Chapter 31

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"We don't have to go anywhere, we'll start here." Notch stated, staring at the duo that stood in front of him. "Wait, now?" Mitch asked, taking a quick glance around. "But we don't have any weapons."

"We're not practicing with weapons, we're dancing." He replied, receiving a confused glare from the two. "Watch out Mitch, he's being gay." Kia whispered to Mitch's ear, looking suspiciously at him.

"I'M NOT GAY!" Notch yelled, glaring in pure anger. Kia chuckled and looked at him with a grin, snickering away. "I'm kidding, baldie. I don't have a problem with gay people, they're pretty nice." She said, taking a small glance at Mitch.

"W-Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, nervously grinning at the held in laughter of the girl. "Nothing, let's just get on with it. Hopefully he doesn't go too far and starts wearing something pink."

Notch growled and mumbled a 'Fine', before walking back a few steps. The drops sounded, quite flat and grating to the ears. 

"Take gentle steps and create a tune with the sounds of the drops. Be flexible. Mitch you go first." Notch stated, receiving a nod form the brown-eyed boy.

Mitch took a light step, creating a small symphony of drops. He grinned and walked up to Notch, being replied with a grin as well. 

"Hey Kia, try it, it's pretty fun." He stated, looking at the small ripples he left behind on the floor. It created a pleasing sound, echoing from all around. "You never know Jason might like it one day as well."

She sighed, glaring at the boy. "You know that means he can only like this by dying, right?" She growled, Mitch nervously chuckling in response. "What does this have to do with the war anyway?"

"I'm gonna enhance both of your agility and flexibility." Notch responded, his cape flowing by the breeze just as usual, or to them at least. "You kids and your fighting skills have been getting a bit rusty."

"But I'm a pro!" Mitch exclaimed, confused at his statement. "But I'm 22!" Kia yelled, getting a confused glance from the two. She sighed and looked disappointed at the two, groaning. "At least take a joke."

"Making jokes while you're dead isn't healthy." Notch stated as he walked over, poking at the girl's stained arm. "Being dead is barely healthy at all!" She exclaimed, glaring at the bearded man.

"At least try it out." Notch replied,  pacing back to Mitch. She sighed and gave up, looking up at the two. She took a quick twirl and took light steps, swiftly and gently.

She took another few steps and stopped, standing next to the two. The drops made a sweet tune, a quick-paced at that one. 

"It was rather tiring if you ask me." Kia said, looking at the trail of ripples. "Odd for you to say, you looked like you were into it. You like Classical music, right?" Notch asked, looking at the girl.

She nodded, glancing at him confused.

"You'll learn better."


a short chapter what is this


i wanna add more but my ideas died while drawing that shitty cover and it's like 3:00 am do you want me to die how cruel

i also inspired this chapter with Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

been so long since i cried that much in one sitting




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