new year - six

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a/n - please voteee

1 week later
i've been staying at olivia's house for almost two weeks. i had my stitches removed and (successfully) snuck into the house to pack my stuff up a few days ago so i didn't have to keep stealing olivia's clothes. not that she minded, though. it was cute.

speaking of, olivia and i still act like we're... sort of, almost dating? i mean, we still kiss each other's cheek and we've hung out a lot outside her house, meaning we've treated it like dates a lot. i wonder if olivia just thinks we're getting close as friends. surely not, right?

i walk into olivia's room, seeing her on the bed. i walk over, laying besides her. "wanna go to the arcade later?" i ask. "arcade date?" she grins. "sure," i chuckle. "'sure'?" she repeats, laughing. "sure," i smile. "fine then, we won't go," olivia says. "wh- so you wouldn't still go if it wasn't a date?" i ask. "well i would, but it seems like i'm just pulling you along," olivia says. "liv, i asked you on the arcade date," i tell her, laughing. "oh, so it is!" she smiles. "yes, it is!"

olivia holds my hand as we walk into the arcade, colourful lights filling our vision. i buy a card, and olivia and i look around. "what do you wanna do first?" i ask. olivia lets go of my hand, standing opposite me, "is your stomach okay?" "yeah, it's all good," i say, looking down as olivia lifts up my shirt a little, looking at the scar. "looks better," she smiles, putting my shirt down.

i stop throwing the basketballs as i had a lot more points than olivia. i look over at her, smiling as the ball hits the rim off the hoop, bouncing off. "don't laugh," she smiles, picking another one up.

olivia and i walk to the wheel game to see what we get. i scan the card, and olivia holds one side of the handle. "ready?" i ask, placing my hands on the other handle. "ready," she grins. we lift it up, pushing it down.

olivia stands beside me as we watch the wheel spin. she puts her arm around me, and we chuckle as we win 70 tickets. "not bad," she says. "not bad at all," i say, putting an arm over olivia's shoulders.

olivia and i walk out of the arcade, walking to her car. "that was fun," olivia smiles, holding my hand as my other hand held the plushie we won. "right?" i chuckle.

i open the door for olivia, and she smiles, stepping in. "got it?" i ask. "yeah, thank you," she tells me, letting go of my hand as she sits down. i lean in and buckle olivia's seatbelt, making her chuckle. "thank you," she says, placing her hand on my cheek.

she pulls me closer and i scrunch my face as olivia presses a long kiss on my cheek, laughing. i look at olivia as she pulls away. she keeps her hand on my cheek, smiling.

our noses almost touching, olivia placing her other hand on the other cheek. "thank you for today," she tells me, looking at my lips. "no problem," i say, glancing at olivia's before looking into her eyes.

olivia smiles, and i smile too, feeling my phone buzz. i ignore it, leaning closer to olivia. olivia leans forward, our noses going past each other. i place my hand on olivia's waist, closing my eyes as i part my lips.

we smile as our lips touch lightly, olivia kissing me deeper. we pull away after a few seconds, and we both chuckle breathlessly, olivia's hands dropping from my jaw.

i close my eyes, kissing olivia shortly as she hums. i pull away, stepping back and standing up. "i'm gonna go to the other side," i tell her. "okay," olivia chuckles as i smile, closing the door.

i take a deep exhale as i try to contain my already big smile, opening the driver's door and sitting down. olivia watches me as i buckle, starting the car up. "do you want ice-cream?" i ask, looking at olivia. she laughs, "yeah, sure." "why're you laughing?" i ask, smiling as olivia covers her mouth, laughing even more as she looks outside the window.

