Chapter 26

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I just noticed that the third paragraph in the last chapter went back to 1st person haha

that's why I don't like using it

that happens

sorry ;;


Kia gave a confused glare, quickly pulling back her arm. "What do you want? I have to do something, hurry up." She demanded,  stroking her gripped arm.

He growled quite loudly, pulling her into an empty room. His blood was boiling, his face completely red. "I overheard your little story with Seto you bastard."

Kia glare faded, a deeply concerned expression etched on her face. She pulled up a smile, a sweat dripping from the top of her head. "What story? I hate telling stories, you know that."

He quickly held her wrist and pushed it back, making her give a sharp scream. "S-Slow down Ty, we can talk about this!" She stated, quickly pushing his arm back.

"Talk about what?! Why did you run from that clone that day?! What did she do?!" He practically screamed the words, gripping on her clothes. "WHAT WAS THAT GAME?! I KNOW SHE CAUSED THE GRUDGE THROUGH YOU, WHAT WAS THE GAME?!" He yelled, confused.

"The...the game..?" She muttered, quickly looking down. "Ah, yes, the murder game..." She continued, "She loved it. She loved torturing people, was insane."

"And you know who was her first victim? Him. The guy who cloned me." She gagged, quickly stopping right after. "And after so many years, I can finally stop that disgusting game."

She sighed, frustratingly trying to pry Ty's hands away. "You know how?" She asked, staring at him with a half-hearted smile. He stared daggers, his wrists being held back by her hands.

"Adam. What a nice guy, he just let me in and...hit his head like that. He didn't even speak a word about it, because I hit him of course. Isn't that nice?" She blurted out, chuckling in between the sentences.

Ty's furious expression suddenly etched onto a horrified one, his eyes glazed over with salty tears like a shiny jelly bean. "You...y-you didn't. YOU DIDN'T!" He bellowed, shutting his eyes tight.

"Oh, but I did. Don't worry, he's okay." She lied, continuing to smile as she gripped on tighter to Ty's wrists.

"BUT WHY?!" He yelled, taking a step back and pushing away her hands. "I...I wanted to protect..." She replied, being abruptly stopped by Ty's sobs.

"WHAT?! YOUR DIGNITY, YOUR LIFE?! IF THAT'S IT, THEN WHY D-DIDN'T YOU GO GET KIDNAPPED THEN, HUH?!" He screamed, his voice heightening in anger. He quickly squeaked after, trying to cover up his loud bawling on his arm.

Kia started to let the waterworks drip, sniffing quite uncontrollably. "To protect...protect you all..." She mumbled, making Ty give a death glare.

"I don't know how you came up with fucking idiotic idea. Why the fuck would you protect everyone...if the man that bonds them together was taken away by the likes of a liar like you?"

Kia flinched and stared with wide eyes down at the floor, the tears flowing stronger. "I'm sorry. P-Please forgi-"

"No way in fucking eternity. Get out of my face. I don't need liars like you as a recruit, no one needs you." He flatly said, pointing out the door. She clenched her fists for a moment, hissing at the tears.

"Fine." She spat, quickly stomping out to her room. Gathering whatever important stuff she needs into her inventory, she quickly went out and proceeded to the door, her gaze still focused on the floor.

She opened the door, stopping as she bumped into a recruit. She quickly looked up, her face stained with a trail of tears. She stared at Bloodie's purple eyes, gaining a quick wave of concern.

"D-Dear, are you oka-" He stopped, being quickly passed by the tall girl. A silence passed the two, besides Kia's uncontrollable sniffing that is.

I'm sorry.



i'm surprised i didn't get sad or cry while writing this haha

i usually do

i'm a softy for sad things huhuuh

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