Chapter 45: Final Month

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It's been a few days since that 'talk' happened. We practiced nonstop, breaking our sleep schedule. There are times when we sleep in the afternoon, or not sleep at all.

We promised to come back, and we'll fulfill that promise.

At least a month passed once again, leavong us with one more month to prepare. Our skills were on point, not much to practice on anymore.

If my memory was right, it was already November. It was a cold and breezy morning, the dim blue sky slowly fading into a soft blue.

I stared out the window, feeling the cold wind hit my face. I continued to stare at the distance, looking at the people who walked by with their white wings raised.

I sighed and stepped away from the window, making my way out the door. I walked down the large staircase, gripping on the jacket that hung on my shoulders.

I slowly opened the door connected to the porch, peeking out. I darted my eyes over to Kia, seeing her covered in a white sweater and a yellow scarf.

"Hey." She spoke, startling me. "How'd you know I was here?" I responded, creaking the door open. "Not everything is quiet." She replied, leaning over to the wall by the door.

I sat down, putting on the jacket. "Why so down?" I asked. She didn't say anything, just stared away from the house.

"I hate this month." She replied, continuing stare off. I raised a brow, taking small glances at where she looked. She quickly glared at me, slowly moving away her hands.

I looked at flinched, quickly looking. "Oh, right. It's almost his birthday, isn't it?" I said, shuffling my feet uncomfortably.

I stared down, frowning slightly. "I'm sorry. It's really important and we can't..." I drifted off, frowning more. She tapped my shoulder, sitting down on the empty spot next to me.

I turned to look, trying to avoid her gaze as much as possible. She smiled, trying to look away as well. "It's okay. Let's just give the most we can give." She said, forcing her smile to stay on her face.

I smiled as well, but only gave off a tiny bit. My grin quickly went away, feeling the breeze quickly turn into a strong wind.

I quickly stood and walked inside, shutting all the windows. I peeked back outside, glancing at her. I stood still for a moment, only letting the wind break the silence.

She looked back and stared, making me stare back. I blinked, awkwardly walking away from the door. I amde some coffee, wasting some time.

Notch came over once again, giving us another practice session.

It was just another day.


school is boring

so fucking boring

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see you later assholes



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