Chapter 36: Cuts and Conversations

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Notch frowned at the girl, sighing and taking a quick glance around. "If you intended that, it's fine. I also have someone for you to talk to. A bunch of them, actually." He pulled Kia, walking off to a distant spot away from the crowd.

Hopefully this won't be too harsh. He thought, quietly approaching three adults who bantered freely. Kia stayed silent, looking away from them. She hesitated to look up from the new cotton-like floor, carefully taking each step she got close.

Notch greeted with a grin and a loud 'Hi', getting the three's attention. The man from the three stared at Kia, both a scared and happy expression spread across his face. 

"It's you..." He whispered, slowly walking over to her and giving her a warm hug. Kia looked up and the man and pushed him away giving a confused face. But then, for a moment, he saw the man's tail twitch.

Wait, tail? She thought, taking a closer look at the man's figure. He had large black wings, emitting a purple tint around it. The tail had scales, sharp and purple as well. His hands and a part of his face was dimmed with black, his eyes glowing deep violet.

"Wait, you aren't...are you?" She said, scanning his figure. "Yeah. I'm the owner of the 'bullet' that was lodged in your arm. It hasn't grown back yet." He stated, chuckling at his last remark, a small whistle coming out of his mouth. "You're also-"

"Yep." Kia spoke, but was cut off by his deep voice. He stayed silent for a moment, looking over to one of the ladies behind him. "...Bloodie's father." 

The two stared in silence, one in frustration, and the other in shame. Notch gave Kia a small push, quickly turning around to leave. "I'll leave you in their hands, have fun!" He exclaimed, running away.

"Well, you two? Come over here and talk!" One of the people behind him said with a gentle voice, soft and smooth. She dragged some of hair brown hair out of the left side of her face, revealing a gleaming white eye.

The man started to walk back and walked close to the silent lady, smiling down at her. Kia hesitated to take a step, but proceeded to walk over anyway.

"Sorry to waste your time, we just wanted to talk for a bit, dear." The strange-eyed woman said, smiling at Kia. "Do you remember me?" She asked, grinning even wider.

"Yeah...Claire." Kia mumbled out that last word, feeling small hands hold her rough ones. "You do! Great, let's introduce each other, okay?" Claire exclaimed, turning over to the two that watched them.

"Just call me End, for now." The previous man said, politely waving his hand. "Anne." The lady who stood next to 'End' spoke, really softly. Kia didn't hear, but brushed it off as a mistake.

"Kia, do you know why Notch told you to come here?" End said, staring at the girl. She slowly shook her head no, staring back as well. "We're going to talk about your past."

Kia's mind suddenly went blank, the atmosphere suddenly turning cold. "No. Fucking no. I'm not going to-" Kia yelled, but was quickly squeezed by the three. "We need to, for Bloodie, okay?" End stated, staring directly into her eyes.

What she didn't see was the evil, and terrifying glare of an enderman or the enderdragon, but she saw that gaze of a caring father. Kia kept quiet, but still gave a nod.

"He's...he's cutting again Kia." Anne whimpered, looking down and the soft ground that we stood on. "He's really terrible at letting go of things. Especially to people like you, or even us." End continued on, letting go and poking a small hole through the cloud floor.

The floor peeked over a blood stained bathroom, a blade sitting in the middle of a pool of blood. "Please, be strong for him." Claire finished the small exchange of words, closing up the small hole.

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