Chapter 35

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The two above walked back to Notch, asking for another practice session. They continued on for a while, doing the same routine, except with longer steps.

Then, came another session. Notch had finally took out some weapons, the two responding with an excited grin. "Alright you two, time for a real sparring session." Notch said, handing the two with iron swords.

Notch took out a wooden one, pointing at the two with it. "Now, come fight me." He demanded, pulling back the sword. "Okay, hold it. We can't fight a God. A fucking God, literally right in front of us." Kia exclaimed, glaring at the bearded man.

"I'll go easy, don't worry about it. Besides, this is a test for all that dancing you did." He replied, standing still. He created an opening for the two, nodding as a signal to start.

Mitch started off with a quick sprint, Notch still standing with the sword unheld. Mitch was confused, but drifted off the thought with a raise of his iron sword, aiming for the man.

He let out a battle cry, quickly swinging the sword, but missing him by a few inches away. Mitch suddenly stared in confusion, looking around. He continued, suddenly hearing a whisper from behind.

"Agility, Mitch." Notch whispered behind him, smacking Mitch's head with his sword. Mitch flinched and held his head, cowering on the liquid-like floor. "Ow..." He groaned, stroking the small bump that formed on his head.

"Like I said, be flexible. Don't be caught-off guard as well. Just because I disappeared doesn't mean you suddenly stop, got it?" Notch stated sternly, looking down at Mitch.

Mitch nodded slowly, standing up. "Also, I expected more from THE BajanCanadian." Notch looked at him, obviously disappointed. "Shut up." Mitch grumbled, still stroking at his injury.

Notch glanced at Kia, nodding. She sighed and glared, quickly sprinting to him. Notch took a quick step, quickly disappearing from sight. Mitch looked around confused, stopping behind Kia's direction.

Kia hissed and quickly looked back, raising a block. The wooden sword was stopped with the iron one, Notch greeting the girl with a grin. "Good job." Notch stated, pulling back the attack.

Kia took back the block, sighing and smiling in success, but was giving a smack as well. "What was that for?!" She whined, holding the injury.

"You're too slow." (okayimayhaveintendedthejoke) Notch said, glaring at her. "You also seemed to use Mitch's reaction as a sign I was behind. Having teamwork is one thing, but being able to protect yourself independently is another."

"Fine, I'll try again." Kia sighed, gripping on her sword once again. Notch walked farther away, gripping on his sword as well. Kia sprinted as fast as she could, seeing his figure turn into a blur and disappear.

Kia skid lightly on the floor, quickly looking back and giving a large swing. Notch was a few inches away. "Very good, but you still need to fix your aim. Both of you, actually." He stated, looking over to Mitch.

"Well, this is gonna be a pretty weird and challenging lesson, so, let's continue tomorrow. It's actually nighttime." Notch said, looking down at his reflection on the floor. "Let me show you around your house."

The two stared at him confused, looking around. "Uh, what house? This place is empty!" Mitch stated, pointing his finger all around. Notch sighed, putting his palm up over his face.

"Dear me, it's not here. IT SHOULD'VE BEEN OBVIOUS ARE YOU TWO BLIND?!" He exclaimed, glaring at Mitch, obviously annoyed.

Mitch replied with an awkward laugh, apologizing. "Stand close, I'll take you there." Notch said, glancing between the two. The two nodded and stood close, looking over to him.

Their figures slowly faded, bits and bits blurring and fading away. They were inside a dark void, filled with code, 0's and 1's moving in different directions.

Kia stared at the code all around, staying silent as Mitch gasped in astonishment. The three of them walked into a bright light, soon engulfing them and transporting them to another place.

Different people walked around, wearing white and having white wings, quite different from the two. "Go make friends or something." Notch said, looking at Mitch. He squealed in response, quickly walking over to the people who walked around.

"He's really outgoing, isn't he?" Notch said, glancing over to Kia. She was looking back from where they came, drifting off into her own world. 

She quickly snapped back to reality as she felt a hand pat her head, looking over to the man. "You've experienced that before, right?" Notch asked, (surprisingly) having a worried look upon his face.

Kia stayed silent, still staring off into the empty distance. "You know, when I said I killed Claire...did you know what she said to me?" He asked, putting his hand over the girl's shoulder.

"Take care of my daughter...yet, I never knew which one. But, since Hero is still alive and running, I could at least take care of the one that was abandoned." He continued, stroking her back.

A few moments of silence passed, only to be broken by Kia's voice.

"I hate you."




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