"liv!" i laugh, placing my hand on her shoulder. "nothing... you just... act like we didn't kiss after being friends for so many years," she laughs, looking at me. "oh," i laugh, "was i meant to say something? is that what normally happens?" olivia gasps, smile fading, "you haven't had your first kiss?" "no," i laugh, "i swear i told you!" olivia laughs, exclaiming, "i was your first kiss!"

i lay on olivia's bed, and olivia lays beside me, on my pillow. "y/n," she says, grinning. "olivia," i say, grinning back. she faces me, and i place my hands on her waist, pulling her on top of me. "does it hurt?" she asks. "no, it's good," i say. "okay," olivia smiles, wrapping her arms around my neck. i close my eyes as olivia presses her lips against mine.

i kiss olivia back, leaning my head on the pillow. olivia pulls away, pressing her lips on my cheek. i scrunch my face, closing my eyes as i smile.

i wrap my arms around olivia, picking up my phone. i read the text from mom. "my parents want to do family counseling," i tell olivia. "really?" she asks. "yeah," i say, "but i don't wanna do it." "i get that," olivia nods, "too much said?" "too much said and done to try and fix it," i tell her, "but i don't wanna tell the therapist about my arm. i know that counseling isn't gonna work, then they'll use it against me." "then you don't have to, y/n,"'olivia says, "it's no pressure." "that's exactly what it is," i say, "and i need to figure out what to say." "how much time do you have?" she asks. "not much," i say, "i don't want to do it." "then don't," olivia tells me, "tell them to do couples' therapy. maybe that'll work." "good idea," i whisper, staring to type.

i stop typing as olivia starts to press kisses on my neck. "liv," i smile faintly. olivia hums, pressing a kiss to my jaw. "i love how that feels, so much that i can't focus," i tell her. "oh shit, sorry," olivia laughs. "it's all good," i kiss her head before continuing to type.

i read over the message again, "okay, i think i did it. can i read it to you?" "of course," olivia says. "alright," i say, starting to read out loud, "i'm glad that you and dad finally decide to take actions on something that has been going on for almost a year but i don't want to be apart of something like family counselling as there was too much physical and mental damage done on me. i'm sorry if you disagree but i personally think it would be better if you two could do some couples therapy instead and let me work on myself and my mental health." "that's good," olivia says. "oh, i wasn't done," i chuckle. "oh," olivia laughs, "i'm sorry, babe. keep going." babe.

i smile, "all good, liv." i continue to read it, "couples therapy or not, i hope you two can reflect on your actions towards each other and your daughter. i would also like to add that i have not done anything to purposely trigger you, only standing up for myself. even though you two used to give me so much love growing up, which i am grateful for, it's hard to forgive you guys for how shitty i feel about myself now. therefore, i'm staying with a friend until i'm ready to go back home/until you guys figure things out between each other. things won't go back to how it used to be, but i hope you two figure things out and understand that i just want what's best for me and you guys." "that's the end?" liv asks. "yeah," i say, "i feel like i made it too formal and too long." "no, you said all you needed to," olivia tells me. "promise?" i ask. "promise," olivia says. "okay, i'm sending it." i press the send button, turning my phone off.

olivia looks up at me, "i'm so proud of you. so much." i smile, looking down at olivia, "thank you, olivia. i'm proud of you, too." "thank you," she whispers, and i close my eyes, letting her kiss me.

she pulls away, and i smile, moving the hair out of her face and behind her ear. "babe, huh?" i smile. olivia laughs, "babe. i know we aren't dating yet, but you're just... such a 'babe'. you give 'babe' energy." "is that good or bad?" i ask, chuckling. "you don't like the name?" she asks. "i do," i say, "it's cute." "matches you," she says. "you're flattering me," i laugh. "good," olivia laughs too.

we laugh as i roll us over. i connect my lips to olivia's, and her hands slide down to my jaw, holding it gently. i pull away slightly, turning my head and kissing olivia again.

i pull away, furrowing my eyebrows. "what's up?" liv asks. "am i a good kisser? be honest," i tell her. "of course you are," she laughs. "don't laugh," i chuckle, "are you being honest? you can't say 'of course'. you're the only person i've kissed." olivia squeals, laughing, "that's so cute!"

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