Chapter 2: Surprise!

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Mitch stood by the corner of the room, looking at Ty as he walks out.

Sky sighed and looked, jumping at Mitch.

"OH! Sorry, I didn't see you there before. Who are you, may I ask?" He requested, a timid grin on his face.

Mitch looked at him and gave a half-hearted smile, walking over. "Well, I'm Mitch. I'm one of the people who first helped you make this army get together."

Adam looked at Mitch with a confused smile, his eyes filled with curiosity.

Mitch glanced and chuckled, patted his back. "Okay, fine. Let me tell you about it."

He cleared his throat, facing Adam, whose back faced the open window that let in a chill breeze.

"Well, it all started 3 years ago. We were both-"He stopped half-way, his eyes widening as big as plates.

A blue tentacle slowly pulled itself inside the room, a head popping through.

A squid was on its way.

Sky looked at him in confusion, looking at the window behind him.

The squid was on the ledge of the window (??), its wall-eyed stare scanning the room.

Mitch slowly took out his bow, his stance straight and steady.

He took out an arrow, placing it carefully on the bow.

He pulled the arrow, along with the string, carefully aiming at the squid.

The squid finally took notice, quickly jumping inside and running out the door.

Mitch scowled, quickly glancing at Adam. "You stay here."

Mitch ran after the squid, leaving Sky dumbfounded.

"Um, okay..?" He mumbled, walking over to the window.

He looked down, seeing a squad of squids (AYY LMAO).

He looked back at the door, only to meet Ty's gaze.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

Ty slowly glanced at the hall behind him, his arm trembling. "I...well...uh, um..."

Adam scratched his head and looked down. "Look, I've been confused all day, or, at least until now that is. Please tell me."

Ty put down his glass of water and sighed. "Well, see, squids aren't very friendly around here."

Sky looked up at him, the glisten in his eyes saying 'Go on'.

Ty looked away and cleared his throat. "We're, um, sorta in a war in them."

Sky nodded, sitting down on the bed.

"For 3 years, actually. Even until now. The squids, um, had a grudge on you. I don't know what it is, but it seems pretty bad. I mean REALLY bad. We needed to protect you."

Adam looked down and frowned. "So, I guess it's my fault."


Well, that was lame.

Anyway, I made a new chapter. Making one everyday >w<

I'm also gonna spoil a bit of it if you follow some of my art blogs.

I might make MV's with small hints in them, or make a huge-ass piece of shitty art that spoils in the most obvious way XD

Art references for the characters are also coming soon.

Go watch me at my deviantART account to get updates on them. (Or I'll just link it lel)

Sorry if some parts are confusing, English isn't my first language, and well, you know.

Well, that's enough shit talk for now. I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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