me." "i do want you," i open my eyes as her hand goes to my jaw, like it was fit for any place in my body. "i just... don't know what to do," i admit. "that's okay," she nods, "i don't wanna confuse you or influence you. but i just want you to know that i'd be really lucky to have you, and i hope that louis would feel the same way if you end up picking him." the thought of not being with y/n made me sick. "i should probably stop talking now," she says. i look into her eyes. i could feel how much she was hurting right now. i hated how y/n was so selfless. i hated how much she cared about me. i close my eyes, leaning forward as i kiss y/n. i couldn't help but think when the next time i would kiss her would be, or if there would be a next time. i make sure to pour my heart into the kiss. 

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