Chapter 50: Farewell, My Dear Old Friends.

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Kia sat down in the dark and cold cell, staring blankly at the stone floors as she hugged her knees. Tears started to spring from her eyes, her sight starting to get cloudy.

"I'm sorry I can't do anything right." She muttered, hiding her face between her legs. She started to whine loudly, continuing to croak out more apologies.

"Sorry that I ruined your plan."

"Sorry that I did it all wrong."

"Sorry that I'm still here."

"Sorry that I'm alive."

She sobbed harder, trying to hold the tears back. She hiccuped, causing the sound to bounce off the cell's walls. She quickly heard footsteps, not too far away from the cell's door.

"Please stay away." She mumbled, facing away from the direction of the door. The footsteps went closer, heavier and faster as well.

"Kia?" A soft voice called out, making the girl perk her head up to the door. Mitch's face was lit up with a torch, his eyes still watery.

"Mitch..?" She quietly said, slowly standing up from her spot to walk over. "Why are you...crying?" She asked, opening the door of the cell.

He quickly flustered and wiped the remaining tears away, looking down in frustration. "Well, what about you?" He responded, avoiding the question.

"You should probably know by now." She grinned half-heartedly, stroking the wilting daisy that hung from her ear.

Mitch quickly started to frown, placing his palm over the middle of his chest. Kia looked and stopped smiling, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

"What happened?" She questioned, stroking the boy's head gently. He gently squeezed the tall girl, letting the salty tears flow from his eyes once again.

"I've been replaced." He stated, still continuing to sob softly. Kia still continued to stroke his head, hugging him back.

"Don't worry. At least you were needed. But, me...well..." She responded, stopping for a moment as she forced a smile. Mitch looked up quite angrily, frowning at her response.

"Dude, you know well that you are needed. What about Bloodie? What's he gonna do without you?" He replied, gaining a stare from the girl.

She started to chuckle, holding back the laughter. "Okay okay, got me there." She snickered, pushing away the boy. He grinned widely, handing another torch to the girl.

She smiled back, an actual normal smile unlike the other ones. They slowly made their way back, chattering away.

"Ah, I forgot. We won the war." Mitch stated, smiling up at the tall girl. She smiled slightly, giving him a pat on the back. "All that training went better than expected, didn't it?"

He chuckled and nodded, finally arriving outside the dark hallway. They continued to talk for a while, but stopped when they saw the group talking to each other with a serious expression etched on their faces.

The others noticed the two's stare, turning their heads over to them. Some looked surprised, while some glared. Mitch started to glare back, mostly at Jerome's direction.

Jerome stood there shocked, staring at Mitch straight in the eye with bloodshot eyes. Jerome started to reach out his hand, the broken dog tag necklace held on his other.

Mitch quickly grabbed Kia's wrists, stomping out of the war zone. They swam back to shore as fast as they could, seeing the dark and gloomy skies above starting to pour out it's heavy drops of rain.

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