Chapter 8: Silence is a thousand words

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Hero held her gently, teleporting to the hospital. He rushed to the emergency room, laying her down on the bed blanketed with white sheets.

He ran to the counter, slamming his fists on the large desk. The lady looked at him, a nervous smile etched on her face. "Can I help you, sir?" She asked, glancing from her computer screen to Hero's angered face.

"Get some people to my daughter, now." He growled under his breath, clutching the desk. The accountant smiled and looked at him, vigorously tapping away at her keyboard. "Well, sir, if you want the doctors there, you can-"

"NOW." His voice boomed, making the people passing through look and stare, mumbling conversations to themselves. Thousands of thoughts from others flooded his ears.

"Oh wow, he's yelling. In a hospital too."

"No manners at all."

"What's this guy's problem?"

"He should real-"

He glared at the others, growling loudly. Everyone flinched, quickly going back to what they were doing. He stomped back to the room, seeing doctors surrounding her.

"Let's get her to the surgery room, ASAP." One of the doctors said, quickly putting her on a stretcher. They carried her to a room across the long hall, closing the doors tight shut.

Hero sat down at the chairs in front of big doors, putting his palms to his temples. He sighed, his voice shaky and raspy. He let go of his temples, shivering.

"Any God, please, save her." He mumbled, staring down at his big and bulky hands. He formed a daisy in his hands, the petals glowing brightly with a silvery shine.

He smiled slightly, twisting it around lightly with his fingers. The light slowly dimmed, the petals going back to the plain old white it used to be. He sighed, grasping the delicate flower. 

After a what seemed to be hours, one of the doctors came out. Hero looked and stood quickly, walking over to him.

"How's her condition?!" He asked, (Cliche, I know.) still clutching the daisy in his hands. The doctor looked and frowned, taking a glance behind him.

"Well, um, sir, she's not in a good condition." He started, clearing his throat. "I...It's all my fault..." Hero muttered, stroking his brown locks.

"Uh, the good thing is, we got the bullet out of her arm. The bad news is, well, we're not even sure if it's a bullet or not." The doctor continued, looking over to her inside the room. 

Hero looked up and stared, crushing the poor little flower. "Can I see the bullet?" He asked, clutching the shoulder of the doctor.

The doctor looked and nodded, writing down whatever was he writing on the clipboard he held. "Well, I guess you cou-" He answered, being stopped by Hero's sudden shove.

Hero ran inside the room, looking for the "bullet". The so called "bullet" sat on a metal dish, next to the bloodied tools. He touched it and hissed, quickly pulling back his hand.

"I knew it...It's a refined Ender Dragon tooth, where all the poison can show it's true self." He whispered, picking it up with, um, telekinesis I guess?

He looked over at little Kia, his brows furrowing in anguish, slowly dragging himself to her. He held out his hand, proceeding to hold her small hand.

"Um, sir, you need to leave. We need to move her to a proper room." A feminine voice exclaimed. Hero quickly pulled his hand back, sighing. 

He walked back outside and sat down once again, staring at the tooth that he, uh, held?

"That bastard..." He growled, crushing the deadly weapon, leaving dust and a purple substance on the floor. He stood and looked over to the people who took her away, following them close.

One of the men who carried away looked, stopping for a moment. "I'm sorry sir, but you can't visit her for another week. We need more information on what happened, I'm sorry."

Hero stopped, as if time had stopped, thoughts flooded his mind.

I'm going to be stuck here if I don't leave soon.

But, she'll be all alone, without me.

Stop it Herobrine, nothing's going to happen...

"I hope..." He thought out loud, quickly looking back at the men. "Wait!" He exclaimed, quickly running over to the group.

"I...I wanna say a few words before I go." He asserted, squeezing Kia's hands tightly. One of them men raised a brow, looking at the others.

The rest nodded, as did the one who looked. "Very well, sir." The man replied, giving a half-hearted smile.

Hero looked at her pained yet calm (how does that even make sense what) face. She was asleep, but her breathing was still short. 

He pecked her forehead, stroking her hair.

"Daddy's gotta go now..."

He whispered with a shaky voice, placing the daisy held on her ear.

He hugged her gently, whimpering.


"I love you..."





now you know why that flowere's there :y

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