Chapter 47: Echo

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I stared, my eyes furrowing in concern. "You...cut?" I said, glancing down at the blade that was in my hand. He continued to tremble, eventually tumbling down on the floor.

He started to cry, burying his face onto his arms. I quickly dropped the blade and carefully made my way over to him, kneeling down to his size.

I stroked his head and looked at his arms, feeling a warm liquid behind the black sleeve. "Why would you cut? You seem so nice and friendly. Don't tell me it's because of-"

"Yeah. It's about her. I-I just...I just...I had no other choice, she's gone, and I couldn't help..." He choked out, starting to sob harder.

I frowned at his response, continuing to stroke his head. "What if you had another choice?" I replied, staring blankly at him.

He looked up at me, confused but still crying. "W-What do you mean?" He questioned, trying to take back some tears just to talk.

"What had another choice? What if that choice was to be able to fight back that feeling, able to hold back that pain and move on?" I continued, looking down on the tiled floors.

"Are...Are you okay..?" He muttered, quieting down. "I was made fun of when I was a kid because of my laugh. I hate that memory, so I...pushed it away. I forgot about it. So, perhaps you can do the same with Kia..?" I stated, continuing to stare down.

He stayed silent for a whole minute, not moving from his position. "I...I could..." He mumbled, gripping tightly on my arms.

I quickly looked up at him, staring for a moment. "You'd forget her? Even if she's your..." I drifted off, slowly glancing down at his fingers.

He slowly nodded, quietly taking back his arms. He looked down gloomily, letting the waterworks flow once again. "If it's what it takes to be...myself again."

I looked at him confused, patting on his back gently. "What...what do you mean by that? Did she do something wrong?" I asked, continuing to pat him.

"I've been...too dependent of her...I just...I want to take care of myself for once..." He grumbled, continuing to let his tears drip down on the floor.

I frowned started to stroke him gently, gripping on his arms. "Move on from her, that's your only choice. You can change." I responded, gripping on his arm even tighter.

He sobbed loudly, quickly squeezing me.

We all have to move on some day.


.: Kia's POV :.

I stood there and stared at Mitch, holding the gleaming diamond blade tightly in my grasp.  His face was stuck staring at mine as well, holding another diamond sword with him.

We both held up our wielded fists, taking a few steps back. We stood silent for a second, before then-


The air boomed, both of our figures disappearing in a flash. Notch was watching from a distance not too far away, still letting the breeze flow along his cape.

Me and Mitch shot daggers at each other, letting a battle cry as we started to swing our swords at one another. We started to block each other's attempts of attack as fast as we could, not being able to leave an open spot for offense.

We continued to block for a while, still not having the ability to leave a scratch at the other. After a few minutes, I decided on a small trick.

Block then a quick slash, yeah.

I did the trick, eventually succeeding. Mitch got a small cut to his arm, but not too deep or painful. We both stopped at that point, panting for breath.

Notch walked over to the two of us, a soft smile curved on his lips. "Getting better, you two." He stated, kneeling down as we layed on the liquid-like floor.

"Thanks..." Mitch breathed out, trying to stop the panting. He coughed and shut his eyes, putting away the gleaming diamond sword he had.

I coughed as well, but louder and rougher. "Alright you two, you already know..." Notch started, his smile starting to fade.

"...It's time."



so done aha

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