Chapter 7: I was too late

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Every night, EVERY DAMN NIGHT, he asked someone to guard that bedroom. He still slept there, only for a few hours, since he didn't need sleep. You know, Herobrine stuff he does I guess.

He did that same routine for years, not uttering a word to her. Well, not until she asked.

"Um..." He started, looking down at the now 5 year old girl. "Well, you see..." She looked up at him, staring in curiosity. Hero looked up at the ceiling, or what he seemed to be doing, scratching the back of his neck lightly.

"I just...I wanted to protect you." He answered, kneeling down to her short figure. She smiled and hugged him lightly, running back to the hall. "Okay daddy!" She exclaimed, skipping down the spiral staircase.

He blinked and sighed, standing back up. "That girl never changes." He mumbled, walking back to his bedroom, doing whatever.

He took care of her for another year, but that last year was the year he could never see her ever again. They stayed in the game most of the time, which you probably figured out where they were in the last few chapters by now. (Thanks. How about we NOT break the fourth wall?)

But, they did get out of the place to go to the real world. It's either they're going to get supplies, or just to bond.

That time, they went to bond. They proceeded to the park, holding hands because this is supposed to be sappy father daughter bonding time.

They sat down on an empty bench, chatting to their hearts content. Aw, isn't that sweet? Yeah, I know, sickening. (R00d squid lady is r00d)

They continued to talk for a while, until the sound of grass being crushed was heard. Hero twisted and turned, growling loudly.

"Who's there?!" He yelled, making the little girl look up at him. "What's wrong daddy?" She asked, tugging on his sky blue shirt.

Hero looked and patted her head gently, looking around. "Just... stay here for a moment." He whispered, lightly pecking her on the forehead sweet elder guardian this is disturbing.

He stood and walked off, following the sound where he thought the sound came from. Then...bang. A gunshot was heard, not too far from where Hero was standing.

He quickly ran to the source, horrified at what he saw. (Warning, blood ahead. Not too graphic, but yeah.)

Little Kia sat there, weeping and her breath shallow. Blood dripped down from the top of her arm, a gaping hole drawing it all out.

She whimpered, breathing rapidly. Hero quickly ran over and picked her up, holding her tightly in his large arms. She screeched, crying harder. Hero stroked her hair, looking around. "Please be okay..."

A figure holding a gun stood in front of him, wrapped in a brown cloak. Hero looked and stared, speechless. The only noticeable detail was his beard. The figured smirked, quickly running off into the distance.

Hero gulped and let the tears stream.

"Brother, you bastard..."



no art again sorry

pretty late from usual too

hope you enjoy this chapter though

and give a big happy birthday to precious Markiplier

he's 26 now yay

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