Chapter 28

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"Ty, don't be selfish. She didn't do that much to you anyway." Jason stated, quickly earning a glare from Ty. Jason flinched, quickly taking off his helmet and shooting a glare as well.

"Okay okay, break it up you two." Jerome exclaimed, walking over to the front. Jason hissed and quickly put back on the orange and blue helmet, walking out.

"I'm hungry." Jason said, walking away from the room. "Well, um, we'll just go now if that's all. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. We just need to get Adam back and Mitch healed." Jordan stated, walking out the room with the others, leaving Jerome and Ty left behind.

"Jordan's right Ty, it's not that much of a problem. I know you care about Adam but..." Jerome drifted off, staring at Ty who was on tears.

"You don't get it Jerome. We made a promise."


"Hey Kia, can you make a promise for me?" Ty asked, looking at the tall girl who sat next to him. She smiled and nodded, picking out stray yarn from her sweater.

"Hit me." She stated, finishing and looking at him calmly. "Can you promise to never lie to me and always protect everyone with me?" He asked, gently flopping the sleeves of his sweater as he looked down.

She chuckled and gently placed her hand on the boy's head. "Of course I will. I'll keep it forever." She stated, messing with his brown hair.



Kia mumbled, staring up at the gray tinted sky that poured down rain. Her mind was blank for a few moments, not budging from the rain that soaked her clothes.

She dragged herself back to her large wooden cabin. "It's like all those years ago, wasn't it? I was soaked, angrily trying to help."

She opened the door, entering the dusty room. The torches were still there, but barely lit. She sat down at the wooden chair not too far from the window.

She looked out, looking at an empty patch of grass. "And there you were, petting Toast. Why can't you be more confident? Why didn't you run?"

She gripped at the dusty book that sat at the table, silent tears flowing from her bloodshot eyes. "I'm sorry you all met me. I'm just a liar who can't keep even a simple promise."

"If I wasn't alive, all of you could've been happy and normal in the real world. Probably making people laugh and being just...happy." She grinned, a lump forming in her throat as she tried to hold in the tears.

She sighed and stood, walking over to the kitchen. She looked at the large clock that hung by the wall, showing a slowly dragged picture of the moon, a small bunch of numbers blinking below it.

"12: 27. Is it that late already? How long did I walk..?" She mumbled, fumbling her hands over to the pile of empty items that sat at the counter.

She stared at an empty bottle of beer, cracking a small smile. "Maybe if I would just..." She said, picking it up and holding onto it tightly.

12: 28

She quickly took a large amount of a paper towel and rolled it up slightly, taking another quick look around.

12: 29

She quickly ran to the basement and ransacked the place, desperately looking for oil. She looked at a can of paint that sat at the corner that was labeled "Oil based paint, GET IT AWAY FROM THE TORCHES!", cracking a large grin.

She took a funnel and placed it on top of the bottle, gushing down the pain halfway inside the bottle. She placed the paper towel inside the bottle, letting it dip through the paint.

12: 30

She quickly shoved her hands to her pockets, shifting it around to look for a for a lighter she kept. She felt a small rectangular figure, quickly taking it out and smiling even wider.

She took the bottle and ran up the stairs, standing in the middle of the room.

Tears quickly flooded her eyes, but she still grinned from ear to ear. She lit the lighter, letting the flame touch the paper.

The paper was set ablaze, the fire starting to get large. She quickly dropped the bottle, it's shards flying everywhere.

The paint flooded the middle spot of the room, the fire travelling with the paint.

"For everyone."


The house was on fire, a large cloud smoke filling the clouded sky. The rain had stopped, but the sky stayed gloomy.

Kia didn't budge from her spot one bit. She was scorched all over, her skin bubbling from the large amount of heat. She kept in the scream, closing her eyes tight shut.


Jerome looked outside the window of Mitch's room, seeing a distant cloud of smoke. He called a recruit and asked them to check it out, pointing over to the direction of the smoke.

Jerome looked at Mitch from the doorway, who breathed quite...forced. Jerome worriedly stared, glancing over to the heart monitor. The beat of his heart was slower than usual.

Then, suddenly.

A long beep sounded as the monitor showed a straight line.

Jerome's eyes widened as wide as plates, tears quickly dripping over his cheeks. "" He breathed out, slowly walking over to his bed.

"Doctor..." He he said quietly, quickening his pace gradually. "Doctor..!" He said louder, continuing to quicken his pace.

He quickly ran and hugged his cold body, ignoring the tangled wires that pressed against his chest. 

As loud as he could he yelled.



Kia stood at an empty realm, the sky purely blue with clouds floating around the beautiful blue scene. The sun shined over everything, very slowly rising from what seems to be under the floor she stood on.

She looked down at the floor, seeing her reflection. She took a small step, a ripple going through the reflecting floor.

She stared at her reflection, her mind completely blank. The ripple made a sound, quite like an ordinary drop of water.

Another drop sounded, not so far away. She looked across her, seeing a boy about 19, sitting down and rubbing his head as if he just fell.

The boy stopped and locked eyes with her, his eyes turning wide. Kia smiled and raised a hand, silent tears flowing from her eyes.

"Hey, Mitch."


haha yay i finally killed them


now i understand why authors kill so many characters


and look i'm getting better at describing things

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