Chapter 22

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I have realized that Kia has PTSD

and Depression

Oh dear haha I'm a bad author


 [Leggo back to Kia]

I continued to walk the slippery sidewalk, looking at each of my steps. I glanced up, only to find her standing in front of me, staring.

I hissed and quickly ran back, hiding from where ever she was. She called out my name, yet her voice was hollow.

"Where are you sister? Don't you love me anymore? You promised...we'd play again..." She called out, making my eyes widen.

You wouldn't dare.

The voice in my head said, making me whimper. "What's wrong, are you afraid?" A sweet voice whispered in my ear, something blue wrapping around my arm.

I yelped and jumped, quickly running away, but being held back by the large blue tentacle. "What would you be so afraid of, sister? Is it because of the games we played?"

I flinched at the question. "I TOLD YOU TO GET AWAY FROM ME!" I bellowed, quickly unwrapping the tentacle around my arm. I ran.

Once again, I ran from that city, erasing every memory I had there. I hid inside a small cabin that I built inside a hidden forest, living all on my own.

I eventually grew into it, living up until I was 20. I renovated and renovated, up until it was big enough for a party of 10. 

But the sad thing was that, obviously, I was alone.

I created a library, most of the time I stayed there. I taught myself everything that had to do with this world, avoiding everything and anything.

I've had a few disorders, but I was eventually treated with my excessive use of potions. At first thought you would think that would be bad, but potions are different from medicine.

Potions had a long lasting effect, making me gradually heal over the years.

I was free. I was happy, nothing in the past bothered me, I moved on.

I thought that I would never be involved with anyone anymore, because I knew it would cause problems. But, we all know that's a lie.

At one cold morning, a knock sounded on my door. I stared at the doorway, shakily holding the the book that was in my hands. (I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU KNOW WHERE I'M GOING AT THIS POINT I LOVE YOU, THIS IS A GAME OF GUESS THAT SUBTLE REFERENCE okaynotreallybut)

I took a gulp, putting down the book on the table. I quietly made my way to the doorway, being careful with each step.

It's been years since I've seen anyone...what should I do..?

What should I do? That question echoed in my head again and again. Another knock sounded making me stop in my tracks.

I reached my hand to the doorknob, holding onto it tightly. I turned it, swinging open the door.

I locked eyes with a boy about 16, his fluffy black hair flowing in the wind.

"...oh no..."







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