Chapter 39: It'll be Okay (Part 1)

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this is gonna be extremely sloppy 

prepare for stupid and tired writing


I stared, the water still flowing down my arm. Please don't look at me. It echoed in my head, cringing at the gloved hands grasp onto my arm.

"Ty, why are you cutting again." He asked, well, more of demanded. He glared, yet still looked concerned. I shook, taking step back.

"Don't look." I blurted out, trying to pry away his hands. "Tell me Ty, why are you cutting again?" He asked more softly, still gripping tightly on my arms.

I didn't budge, scared to make a single sound. "Please Ty...I wanna help." He continued, loosening the grip. "I...I'm.."

"I'm ugly, aren't I?" I asked, looking down at the bloodstained tiles. "Ty, you're not. Stop that." He quickly replied, stroking my head.

"I know you don't believe that Jason, I know you hate me. Why else would you get mad at me all the time?" I denied, my vision starting to blur out once again.

"Ty, you know very well that I just wanted to protect you and their rights. You know I was just worried." He said, continuing.

I whimpered and tried to push him away, Feeling the tears starting to quickly fall from my eyes. "Ty, you are not ugly. I know that, Adam knows that, we all know that." He stated, keeping still.

"It'll be okay, I promise."


.: Bodil's POV :. (surprise cactus lovers you have waited long enough)

Haha, that's right readers, I'll break down this wall and tell you what's gonna happen. Let's go on an adventure~

I walked out of the base, off back to my own house. I didn't live in the base unlike the others, since I was pretty uncomfortable with the thought of bothering some people with my awkward laugh. But aren't we all like that sometimes?

I lived close to the forest, you know, the one close to the base? Yeah, that. Which means I lived close to Kia, but we didn't really talk all the much. Just yelling 'Good morning' like any good neighbor would do.

But that didn't mean I wasn't close enough to not know about the fire. I got notified, not by the recruits, but by my own eyes.

I stood there, staring at the dying ashes. That stupid scream is still haunting. I can feel that she tried to hold it in, but couldn't through the intense heat. (Excuse the pun)

It's been a few days since that incident happened, and we're having no plans to make a funeral for her. As cruel as that sounds, it's just because we don't have time for another.

Okay, enough about that, I know you're disinterested in an overused topic.

Like I said, I was walking out of the base, off back to my own house. I passed her house once again, still seeing the black haired boy sitting lonely on the doorstep.

His tail twitched, which was weird because I can assure you people do not have tails. I brushed it off and continued to walk, but still taking small glances.

After feeling the guilt of leaving him alone, I ran back and walked over. Unsure of what to say, I just sat down next to him quietly.

I poked his arm, giving a sheepish smile. "Hey." I spoke, but getting no reply as he just sat there.

This is gonna take a while.


i'll continue this in the morning i'm sorry

it's 3 am what do you want me to do, die????

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